In the last life, there were only one of the ten titled Gods of War in the Apocalypse World, and only one in the Xingguo District.

As the only titled God of War in the Star Kingdom.

Qiyue Liuhuo can become [Purgatory King, his own powerful strength is beyond doubt.

But what I have to say is that the [Four Heavenly Kings] around him also contributed greatly.

The Four Heavenly Kings, for Qiyue Liuhuo, removed countless obstacles on the road to conferring gods, and finally, with the strength of Qiyue Liuhuo, they can gradually confer gods!

In Zhang Yi's impression, the four heavenly kings of Tiange are star kingdoms, and even looking at the entire Apocalypse world in the later period, they are among the top masters!

According to Zhang Yi:

The four heavenly kings are in addition to the warrior Tianxing.

The other three seem to be the priest Tianming, the assassin Tianyu, and the knight Tianqi.

Before the apocalypse world merged with the real world, their predecessors were the super soldier kings who guarded the borders of satellite countries, killed countless enemies, and made countless foreign killers terrified!

So when dealing with Tianxing just now, Zhang Yi spent some effort to defeat him!

It is not so easy to become a titled God of War.

In the last life, without these four heavenly kings, it would be impossible for Qiyue Liuhuo to become the titled God of War so smoothly!

After listening to Zhang Yi's introduction to the Four Heavenly Kings of Tiange.

The Dragon Race is immortal and they all sighed: "No wonder this guy is so strong!"

King Glory wondered: "How did Qiyue Liuhuo recruit such a powerful soldier king?"

Zhang Yi's answer was shocking: "Because in reality, Qiyue Liuhuo is their leader."

"That is to say: Qiyue Liuhuo himself is also a top soldier king!"

In addition to shock.

Storm Angel is also a little novel: "However, we didn't provoke them, they are fine, what are they doing to our Dragon Race? And that Qiyue Liuhuo claimed to see you, Captain."

After a pause, King Glory was shocked and said: "Also, you know so much about that Qiyue Liuhuo and his four kings!"

"Brother Cheng, don't you know them in real life? Could it be that... you are also the king of soldiers?"

I can't say I know each other, I can only say that Zhang Yi has nothing to do with them!

Even in the last life, Zhang Yi had never dealt with the people of Tiange.

In fact, even Zhang Yi didn't understand why this Qiyue Liuhuo was so good at targeting himself and the Dragon Clan.

But as Zhang Yi said before returning from Purgatory City:

If Qiyue Liuhuo really dares to be detrimental to the Dragon Clan, then Zhang Yi will definitely make him, the star-country titled God of War in the previous life [Purgatory Dharma King, disappear into the world of Apocalypse!

At this time, Han Yarou changed the subject: "Zhang Yi, you are back, we have to welcome you again!"

Han Yarou's words reminded the immortality of the dragon clan, and he said a little embarrassedly: "That's right, not only did we not welcome the boss's return this time, but we asked the boss to come all the way to save us as soon as he came back..."

"Let's go back to the city and wash the dust for the boss!"

With that said, a group of people rushed in the direction of Liuguang City.

in the city.

When Zhang Yi called the sisters Lin Ruo and Lin Xi.

Han Yarou immediately asked Zhang Yi, "Who are they...?"

Zhang Yi said: "The friends over there in Purgatory City."

It turned out that after Zhang Yi and sister Lin Ruo arrived in Liuguang City through the teleportation array, they left them in the city and went to rescue the Dragon Clan and not destroy them!

Speaking, Zhang Yi also held Han Yarou and introduced to Sister Lin Ruo: "Introduction, this is my lover."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Han Yarou felt relieved.

The elder sister Lin Ruo nodded, looked at Han Yarou, and said, "It's really a talented woman! No wonder Yinuo Qingcheng is in our purgatory city, and no poison can invade it. I don't know how many girls showed him goodwill, but they were all rejected. a long distance away!"

"It turns out that there is such a beautiful wife here in my hometown!"

