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Chapter 1205 Destroy the Soul City

Follow the sound.

The ghost king Lord rushed to the city, next to an ancient well.

I can only see bursts of golden light bursting out of the ancient well!

next moment.

"Wow" a beam of golden light shot out from it.

He landed next to the well and turned into a human in a black robe!

This black-robed human is none other than Zhang Yi!

It turned out that all the ghost soldiers and generals in Soul Destruction City were killed by Zhang Yi!

With Zhang Yi's strength, these level 180 ghost soldiers are not his opponents at all.

In just ten minutes, Zhang Yi had dealt with all the ghost soldiers and generals in Soul Destruction City.

It was through this method that Zhang Yi let the ghost king Lord know that his backyard was on fire, so he had to withdraw in advance and rush back to his nest!

In this way, Zhang Yi saved the purgatory city!

And the reason why I found the location of Soul Destruction City is thanks to that ghost king guard: Mosen!

From Mosen's memory, Zhang Yi not only learned the plan of the ghost kings to resurrect the giant leaders, but also learned the location of their ghost clan by the way!

As a result, Zhang Yi found Soul Destruction City based on his memory!

Outsiders could not easily step into the main city of the ghost clan, unless they were of the ghost clan bloodline.

However, Zhang Yi has the three-star Ghost King Ling.

Those who hold the Ghost King Token of three or more stars can freely enter and leave the main city of the ghost clan!

Although the purgatory city was saved.

But at the same time, it also made Zhang Yi's own situation fall into dire straits.

You know, at this moment, Zhang Yi is in the base of the ghost clan.

In all directions, all are ghost monsters!

Even the six-star ghost king Lord, standing in front of him!

Zhang Yi naturally expected this result.

So, he was already prepared.

The ghost king Lord looked at Zhang Yi, and said in a very low voice, "Mortal, you broke into my king's city and killed my favorite general. Do you know what the outcome will be for you?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "Since I'm here, I must be prepared."

As he spoke, Zhang Yi suddenly raised a silver token in his hand.

Seeing the token, the ghost soldiers and generals around them retreated in awe.

Even the ghost king Lord, couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Guardian Token!"

Lorde was shocked: "Why is the defense token of Soul Destruction City in your hands?"

It turned out that the main purpose of Zhang Yi's entry into Soul Destruction City was to attract the attention of the ghost clan by attacking their lair and save Purgatory City.

Another one, Zhang Yi came here with the purpose of finding the secrets of the ghost clan and destroying the ghost clan's station in Purgatory City!

The last time in the main city of the ghost clan on the other side of Liuguang City, Zhang Yi also destroyed the main city of the ghost clan through the defense token found on the body of the candle dragon!

So this time, Zhang Yi followed suit.

Through the magic scroll of the gods that he got from the gods he met in the main city of the ghost clan in Liuguang City last time [the aura of the gods on the son of gods, he found the place to hide the token of the soul destroying the city and defending the city, which is this An ancient well that looks unremarkable.

In the ancient well, Zhang Yi got the token that even the ghost king Lord, they didn't expect to destroy the city and defend the city!

The defense token is the heart of the main city of the ghost clan.

Holders of the city-defense token, if they are from the ghost clan, can pass the token to command all the ghost soldiers and generals in the entire main city corresponding to the token!

The non-ghost people get the defense token. As long as the token is in their possession, including the ghost king, they cannot attack the token holder!

The last time Zhang Yi destroyed the main city of the ghost clan on the other side of Liuguang City, it was by throwing the defense token into the blood pool.

This time, Zhang Yi intends to repeat the same trick.

At present, he has not found any good way to effectively deal with all the ghosts in the world of Apocalypse.

The only way is to break them one by one.

At least destroy the main city of the ghost clan on the side of the purgatory city, and in the future, the purgatory city will no longer be threatened by the ghost clan!

So, Zhang Yi directly held the token and walked straight towards the large group of ghost soldiers and generals in front.

For those who held the city defense token, those ghost soldiers and ghost generals retreated voluntarily to make way for Zhang Yi.

And this token is also what the ghost king Lord has been looking for for thousands of years.

Because it can not only be used to destroy Soul Destruction City, but also can be used to save Soul Destruction City!

A thousand years ago, the Lord God sealed all the ghost races in the world of Apocalypse and sealed them within the ghost race city.

The method of sealing is to put the city-defense token into a secret space that only Protoss, or those with the breath of the gods, can enter, and send a god to guard it.

If you can get the city defense token and disperse the seal power of the Lord God above, you can make the ghost clansmen in this main city reborn and never be affected by the seal again!

So, the ghost king Lord, who had been searching for the token for thousands of years, looked at the token in Zhang Yi's hand, which was in front of him.

Because he couldn't hurt the token holder, he said to Zhang Yi: "Human, if you can give me the token, I will give you the supreme authority under one person and over ten thousand people!"

"When our army kills Soul Destruction City and captures Purgatory City, from now on, Purgatory City will be fully taken over by you!"

The ghost king Lord is trying to confuse Zhang Yi.

It's a pity that Zhang Yi doesn't eat this set: "

Sorry, I'm not interested in your ghost clan. "

Zhang Yi quickly rushed to a blood pool in the city.

The ghost king Lord and a group of ghost followers followed closely.

Seeing that Zhang Yi deliberately wanted to throw the defense order into the blood pool and destroy it, the ghost king Lord Luo was shocked.

"and many more!"

"The power possessed by the ghosts is supreme. Except for the gods, there is no other race in this world that can rival the ghosts."

"Do you want to destroy an opportunity for you to gain supreme authority with your own hands?"

"After nine years, when the thousand-year seal is removed and the ghost race is reborn, the entire Apocalypse Continent will become the domain of the ghost race, and the human race, alien race, and demon race will cease to exist!"

"This is an opportunity that others can't ask for! If you can help me win the world, I will give you half of the country!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Lord and said, "Nine years, you won't live that long."

After speaking, Zhang Yi did not hesitate and threw the token directly into the blood pool.

"Puff" sounded.

The defense token fell into the blood pool and immediately melted.

The next moment, the city of Soul Destruction shook for a while.

Around, countless ghost monsters are also roaring, one after another, disappearing into ashes!

Soul Destruction City began to enter self-destruction mode because the token was destroyed!

at the same time.

An exit opened not far behind Zhang Yi.

This is the only exit that only Zhang Yi can pass, and it will only exist for a minute before Soul Destruction City is completely destroyed!

Zhang Yi immediately ran towards the exit.

Unexpectedly, the ghost king Lord, driving the skeleton horse, landed in front of Zhang Yi.

Its left shoulder is already starting to melt smoke.

"Human, you destroy my king city, I want you to die without a place to be buried!"

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