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Chapter 1194 The technique of resurrection, the giant leader reappears!

These corpse worms were summoned from the ground by the ghost king Luxi who split the ground.

The single attack performance is not strong, the key is that they are huge!

With a suicide attack, those corpse worms will explode once they touch the human body, causing a fixed 1% maximum HP damage!

And this damage ignores all damage-free effects!

Xing Tian, ​​who was surrounded by corpses, saw his blood bar drop rapidly, and the bottom was seen in an instant!

At this time, Zhang Yi extinguished with a stream of light, summoned a fire dragon, and swept away among the corpses.

A large number of corpse worms within a large area were directly emptied by one move!

Combined with the powerful blood-sucking brought by the Blood-devouring Dragon Soul.

Xingtian's blood volume was instantly restored to full value!

The next moment, the ghost king Lucy and the ghost king Glenn ran straight towards Zhang Yi, who hated the most!

The aura of the Samsung Ghost King should not be so strong.

After all, before this, there were already four three-star ghost kings who died in Zhang Yi's hands!

They are the Ghost King Buye and the three Ghost King brothers!

The reason why these two three-star ghost kings are so powerful at the moment is because they are still in the stage of exuberant ghost aura.

They absorb the ghost energy, which greatly increases the combat effectiveness!

But in front of Zhang Yi, it was still not worth mentioning.

Behind him, the fat man cast a spell to control the ghost king Glenn.

Zhang Yi is the ghost king Luxi.

Boom boom boom!

Fireball, Aurora, Freezing and World Destruction, all combined with the strengthening of the fire-bathing dragon soul, transformed into fire dragons, blooming on the ghost king Lucy!


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Ghost King Luci's blood bar keeps dropping!

at the same time.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen also charged over, cooperating with the Dragon Blood Knight and Soul Reaper summoned by Zhang Yi, locked on the two ghost kings, and launched a fierce attack!

I am afraid that even these two ghost kings did not expect: the human beings they are facing at the moment are actually so powerful!

Is it because they have been sealed for thousands of years, and now the human beings in this world have become so powerful? ?

Zhang Yi, who even killed the five-star ghost king, cooperated with his teammates and the Warcraft Group to deal a devastating blow to the two three-star ghost kings!

And just when these two ghost kings were lost, they were about to lose the battle.


A deafening roar came from the black fog ahead!

At the same time, the sky-high red light in the black fog disappeared.

Zhang Yi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be that the giant commander has been resurrected?

Facts have proved: Zhang Yi guessed right!

Boom boom boom!

Several strong shock waves were stunned from the black fog.

The coverage is extremely wide, and even if Zhang Yi and the others are aware of it, there is nowhere to hide.

Several people were engulfed by the shock wave!

Under the protection of [Guardian Dragon Soul's up to 90% injury-free protection], he was hit by five consecutive shock waves, and the blood bars on the heads of several people on the field also dropped a lot!

next moment.



With a burst of earth shaking.

I saw a super giant with a height of five meters, wearing a golden armor, a silver crown, and a cape on the back, walking out of the black fog with a huge double-edged sword!

This giant is the 42-star Jin-name BOSS who was killed by Zhang Yi and the others a few days ago in the giant tribe. The giant leader: Anku!

At this moment, the giant leader exudes a stench of carrion.

And the eyes are emitting blue light!

It has been successfully transformed into a ghost servant by the ghost king!


The giant leader let out a roar.

They rushed towards Zhang Yi and the others!

Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian went to resist, but the giant commander swung a double-edged sword, and the knife flew dozens of meters away!

Zhang Yi quickly summoned the three-headed lord dragon and focused fire to attack the giant lord.

In front of the giant leader, a huge crack appeared, absorbing all the attacks of the three-headed dragon.

In the blink of an eye, a black crack opened again from the back of the three-headed dragon, and the dragon flame that had just been absorbed into it shot out from the crack, killing the three-headed dragon in an instant!

Even the dragons themselves can't bear the damage of level 177 lord dragons!

This scene shocked Zhang Yi a little.

The current giant leader Anku has not only returned from the dead, but also has the assistance of several ghost kings at the same time!

The crack that absorbed the damage just now was obviously released by the high-star ghost king in the black mist!

After avoiding the dragon's attack.

The giant leader rushed towards Yiqi Juechen who had just climbed up from the ground.

Brush brush brush brush!

The big sword was swung, and it continuously slashed Yiqi Juechen.

Xing Tian, ​​who was on the side, was going to help Yiqi Juechen, but before he got close to the past, the giant commander Anku released a sword light from a distance and sent it flying!

42-star golden ID BOSS, the combat effectiveness at this stage is really too strong!

You must know that the last time he summoned the seventh-order Dragon Emperor with a single leaf boat, he killed it.

Otherwise, with Zhang Yi's strength, it is impossible to compete with

Giants lead the fight!

And now Zhang Yi, compared to the last time.

He now has a 43-star slayer suit, and his strength has improved a lot.

A set skill [Killing, can easily cause 1.84 billion real damage to the leader of giants.

But this time, the Giant Leader is not alone.

It also has "teammates"!

While Zhang Yi was attacking the giant leader, he was also attacked by the ghost king!

The ghost king Glenn couldn't move because he was restrained by the fat man.

It's up to the Ghost King Luxi to interfere with Zhang Yi!

"Fatty, control the boss!" Zhang Yi hurriedly shouted at Fatty.

Fat man is not ambiguous.

Transfer the control target from the ghost king Glenn to Anku, the giant commander who is killing Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen.

Yi Ye Guzhou was stationed beside Fatty, trying his best to protect Fatty, preventing the two ghost kings and the corpse worms still burrowing out of the cracks from approaching Fatty.

Never thought about the next moment.

The black fog in front suddenly spreads to the surroundings.

In an instant, almost the entire giant tribe was shrouded in black mist!

Zhang Yi and the others were in the thick black fog with visibility less than half a meter, and they were constantly attacked by corpse insects!

"Avoid their territory and lead them out to fight!"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Behind him, a murderous intent struck.

As soon as Zhang Yi pulled away, he was immediately hit by a powerful dark force, and the whole person took a few steps back.

But in the blink of an eye, that power shifted to the other side.

Not just one side.

Front, back, left and right, seems to be the enemy!

Except for the ghost king Glenn and the ghost king Lucy.

The rest of the ghost kings have all started to act!

And at this moment, they are around Zhang Yi and the others!

In the darkness, Yi Ye Guzhou's voice came: "Senior!"

"What would be the consequences if they were let out of here?"

"Let the giants go out, and the city of purgatory will face extinction!"

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