At this time, King Glory, Xiao Qiang and the others were all attracted by Lin Ruo Lin Xi, the identical twins.

Several people almost looked straight.

"Do all the girls from the Demon Race look so beautiful?"

"Does the lady have a boyfriend?"

Seeing the narcissistic king honoring them, Zhang Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Then, a group of people came to a restaurant in Liuguang City and held a reception banquet for Zhang Yi!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Outside Liuguang City, there is a wild area map as high as level 190: Inside the Fire Forest.

A group of five players is besieging a 190-level, 41-star quality super BOSS: Fire Spider King!

these five players.

An assassin, a priest, a knight, an archer, a mage.

Everyone exudes a strong aura that is different from ordinary people!

Obviously, all of them are superior in strength.

After all, five people besieging the 41-star BOSS, this is not something ordinary people can do!

A fully-armed level 172 rank seven black heavy armored knight man [Tianqi, holding a spear and a shield in front of him to resist the damage of the Fire Spider King at close range.

In the back line, a level 172 rank seven priest man in a silver-gray robe [under the continuous casting treatment of Destiny, [the cavalry's health bar has basically been in a safe position of more than 60%.

In addition, there is a black figure as fast as lightning, constantly shuttle back and forth around the BOSS.

That is level 172 seventh-turn assassin: Tian Yu!

There are two more.

Level 172 Purple Mail Archer Girl 【August Weiyang.

Full marks for appearance, full marks for body.

Long legs, small waist.

Putting this in reality, at least it must be a beauty at the level of a car model!

Also, she has blond curly hair.

With blue eyes and fair skin, she seems to be a mixed-race girl.

And beside her.

It seems that among the five people, the strongest one is the most powerful: a red-clothed mage with a level of 175 burning with fire all over his body - Qiyue Liuhuo!

In July, there is a fire, and the age seems to be twenty-eight.

The facial features are upright and three-dimensional, and there is a murderous aura hidden under the seemingly peaceful gaze.

These five people are all the main members of the [Tiange Pavilion!

There is not a word between each other, and their cooperation is extremely tacit!

Knight [Sky Knight, one person can completely resist the damage of the 41-star BOSS flame spider king, and can effectively protect teammates when the spider king launches group attack skills.

Assassin Tian Yu, archer Zhao Hua Xi Shi, Master Qi Yue Huo.

The output of these three is very powerful.

Priest Destiny's healing ability is also very powerful, and the milk volume is enough to feed the entire team of five!

Under the close cooperation of five people.

The assassin Tian Yu made two consecutive stabs, two 1.1 billion damages, and killed the flame spider king!


Accompanied by a miserable cry.

The huge body of the Flame Spider King fell to his death.

Under the rich experience reward of 190-level 41-star BOSS.

Except for the 175-level Qiyue Liuhuo, the other four have been upgraded one after another, from level 172 to level 175!

At this time, the black-clothed assassin [Tian Yu, wiped the dagger covered with green blood in his hand and sighed: "Tian Xing, this kid, missed a wave of great benefits! If he was present, he could also be promoted to level 173) go."

The knight on the side [Tianqi] said: "But to be honest, without him, our output would be much lower."

The voice just fell, and after the formation, the only girl among the five [August Weiyang put her hands on her hips and said very unconvinced: "What do you mean! It means that I am not as good as Tianxing?"

Pastor Tianming shook his head: "That guy Tianxing is too impatient, let him come and fight with us to fight the BOSS, he won't come, he has to go to catch the dragon people. Yinuo Qingcheng has not come back, he caught the dragon people, and there are others. What's the meaning?"

"I don't even know if I was beaten outside!"

Tianqi smiled: "No, the people of the dragon family can't hurt him."

While a few people were talking.

A familiar figure stepped into the forest.

The visitor is a warrior in fire armor: Tianxing!

Looking back, I saw the level logo of "lv171" above Tianxing's head.

Destiny said incredulously: "You were killed?"

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