Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1186 The whole army strikes out against the G family!

Outside the city of purgatory.

In the various wild areas, countless players who were killing monsters and leveling up were engulfed by the black mist that came in before they could react!

Even many wild monsters were engulfed by the black mist.

In the black fog, there seems to be some kind of powerful magical beast attacking the players and wild monsters swallowed by the black fog!

However, the black mist did not stop in a certain area, but quickly approached Purgatory City.

Those players who are swallowed by the black fog will probably stay in the black fog for 5-10 seconds.

At least two-thirds of the players and wild monsters will die directly in the black fog!

After the black fog passes, only one-third of the players will survive.

Those players who survived the looting of the black mist are full of skin and flesh, and their faces are full of fear.


"The monster is here! Everyone run, everyone go back to the city!"

In the chat area of ​​Purgatory City, there were calls from players who had been looted by black fog on the outside, or who were about to be engulfed by black fog.

So at this moment, all the players began to frantically run towards Purgatory City.

Some players who carry the City Return Scroll directly crush the City Return Scroll and return to the city!

Black fog at a speed of ten meters per second.

It only took ten minutes to reach the Purgatory City!

At this time, in addition to being too late to escape, he was directly obliterated by the black fog.

The rest of the players have fled back to Purgatory City.

There are no players outside the city.

A large number of players stood in the aisle above the city wall, recuperating from the black fog that swept across the city, and fell into unprecedented panic.

"There is something in this black fog! There are monsters!" After experiencing the black fog, a knight player who survived by chance and used the city return scroll to return to the city shouted at the black fog.

Thinking of the scene he just experienced, he still has lingering fears until now: "And those killed by these monsters will not trigger resurrection!"

The crowd panicked.

"What the hell is he in this fog?"

"Ghost knows! But they do a lot of damage, and they almost killed me just a few times!"

"Have you seen how many monsters they are?"

"I can't see it! My master-level exploration technique can see the highest level of monster attributes higher than my own level 15, but I can't see their level! Visually, it is at least level 180!"

"Can you see what it looks like?"

"I can't see it at all, there is chaos in the black fog, like being beaten by a wild beast, and my body is full of tearing pains!"

When a group of players are talking about it.

Zhang Yi, who was stationed outside the north gate of Purgatory City, looked at the black mist approaching in front, and said to Xing Tian and the others, "This is the first wave of the ghost clan's attack."

Hearing this, Xing Tian asked, "How many waves are there in total?"

"30 waves."

Zhang Yi's answer shocked everyone.

Zhang Yi went on to say: "They will complete the invasion within three days. We need to resist a total of 30 invasions. If we resist all of them, we will win."

"If it can't be resisted, the whole city will be destroyed."

"In the beginning, they were relatively small in scale, and in later scale and strength, they will become more and more powerful."

Even if prepared in advance.

At this moment, the players from the three major families who were stationed at the north gate of Purgatory City with Zhang Yi and the others could not help but feel an unprecedented fear!

Some people can't help shaking their legs.

They are afraid.

Because of the enemy this time, they have never seen it before!

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "Don't be afraid, as long as there is still a chance to be resurrected, even if you are killed by them, within 24 hours, others can resurrect you."

"Don't let them enter the city!"

Following Zhang Yi's order.

The rank 167 sixth-rank ghost swordsman Xing Tian drew his sword with a "wow" and stared at the black mist that was approaching rapidly ahead.

Shouting: "Kill!"

The voice just fell.

The first god Xingtian on the Demon Clan Heaven Ranking in Purgatory City, and the first god on the Alien Heaven Ranking in Purgatory City are the best.

Two god-level talents and hidden professional powerhouses personally led the team, rode mounts, and rushed towards the black mist!

Behind him, the players of the three major families also followed and launched a charge!

at the same time.

The east gate, south gate and west gate of Purgatory City, the royal family in charge of the garrison, the main force of the sword pavilion and the resurrection, also launched a charge against the black mist!

The scattered players in Purgatory City are currently in a state of fright and panic, and they dare not face this unknown enemy.

Leading the charge, only the three major families!

East Gate here.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen rushed into the black fog.

There was a roar and roar of a wild beast immediately in his ears.

Xing Tian listened to the sound to identify the position.

The "swipe" sword slashed down a giant beast that was rushing towards him!

After inserting it on the ground, Xing Tian could see clearly what the monster looked like.

I saw that the monster was a four-legged beast with extremely rotten minced meat hanging on its body, as if it had been dead for a long time and was resurrected!

And exudes a foul odor.

Master-level exploration display data: lv180 Ghost Beast Pioneer!

The first wave of invasion

The ghost monster has actually reached level 180! !

Xing Tian was a little surprised.

Then, he quickly swung the ghost sword and slashed the ghost beast pioneer in a row.

The damage of nearly 200 million one after another frantically consumed the blood bar above the head of the Ghost Beast Pioneer.

At the same time, two other royal family level 165 warrior players rushed over to assist Xing Tian, ​​each with 20 to 30 million damage, stabbed the ghost beast pioneer to death!

The elite members of the royal family can only reach this level of strength.

Mainly because the level of these ghost beasts is too high!

The next moment, Xing Tian locked another target and launched an attack!

Around Purgatory City, half of the millions of players from the three major families have entered the black fog to fight ghosts and beasts!

The remaining half is stationed inside and outside the defense tower, on standby.

The fierce fighting and screams from the black fog could not help but make people tremble with fear!

Soon, Yiqi Juechen probably figured out the situation of this ghost clan advance force, and sent a message to Zhang Yi: "180-level ordinary ghost beast, no ghost king, according to the density of stations and the perimeter of Purgatory City, the scale is roughly Between 100,000-200,000."

The first wave of invasion, this scale, is indeed very small.

They do not have the ability to enter the city, and they no longer need to continue to defend the city.

All it takes is one go, kill them, and get them out of town!

Received the news of a ride.

Zhang Yi, who was above the defense tower, raised the scepter of fire.

An order was given: "All troops attack!"


Accompanied by an overwhelming cry.

Countless players from the three major families took the guy and rushed towards the black mist!


A loud dragon roared.

Zhang Yi rode the fourth-order Dragon Emperor Babu, soared from the top of the defense tower, and flew straight to the black fog in front of him...

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