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Chapter 1212 Save the Ice Dragon Emperor

The dark dragon that suddenly appeared in the depths of the cave caught the attention of Zhang Yi and everyone.

Thought it was an ordinary caretaker, the players of the three major families were going to kill the black dragon.

The next moment, only to find out: this is actually a fifth-order dragon emperor!

On top of its head, a line of red ID is marked:

Lv185 Moon-devouring Dragon King: Kerr (Magic Department/Dark Dragon Race Fifth-Order Dragon King)!

A group of people was so frightened that they quickly put down the guy and didn't even dare to move forward!

Except for the Black Dragon Emperor who was sleeping on his stomach.

Inside the cave, there is also a white feathered dragon that is chained.

That feathered dragon is the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor: Tian Ji!

On the side, Xing Tian was a little unbelievable: "Where is this going? In the first stage, there will be a fifth-order Dragon Emperor. How will the next task be done?"

Only when Xingtian's voice just fell.

A system prompt suddenly fell from the sky——

"Ding~ Players, please pay attention: Please avoid the sight of the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor, and on the premise of not disturbing it as much as possible, rescue the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor: Tian Ji!"

The original purpose of the mission was to ask Zhang Yi and the others to avoid the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor and rescue the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor!

It is not necessary to kill this fifth-order black dragon to save Tian Ji.

After all, the system is set like this, and it is reasonable.

Because the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor Tianji is also a fifth-order Dragon Emperor.

If the guard's rank is lower than the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor, it is naturally impossible to catch the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor!

According to the setting of this plot, the player should avoid fighting with the fifth-order black dragon emperor and secretly rescue the ice and snow dragon emperor.

However, because the executor is Zhang Yi's relationship.

Therefore, the content of the task may have to be changed.

The fifth-order signature Dragon Emperor, this is a big piece of fat!

So, in Xingtian, they were going to sneak in carefully and rescue the Snow Dragon Emperor without disturbing the Moon Devouring Dragon Emperor.

Suddenly I heard Zhang Yi shout, "Hey!"

When Zhang Yi shouted like this, the Juggernauts and the others were terrified.

At the same time, the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor, who was sleeping on his stomach, was also awakened.

At this time, it seemed that something suddenly occurred to me.

Yiqi Juechen glanced at Zhang Yi and sighed: "I almost forgot, the fifth-order Dragon Emperor is no longer your opponent."

Because the fifth-order signature Dragon Emperor, at this stage, placed in front of ordinary players, it is simply an invincible existence.

But to the Dragon Soul Master Zhang Yi, there was no threat at all.

What's more, there is a judge on the scene!


Accompanied by a deafening roar.

In front, the huge black dragon lying on the ground resting, the Moon-devouring Dragon King: Kerr, got up from the ground!

It shook its huge body, and its eyes glowed red.

He opened his bloody mouth and roared again at Zhang Yi and everyone here.

The players of the three major families were in awe.

Although there is the first god of Purgatory City, Yinuo Qingcheng.

The powerful aura of the fifth-order Dragon Emperor still made them fearful.

At this time, a priest in a golden robe and holding a book of mantras stood out from the crowd.

The Moon-devouring Dragon Sovereign continued to roar violently, causing the ground to shake for a while.

As if it was about to devour the group of players in front of him!

Fatty moved forward and entered a 50-meter casting range.

The book of mantras in the left hand, and the palm of the right palm is aimed at Kerr.


A beam of golden streamer fell from the sky and hit the Moon-devouring Dragon King Kerr.

The next moment, the Moon-devouring Dragon Sovereign was frozen in place, unable to move.

Take this opportunity.

Zhang Yi held the Scepter of Bathing Fire and rushed forward with the triple gain buff.

Boom boom boom!

Aurora, Freeze, Fireball, World Destruction, and Slaughter with the gauze suit skills.

One after another single burst skills, after the strengthening of the fire-bathing dragon soul and the penetration of the slaughtering dragon soul.

It transforms into a fire dragon, runs through the body of the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor, and explodes a huge amount of damage between 2 billion and 3 billion on top of its head!

The 185-level fifth-order Dragon Emperor, with a total blood volume of 300 billion, is rapidly declining!

With one skill, Zhang Yi will almost destroy the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor's HP by 1%.

This damage can only be described as terrifying!

Behind him, the 10,000 players who followed up from the three major families were stunned.

At this moment, they don't even know what it means to enter this cave.

Because even the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor was restrained and unable to move, and was beaten like a live target.

This group of elite players from the three major families can only deal two or three million damage to the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor!

Not that they are too weak.

But the fifth-order signature Dragon Emperor is too strong!

And Zhang Yi is now collecting dragon soul points very fast.

Grandmaster-level dragon soul masters can directly receive 8,000 dragon soul points through the dragon soul ring every day.

By killing wild monsters, you can also get 20 dragon soul points.

The single consumption of using the dragon soul is still 1 point.

Zhang Yi is now collecting Dragon Soul Points very fast, and he has accumulated more than 100,000 Dragon Soul Points.

Consumes 150 Dragon Points

Soul value, summon three lord dragons.

Then, Zhang Yi summoned a group of monsters.

with the help of the adjudicator.

All-out focus on attacking the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor!

On the field, although the damage to the others was negligible, they were not idle either.

Cooperate with Zhang Yi to attack the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor!

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor will soon be killed!

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The huge body of the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor crashed to the ground.

This should be the second free movement until it dies after it wakes up and wakes up...

Before that, it had always been in a state of control that couldn't move.

This is a dead and extremely aggrieved fifth-order dragon emperor!

And under the rich experience reward of the 185-level fifth-order signature Dragon Emperor.

On the field, nearly two-thirds of the 10,000 players who participated in this battle have been upgraded!

The main reason is that their level is low and it is easier to upgrade.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi.

In this battle, he made the greatest contribution and gained the most experience.

In the end, the experience bar just increased from 12% at level 181 to 40% at level 181!

Only up 28 percentage points of experience!

The fifth-order Dragon Emperor should be able to explode a lot of good equipment of around 40 stars, even including artifacts.

However, for Zhang Yi, who is wearing a 45-star killer suit, these are not enough to interest him.

Hand over the spoils to Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others.

Zhang Yi walked directly over the corpse of the Moon-devouring Dragon Emperor.

Towards the depths of the cave, the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor: Tian Ji, who was bound by huge chains, walked over.

He was imprisoned here for over a week and suffered from the corruption of darkness for a long time.

At this time, Tian Ji was already weak.

The three lord dragons summoned by Zhang Yi are sitting beside Tian Ji.

They spit out dragon flames from their mouths and melted the chains that bound Tian Ji!

Tian Ji was rescued, and Zhang Yi received a system prompt.

"Ding~ Congratulations on your successful rescue of the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor: Tian Ji, the main quest is about to start, please complete the task with the guidance and assistance of Tian Ji!"

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