Purgatory City.

With the help of the defense tower, the players once again repelled the ghost invasion and successfully defended the Purgatory City for the 25th time!

This time, none of the ghost monsters had a chance to rush into the city!

Until this moment, the 50 million players in Purgatory City did not understand how powerful the defense towers that Zhang Yi, the Royal Family, the Sword Pavilion, and the Resurgents had built with their painstaking efforts before, had a great effect on Purgatory City!

And other secondary main cities have been hit hard on different scales!

The forbidden soldiers of the ghost tribe attacked the city and massacred the NPCs and the players in the city!

Even among them, many players who have used up all resurrection opportunities and are ready to take refuge in the city are also permanently obliterated!

The status quo of the major cities are all in dire straits, and it can be said that the people are struggling to survive!

What they don't know is that relative to the remaining 5 rounds of invasion.

This 25th round of invasion is just the beginning!

The last 5 rounds will be crueler than round.

Especially in the last round, the high-level ghost king personally dispatched, and all the main cities will be hit hard!

According to historical records.

In the last life, when the ghost clan first invaded the world of Apocalypse, there were two secondary main cities all over the world fell.

The energy core of the main city was destroyed by the ghosts, causing the entire main city to be destroyed!

At least half a year later, the main city can be restored.

Before that, players could only eat and sleep in the open air, live in the wild, and live with death day and night!

After successfully resisting the 25th wave of invasion.

Players in Purgatory City have not had time to rejoice, and the system immediately sent a message: the 26th wave of the ghost clan invasion will come in one hour!

"The frequency of their attacks has increased!"

At the east gate of Purgatory City, Lin Xi, who heard the system news, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Huang Wuji said: "It's not that they speed up, but the time we fight against is getting longer and longer."

Every previous round of invasion could basically end in about half an hour.

And this time, it dragged on for an hour!

As a result, the next wave of invasion that originally came in two hours became only one hour left!

"They're getting more and more aggressive."

Huang Wuji opened the message interface, looked at Zhang Yi, who had not received a reply so far, and fell silent.

Because Zhang Yi and their IDs are normal white.

The permanent death is gray, and the checkmate state killed by the ghost monster is black.

It means that Zhang Yi and the others are still alive.

But why haven't you replied?

While waiting for the 26th wave of the Oni invasion...

Underground, giant tribe.

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian were still trying to break through the ghost clan formation that was imprisoning them.

However, the circle that closed all the entrances and exits seemed to have no way to break through.

Zhang Yi and the others tried all means, but they couldn't break through.

Check the time.

Before I knew it, it was already five in the morning.

Yiqi Juechen said solemnly: "According to the time, there are only ten minutes left, and the last wave of the ghost clan's invasion will arrive."


Zhang Yidao: "We are trapped inside, and people outside will definitely not be able to come in. It seems that the only way is to wait for the ghost clan to retreat, and this magic circle should be solved by itself."

Zhang Yi guessed.

In fact, Juggernaut has long since brought people over to look for it based on the position Zhang Yi explained when he entered the giant tribe yesterday.

It's just that they didn't find any channel to enter the giant tribe, and they had no choice but to withdraw to Purgatory City.

At this time, Xing Tian was a little worried: "Can Purgatory City survive this crisis?"

"It depends on whether the ghost king has other actions." Zhang Yi said: "We have stopped them from resurrecting the giant commander, and we have also solved the five three-star ghost kings. Logically, if the last wave of invasion cannot wipe out the ghost clan, resist it. They're two hours, no problem."

Standing at the edge of one of the exits sealed by the magic circle, Xing Tian suddenly punched the stone wall, burning with anger: "If you let me out, I will personally deal with the ghost king who set up this magic circle!"

Yiqi Juechen sat down leisurely on a stone next to him: "But now it seems that we can't participate in the last wave of invasion."

While a few people were talking.

The formation behind him suddenly burst into waves!

Just when Zhang Yi and the others thought it was the return of the ghost king, they were arguing with each other, preparing to meet the enemy.


In the black magic circle, two things came in!

Zhang Yi and the others saw that the people who came in were actually two dwarf goblins with a height of only 70 to 80 centimeters!

Taking a closer look, I found that it was the goblin businessman that Zhang Yi and the others contacted some time ago, and the goblin princess who was rescued by Zhang Yi and the others in the giant tribe!

Good guy, these two little guys are actually here!

I don't know why, when Zhang Yi saw the goblin and the goblin princess, Zhang Yi suddenly felt a very kind feeling!

The goblin and goblin princess felt the same way.

When they saw their benefactors, they danced.

It seems to be thinking of something.

Zhang Yi asked the two goblins, "Can you take us out?"

goblin princess

Immediately nodded.

What Zhang Yi and the others didn't know was that the goblin and the goblin princess were here to rescue Zhang Yi and the others!

Because they were underground, they had come into contact with Zhang Yi's aura before, and realized that Zhang Yi and the others were trapped in the giant tribe, so they came here on purpose!

Seeing this, Xingtian and the others burst into joy.

The goblin didn't speak either, and acted directly.

I saw the goblin merchants go straight back and forth through the black magic circle, signaling Zhang Yi and the others to do the same.

But Xingtian and the others came into contact with the magic circle, but they were bounced back!

It seems that these magic circles are only useful for players, but not for goblins.

After all, the underground is the home of goblins!

The goblin princess immediately patted the goblin merchant's head, as if to scold him for being stupid.

Then, the goblin princess pointed to the ground.

The goblin merchant took a while to figure out.

Without further ado, it immediately took out a hoe from a cloth pocket it carried, and started digging against the ground!

"What is it doing?" One Leaf Guzhou was a little puzzled.

Fatty, who has always been silent, came to his senses at this time: "It is digging a tunnel, trying to bypass this circle and link the passage behind the circle!"

Xing Tian was a little puzzled: "This... how long does it take to dig?"

"Digging tunnels is a goblin's strength."

Zhang Yi said, "It shouldn't take long."

Look at the goblins who are digging tunnels hard.

Zhang Yi immediately said to the few people around him: "Rest in place and prepare for the last wave of invasion!"


Five ten in the morning.

In the air, the situation changed suddenly, and lightning flashed and thundered.

Around the city of Purgatory, there is darkness.

The last wave of the ghost clan's invasion has finally come...

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