Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1192 Return to the Giant Tribe

So far, the invading power of the ghost clan is not enough to reach the point where they can attack the city gate.

Around the twentieth wave, they will begin to pose a certain threat to the player's main city.

But for Purgatory City, it doesn't matter much.

The defense towers built by the three major families outside the four city gates and strengthened by elemental spar have long been waiting for the battle.

At this point, Zhang Yi and the others can also go to find the ghost king with peace of mind!

en route.

Zhang Yi, who was driving the minibus, overlooked the land.

I can only see: under the background of the red moonlight, the earth has been dyed bright red.

And looking around, there is no one in the wild!

It makes people feel that the whole world seems to be falling.

At this time, Yiqi Juechen, who was riding on the back of the dragon, was a little worried: "Even if we find the ghost king, we only have so few people, and we should not be able to deal with two four-star ghost kings, plus a five-star ghost king, and also There are so many three-star ghost kings."

"Our main purpose is to stop them from resurrecting the boss."

Zhang Yi said: "When the time comes, look at the situation first. If the situation allows, if you can solve them, they will be solved incidentally. If you can't, withdraw."

First of all, Zhang Yi, relying on his impression, came to the first place where the goblin brought him before: the dead woods!

At that time, the goblin knocked on the ground in this dead wood, and then knocked out the entrance of the underground passage.

Zhang Yi followed suit.

A few people with Xingtian are located in the dry woods.

Then, Zhang Yi found the place where the goblin knocked before, squatted down, knocked left and knocked right.

There was no movement in the forest, and there was no entrance on the ground!

Xing Tian and the others also knocked in other places, and found that no matter where they knocked, there was no movement.

"This entrance should have been closed, let's replace it with the next one."

Having said that, Zhang Yi and the others rode the minibus again, left the dry woods, and came to the second location.

These are the three passages that the goblin princess guided when Zhang Yi received the quest [The Redemption of the Goblin Clan, and came up to contact the three major families and prepare to march into the giant clan together.

At that time, the three major families were divided into three paths, entering through these three passages respectively, and then converging in the giant tribe.

However, what they didn't expect was: Zhang Yi and the others found the three channels in turn, but found that all three channels were closed!

Wan Duzi, how did you get into the giant tribe?

"It can only be entered through the entrance of the ghost king and the giant tribe."

Zhang Yi said: "If the ghosts want to enter the underground, they must also open the passage. Let's find the passage they left behind."

The location of the giant tribe is probably in the middle of the three passages guided by the goblin princess, thousands of meters underground!

Therefore, the scope of the entrance can be reduced to between these three points!

A triangular area is formed, Zhang Yi and the others will start an inventory in this triangular area!

Five people, divided into four groups.

Fatty followed Zhang Yi all the way.

Xingtian, one ride to Juechen, one leaf and one boat, they all went their separate ways.

The five kept close contact with each other, while conducting inspections in the triangular area.

This area is also not small.

Several people did not let go of any corner, after a search.

It really made Yi Ye Guzhou discover the entrance opened by the ghost clan!

In a silent valley, a lonely boat hides behind a big rock, with only one head exposed, looking out at the valley ahead.

I saw that outside the valley, there were hundreds of fully armed ghost clan forbidden soldiers, waiting in battle!

This place inexplicably appeared the ghost clan forbidden army, which is definitely not normal.

So Yi Ye Guzhou immediately contacted Zhang Yi and the others, and after sending them the location, he continued to hide behind the stone.

For the time being, he was alone and did not act rashly.


Zhang Yi and the others rushed over from several different directions.

Until the five people gather together.

Following Yi Ye Guzhou's gaze, Zhang Yi was overjoyed when he saw the hundred Golden Armored Ghost Clan forbidden soldiers stationed outside the valley, "It seems that this is the place! The entrance should be within the valley."

Zhang Yi looked at the hundred ghost clan banned soldiers, and then looked at the time: 3:02 in the morning!

Every wave of the ghost clan's invasion is about ten minutes.

Zhang Yi then said, "There are still eight minutes to go, so we can resolve them quickly and resolve them before the next wave of ghosts arrives."

Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, and the others drew their swords and entered a fighting stance.

Obviously they all understand: to enter the entrance, they must deal with this ghost patrol!

One hundred ghosts banned soldiers, equivalent to one hundred level 180 lord monsters!

This is not easy to deal with.

However, Zhang Yi and the others were not afraid.

Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen were the front row.

Each holding a sword and shield, rushed into the valley!

The ghost clan forbidden soldiers stationed outside the valley immediately entered a fighting stance when they saw someone approaching!


As the leader of a soldier is a forbidden soldier, he rises up with his sword drawn.

Long sword swing.

Behind him, dozens of warriors and knight-type ghost clan forbidden soldiers charged towards Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen!

Behind him, there are dozens of other forbidden soldiers of the mages and archers. They picked up their weapons and aimed them at Xingtian!

There are no extra actions.

The two sides immediately fell into war!

The 168-level ghost swordsman Xing Tian, ​​with a god-level talent of steel, rushed directly into the enemy group.

Holding a ghost sword, let's kill!

Yiqi Juechen activates the golden skill [Guardian of Darkness, and with the good defensive ability of the 168-level Thunder Knights, at the same time resists the attacks of several ghost clan forbidden soldiers!

Whoosh whoosh—

Countless sharp arrows flew from the rear, and a ride in the middle was Juechen.

Under the protection of the [Guardian of Darkness, for 10 seconds, the damage received by Yiqi Juechen will remain unchanged, but 90% of the damage will be absorbed!

It is also equivalent to having a steel body that is 90% free from injury.

Those sharp arrows hit Yiqi Juechen, causing more than 100 million damage.

Under the protection of the Dark Guardian, the actual damage that Yiqi Juechen suffered was only more than 10 million single times!

The rest of the damage was absorbed.

As everyone knows, Yiqi Juechen has already activated the talent enhancement skills, and in a short period of time, it has upgraded the ten times the damage to the hundred times the damage!

The next moment, those archers who fired at Yiqi Juechen were banned from the archers, and they received astonishing damages of more than 10 billion!

A level 180 lord monster has more than 20 billion blood.

They attacked in one round, but destroyed their own half-life!

And they don't know it at all.

Then he continued to fire at Yiqi Juechen.

The effect of 100 times the damage has not faded away.

They have been re-injured by up to tens of billions!

In an instant, the archers banned soldiers in a large area fell down one after another!

At this time.

A huge golden enchantment appeared in the air.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless golden lights fell from the enchantment, and they bombarded the banned soldiers around Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and them in a disorderly manner, setting them all in place!

In the rear, the adjudicator Fatty is casting a spell.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi rode a giant dragon and leaped from the air...

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