Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1246 Do not forget the original intention

Night falls.

Darkness shrouded Liuguang City.

After August Weiyang separated from Zhang Yi and the others, it wasn't like she said: go to the auction house and then go to sleep.

Instead, as promised, he came to a restaurant in the city.

In a private room on the second floor of the restaurant, August Weiyang saw Qiyue Liuhuo, as well as the four heavenly kings of Tiange: Tianxing, Tianming, Tianqi, Tianyu!

"Brother July!"

August Weiyang came to Qiyue Liuhuo and sat down, picked up a piece of meat in his bowl with chopsticks, and ate it directly.

Qiyue Liuhuo asked: "Your identity has not been discovered by the people of the Dragon Clan?"

"Don't worry, with my camouflage, they can't find it!"

"That's good."

At this time, the warrior Tianxing questioned August Weiyang: "Why didn't you tell us today, the whereabouts of Yinuo Qingcheng?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, it was too far-fetched to say that Zhang Yi's reason for temporarily canceling the operation was too far-fetched.

In August Weiyang had no choice but to recruit from the real world.

She first asked Qiyue Liuhuo: "Qiyue brother, Yinuo is all over the city, must you die?"

Qiyue Liuhuo seems to have expected it, knowing that August Weiyang deliberately did not disclose the whereabouts of Yinuo Qingcheng today.

Then he said to August Weiyang very calmly: "So, you really are towards the dragon clan... No, are you moved by Yinuo Qingcheng?"

The four heavenly kings heard the words and said in unison, "Don't you like that kid?!"

"I do not have!"

August Weiyang suddenly blushed, and hurriedly defended: "I found out that Yinuo Qingcheng is actually quite good!"

"He treats everyone around him very well. Unlike many people, when he becomes stronger, he often ignores his brothers and friends who used to be with him in times of trouble."

"Yinuo Qingcheng is now the number one god of Liuguang City. He is still leading the people in the team to level up, and he saved me twice today!"

"His character is really good. I just think it's a pity to kill such a powerful and virtuous person..."

Qiyue Liuhuo was silent for a while, and said: "Actually, it is not necessary to kill him."

"Like the masters we've dealt with before, we didn't kill them all, did we?"

August Weiyang frowned slightly: "But if Yinuo Qingcheng is abolished, it feels more painful than killing him..."

"It's just to make this kid want to die!"

Tian Xing, who was killed once by Zhang Yi, now holds a grudge against Zhang Yi: "We want to make him famous, give him tens of thousands of guilt points, and then kill him again, and let him drop dozens at a time. rank, his entire body of equipment will explode, so he will be useless!"

"Even if his strength, operation, and consciousness are strong, he won't grow back for at least a few months!"

"When he develops again, our captain doesn't need to take him seriously!"

August Weiyang said: "He has someone to protect, and he must have enough strength to support the Dragon Clan. To do so, it is better to kill him directly!"


Qiyue Liuhuo suddenly shouted at August Weiyang: "Do you know who you are?"

"How did I teach you when I was in the Jagged Mercenary Group? You have forgotten your original intentions?!"

August Weiyang lowered his head, and after a long time, he said softly, "Brother Qiyue, I was wrong..."

"With Yinuo Qingcheng's strength, if he continues to develop like this, one day, he will become my biggest enemy!"

August Weiyang said: "I know Qiyue brother, I will no longer be emotional..."

Qiyue Liuhuo sighed softly.

Then, he suddenly changed the subject and asked, "You just said that Yinuo Qingcheng saved you twice today, what happened, what happened to you?"

"One time, in the afternoon, I went on a mission with Yinuo Qingcheng and was almost killed by the map mechanism, and then Yinuo Qingcheng saved me at a critical moment."

August Weiyang said: "Then at noon today, when I was outside, I met someone from the [Heavenly Family] who attacked me and almost killed me, and Yinuo Qingcheng shot and rescued me."

"Paradise Family? Why is this name a little familiar..."

Hearing what August Weiyang said, the warrior Tianxing thought about it, and suddenly realized: "Did we encounter those gangsters in the wild who wanted to rob our boss when we first came to Liuguang City two days ago?"

It turned out that in that BOSS battle, Tian Xing was also present!

That day, Tianxing and August Weiyang were fighting a BOSS with a group of Tiange players, but the heavenly players suddenly rushed out and tried to grab the BOSS.

As a result, he was counter-killed by Tianxing and August Weiyang and defended the BOSS!

August Weiyang nodded: "Yes, it's them, they came to retaliate against me, and almost exposed my identity!"

Tian Xing patted the table and stood up: "A bunch of guys who don't know how to live or die!"

At the same time, a strong killing intent appeared in Qiyue Liuhuo's eyes: "Heaven!"

Qiyue Liuhuo confessed to the Four Heavenly Kings: "Pass my order to find the person in heaven for me, and tell me immediately after finding it!"

At this moment, on Qiyue Liuhuo's body, the Four Heavenly Kings sensed a strong murderous aura that they had never seen since they had known Qiyue Liuhuo for so many years!

Apparently because: The Heavenly Family people touched

The bottom line of the July fire.

And August Weiyang is the bottom line of July's fire!

Anyone who tries to deter sister Qiyue Liuhuo, Qiyue Liuhuo will definitely make him pay ten times the price!

The fire in July let the Four Heavenly Kings pass on this message.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, Qiyue Liuhuo learned a piece of news about [Heaven...

Seven o'clock in the evening.

The night is dark and windy.

Outside Liuguang City, in a secluded forest, a pair of young male and female players are fleeing in a panic, and it seems that someone is chasing them!

The young men and women looked like a couple.

Female priest, male assassin.

At this time, the priest girl was running too fast, and was tripped by a tree root under her feet!

The assassin boy hurriedly helped the girl.

When the two got up and prepared to continue to escape.

Whoosh whoosh!

A large piece of flying arrows shot down around the two of them, forming a circle of arrows around them!

At this time, a large group of players chased up from behind, and they quickly surrounded the pair of young people!

And that group of players, the IDs above their heads are all headed by the word "Heaven".

They are the players of the Paradise Family!

The leader, the 171-level fire armor warrior [heaven and hell, come to them.

Looking at the young pair with a playful face, he smiled gloomily: "You two are quite good at running, run! Continue to run for me!"

Assassin boy [Liu Nian hurriedly said in a panic: "Brothers, let us go! I'll give you whatever you want!"

"You really give me what I want?"

Heaven and Hell smiled and looked at the pure-looking priest girl [Luoyue: "I want your girlfriend to sleep with me for one night, will you?"

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