
With a loud bang.

Just in front of Zhang Yi and the others, a huge volcano that was originally silent suddenly erupted with a flame!

next moment.

roar roar...

Countless huge bird monsters, all burning with fire, flew out of the crater!

Among them, a few "firebirds" spotted Zhang Yi and the others near the volcano. They flapped their wings and flew towards Zhang Yi and the others on the land!

on land.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi and the four immediately entered the combat stance!

Using the god-level exploration technique, we learned that this firebird is a level 185 flame bat!

It seems that this guy is the overlord of the Volcanic Islands!

Just wait for three of the flame bats to come into range.

Zhang Yi raised the fire scepter.

Cast quickly.


A huge blue enchantment was transformed from the sky.

next moment.

Nine ice-blue giant dragons fell from the barrier, ramming the three flame bats in a messy manner.

After the double strengthening of the Frozen Dragon Soul and the Slaughter Dragon Soul, the golden chain lightning suddenly exploded several 900 million damages on those Flaming Mountains.

Without the strengthening of the Dragon Soul, Zhang Yi's damage is much lower.

It's just because the fire-bathed dragon soul and the ice-cold dragon soul cannot be used together.

However, at the next moment, Zhang Yi felt incredible: the ice dragon soul, which was supposed to have a 3-second freezing effect, was dissolved after only half a second of freezing the three flame bats!

Fire bats fly extremely fast.

Too late to think too much.

Zhang Yi then used the fire-bathed dragon soul to strengthen the fireball technique, triggering multiple attacks, splitting three fire dragons at the same time, hitting three fire bats.

Immediately, three injuries with only more than 500 million jumped from their heads!

"How can the damage be reduced so much?" Even Xing Tian and the others on the side were surprised.

at the same time.

With the 90% final speed bonus brought by the speed dragon soul.

Zhang Yi kept attacking with super fast hand speed.

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

After the skills were strengthened by the fire-bathing dragon soul, they split through multiple attacks, transformed into countless fire dragons, and swept toward the three flame bats!

I can only see: the damage that exploded on the top of the flame bat's head is only four or five billion!

Zhang Yi's damage has been greatly reduced!

At this time, the few flame bats had already approached.

Boom boom boom!

Several fireballs spit out of their mouths.

Level 170 Thunder Knight Yiqi Juechen immediately held a shield in front of Zhang Yi, blocking the attack for Zhang Yi.

The three fireballs hit Yiqi Juechen, but only brought more than 70 million skill damage to Yiqi Juechen three times.

And the three flame bats themselves received 700 million points of damage each ten times!

Seems to have realized something.

Zhang Yi changed his tactics.

No longer use the fire-bathed dragon soul to strengthen skills, just use the killing dragon soul to break the armor, and then combine the basic attack or the ice dragon soul to attack the flame bat.

Found that the damage is back to normal!

Only then did Zhang Yi understand: These flame bats are born with the fire element to avoid injury!

The flames on them can bring them up to 80% fire damage reduction!

In addition, if it is controlled, the control time will be reduced by 80%!

This ability is really worrying Zhang Yi.

Because his main output source is the fire-bathing dragon soul!

In addition, the damage bonus effect of fire skills also reaches 870%!

Don't use fire, wouldn't this kill Zhang Yi!

Fortunately, the adjudicator's control ignores all immune effects.

Fatty can still bring long and hard extreme control to the flame bats, making them immobile.

Take advantage of the opportunity of Fatty's spell to control the three flame bats.

Zhang Yi used skills unrelated to fire to quickly kill the three flame bats!

After the battle, start the analysis.

"Their fire protection and control reduction effect should all come from the flames on them."

Xing Tian said thoughtfully: "This is not just for you alone, I'm afraid it will be very unfavorable for most of us."

Zhang Yi nodded, he understood.

Because now, the mage's fireball technique, flame technique, and hot explosion.

And the archer's arrow of fire, Fire Shot.

Warrior's flame blessing.

For these professional players, these fire skills are almost their main source of output!

If you can't solve the problem of the fire bat and fire department's injury-free, the next battle in the Volcanic Islands will be very unfavorable for the resurrected family!

At least it can reduce the overall combat effectiveness by 50%!

The one who was most affected was Zhang Yi.

Without the Dragon Soul, his damage was more than doubled!

And the fireball technique, the body of flames, the technique of flames, and the fire of the earth. Bloodline skills, Hell Dragon Flame, these are all fire damage!

"There should be a way to get rid of the flames on them." Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully.

So, taking this as a goal, the four immediately started to act.


Fang, flame bats are still flying out of the erupting volcano.

At night, those flame bats have very keen vision, and they can spot Zhang Yi and the others at once.

Therefore, Zhang Yi and the others first spent some effort to eliminate all the flame bats flying out of the volcano.

Even if you can't use fire skills and fire dragon soul.

Relying on other attacks, Zhang Yi can also deal good damage.

It's just that Zhang Yi poses a much smaller threat to the flame bat than the fire-bathing dragon soul.

After dozens of minutes, the volcano stopped erupting.

And the hundreds of flame bats that emerged from it were also killed by Zhang Yi and the others.

At this time, Zhang Yi found that the heat of the volcano was dissipating, and the bottom was emitting red light, as if it was accumulating energy for the next eruption!

Looking around, I found that this is the case with all volcanoes.

According to the height of the red light, it can be judged when these volcanoes erupted!

Some are just past the middle, and some are already nearing the top.

After a while, a volcano in the distance erupted.

From a distance, you can see the same volcano as just now.

A large number of flame bats flew out from that volcano!

Because the distance is too far, Zhang Yi and the others, who are here, naturally have no threat.

"The appearance of these flame bats is regular."

Xing Tian said: "After the volcano erupted, they came out, and the flames hanging on their bodies should have come from the fire of the volcanic eruption."

Taking Xingtian's words, Yiqi Juechen also said: "Then if we get in before the eruption of the volcano, we may be able to meet ordinary bats that have not been strengthened by flames!"

"You can go in and have a look." Zhang Yi said: "Just right, you can also go in and see if you can find any clues about Xue Shi."

So, the four simply locked on the volcano that had erupted just now and prepared to enter it.

Because the eruption of this volcano has just ended, the next eruption may not be so fast.

This is also the safest!

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