With the death of captain heaven hell.

More than half of the Paradise players on the field were also killed by Zhang Yi.

The rest of the players in Paradise were frightened and fled in all directions!

Zhang Yi shot, and directly defeated the entire Paradise Family!

And this time, the reason why he was so murderous.

In fact, it wasn't just because they ignored Zhang Yi's advice and insisted on attacking August Weiyang, who is now a member of the Dragon Clan.

The most important reason is because Zhang Yi recognized them!

According to the scavengers: During the time when Zhang Yi went to Purgatory City, there were always several powerful families in Liuguang City who came to provoke the Dragon Clan and tried to shake the position of the Dragon Clan's first team.

And this includes this heavenly family!

So at the beginning, when the Heavenly Family players suddenly launched an attack, their attack target even directly covered Zhang Yi, not just targeting August Weiyang.

To quibble with the words of heaven and hell: they just didn't see Zhang Yi's identity clearly, and accidentally injured him.

But in fact, they did it on purpose, and wanted to take this opportunity to sneak attack and kill Zhang Yi, the captain of the Dragon Clan!

In this way, how could Zhang Yi let them go?

So in the end, they shot themselves in the foot.

But at this moment, in August Weiyang's heart, there was a burst of restlessness.

She looked at Zhang Yi, the man who had protected her just now.

For some reason, there is an unspeakable strange feeling in my heart.

Perhaps it was because he had been a mercenary for too long. During that time, except for his brother Qiyue, August Weiyang had never experienced the feeling of being protected by others.

In addition, he was abducted by human traffickers since he was a child, and he was born with a lack of security.

Just now, Zhang Yi gave August Weiyang sufficient protection at that moment!

It made her suddenly feel an indescribable feeling towards this man.

She stared at Zhang Yi for a long time before she recovered.

Said to Zhang Yi: "Thank... Thank you, Captain!"

Zhang Yi put away his staff and said, "It's okay, if you join my dragon clan, no one can hurt you."

After speaking, Zhang Yi and the others acted as if nothing had happened, and continued on their way to the [Misty Village.

Soon, the group arrived at the foggy village.

As far as the eye can see, this is a small village nestled in the wilderness.

And, as the name suggests: this village is surrounded by thick white fog.

Among them, it seems that there are countless murderous intentions hidden!

And according to the map, the level of this [Misty Village has reached level 186!

It is 4 levels lower than [Emperor's Cave, so the difficulty of overcoming it should not be very high.

After arriving at the destination, August Weiyang hesitated, opened the dialog box, and prepared to send the location to Qiyue Liuhuo.

at this time.

She suddenly received a system reminder: "Ding~ Player [Yinuo Qingcheng invites you to form a team!"

August Weiyang looked up, Zhang Yizheng turned his head to look at himself in front: "Enter the team, ready to go in."

August Weiyang nodded quickly: "Well, I just forgot to make up my status, I'll make up for it!"

Having said that, August Weiyang, who had not had time to send a message to Qiyue Liuhuo, quickly closed the dialog box, and then took out the red potion from her bag and drank it.

Then, joined the team.

The five completed the team and began to approach the foggy village.

"The fog here is too thick and the visibility is very low. You should follow each other closely and don't get separated."

Under Zhang Yi's exhortation.

Five people entered the foggy village.

Under the hindrance of the thick white fog, Zhang Yi and the others quickly reduced their visibility to less than 5 meters!

From all directions, a gust of cold wind hit.

The four girls involuntarily leaned towards Zhang Yi.

At the same time, Zhang Yi decisively summoned the Warcraft Group.

The Dragon Blood Knight explores the path ahead.

Soul Reaper Tailguard.

The undead crossbowmen walked with Zhang Yi and the others.

Go deep into the foggy village.

After a while, a strange sound suddenly came from behind!


Only the sound of a blade tearing through the flesh could be heard.

Zhang Yi and the others quickly pulled away, only to see a monster who tried to attack Zhang Yi and the others, and was slashed to the ground by the Soul Reaper!

That monster, wearing a black battle uniform and hat, looks very similar to a human being.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is just a monster in human skin!

Under the black hat is a ferocious beast face, with sharp claws on both hands, and a long barb-like tail!

Data shows: lv186 Mist Killer!

This is the goal of Zhang Yi's trip!

At this moment, Soul Reaper pressed the Mist Killer to the ground.

A sharp dagger stabbed at it continuously.

One by one, the damage as high as 8.9 billion quickly swallowed the blood of the Mist Killer!

This injury frightened August Weiyang.

Because since she approached Zhang Yi, her focus has always been on Zhang Yi.

This was the first time I noticed Zhang Yi's Warcraft.

The damage of a mere beast can reach the level of [The Four Heavenly Kings of Tiange!

This... is too scary!

Level 186

Ordinary strange fog killer with 7.5 billion HP.

After being stabbed a few times by the Soul Reaper with 800-900 million damage, the blood bar dropped by half in an instant!

At this time, it launched a counterattack!


The barb on the tail extending from under the body is like a sharp blade, piercing into the shoulders of the Soul Reaper!

August Weiyang and Lin Ruo immediately took up arms and prepared to support the Soul Reaper.

Zhang Yi raised the Scepter of Bathing Fire, and a set skill of "Boom" [Killing, transformed into a fire dragon and devoured the Mist Killer.

The white true damage of up to 3.32 billion directly clears the little remaining HP of the Mist Killer and kills it!

At this time, Pastor Han Yarou cast a spell, a high-level healing technique brought 220 million recovery, restoring the lost HP of Soul Reaper to the full value.

After picking up the explosion of Mist Killer, Zhang Yi and the others continued to lock on the next target.

After a while, the mist killers who kept coming out of the mist were killed by Zhang Yi and the others one after another!

This task does not seem to be difficult at all. In Zhang Yi's eyes, a task with a difficulty of 2.7 million is the same as a task with a difficulty of 2 million!

But the more so, the more strange Zhang Yi felt.

A 2.7 million-difficulty task, wouldn't it be so hard to pull the crotch?

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

The surrounding white mist suddenly became more intense!

The visibility was quickly reduced from 5 meters to less than 2 meters!

In all directions, the chills came, as if a powerful enemy was approaching!

Zhang Yi immediately became vigilant: "Be careful, there seems to be a big guy coming!"

Just finished speaking.


A giant hairy spider leg descended from the "sky" and landed next to Lin Xi, knocking Lin Xi to the ground!

Immediately after.


A deafening roar came from the ear.

At the same time, a map announcement fell from the sky——

"Ding~ Attention to all players who are in the [Misty Village Map]: [Mist Killers are haunted and exist for ten minutes, players please pay attention to avoid the attack of [Mist Killers!"

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