In the list of friends in heaven and hell, what a mysterious friend said suddenly only made heaven and hell feel funny.

Although he is vengeful, he is not stupid.

Obviously: this guy who has hidden all the information wants to use their Heavenly Family to help him deal with the Heavenly Pavilion and the Dragon Race!

However, he was very curious: who is it, who dares to kill Tiange and the two top families of Liuguang City, the Dragon Clan at the same time!

So, Heaven and Hell replied deliberately: "It's better to have a face-to-face interview for this kind of thing. Where are you? Let's meet and talk about it in detail."

At this time, the other party really sent a location message: "[lv200 Dark Cemetery (Location)."

This position sent by the other party made heaven and hell feel cold on the back.

"A 200-level cemetery..."

Beside him, a younger brother advised Heaven and Hell: "Captain, this is probably a trap of Tiange or the Dragon Clan, let's not go! In case they set an ambush there..."

Heaven and Hell hesitated for a while: "It shouldn't be them. Based on my opinion of the Dragon Race, they would not deal with us in such a sinister way. If it is Tiange, it is even more impossible. They have just played against us."

Heaven and Hell looked at the map and analyzed: "The dark cemetery is in two opposite directions from the forest where we just fought Tiange. They can't go to the dark cemetery to ambush so quickly."

In the Apocalypse World, ordinary players have a maximum of five resurrection chances.

Hanging in Zhang Yi's hands at noon in heaven and hell, he was killed by Qiyue Liuhuo just now, and now, there are still three chances of resurrection!

With some curiosity, heaven and hell plan to go to the dark cemetery to find out!

So, he took a group of men, followed the map guide, left Liuguang City, and rushed to the [Dark Cemetery!

The level 200 map has reached the level cap of the second-level main city.

Therefore, this [Dark Cemetery] is not close to Liuguang City.

With the assistance of the mounts, it took them half an hour in Heaven and Hell to finally reach their destination.

What comes into view is an extremely empty cemetery!

Cloudy wind.

In the cemetery, the piles of tombs are intertwined.

In addition, there are countless 200-level hell skeleton warriors, wandering in it!

There are only 170-171 level heaven and hell they dare to enter.

I'm afraid that if you are touched by this skeleton warrior, you will be killed directly!

Looking around, I didn't see a player in heaven and hell, opened the friend list, and contacted the mysterious friend: "I'm here, where are you?"

"In the center of the dark cemetery, there is an entrance. I will wait for you underground."

The mysterious friend's answer sent chills down the back of heaven and hell: "Isn't this a ghost! He's under the cemetery??"

After a pause, Heaven and Hell replied, "Are you kidding me? This is a level 200 map. How can I get to the center of the cemetery? I'm going to die as soon as I go in!"

The mysterious friend said, "Just follow the directions and go in."

As soon as the voice fell, heaven and hell were stunned.

Whoa whoa whoa!

In front of the line of sight, a red flame column rushed out from the bottom of the cemetery, just like the greenery on the side of the road, leaving a passage in the middle that leads directly to the center of the cemetery!

In heaven and hell, they saw helplessly: some skeleton warriors who were above the flame column, after being hit by the flame column, disappeared directly into ashes!

On both sides, countless skeleton warriors did not dare to approach the flame column!

This scene stunned Heaven and Hell, and dozens of Heaven family players who were with him.

"What kind of skill is this, a level 200 skeleton directly seconds? This guy won't be a level 255 full-level archmage!"

The voice of an archer's younger brother just fell.

Heaven and Hell pondered: "It's not like a player skill, I think it's like a map mechanism."

"But this guy can independently control the map mechanism, it seems a bit complicated!"

Heaven and Hell began to take some interest in this mysterious man.

So, he led a group of younger brothers to the center of the dark cemetery along a passage that was gathered by those flame pillars.

On the way, countless dark skeleton warriors on both sides only dared to yell at heaven and hell outside the flame column, but did not dare to approach.

Soon, heaven and hell, they came to the center of the cemetery.

Sure enough, seeing here, there is a white light curtain!

This is the entrance of the mysterious mouth.

So, Heaven and Hell just hesitated, and entered the light curtain with his subordinates.

Look around.

Heaven and hell, they appeared on a huge ancient battlefield!

On the ground in all directions, there are huge biological skeletons everywhere.

People can't tell what kind of monster's skeleton this is!

Until they looked up and saw countless giant "flying birds" with petrified bodies floating in the air!

Heaven and Hell said in amazement: "Giant... giant dragon!"

Look around.

There are at least hundreds of giant petrified dragons floating in the air!

They just float in the air so quietly, like statues that don't move, but are full of vitality!

This scene

The magnificent scene shocked these Paradise Family players on the field.

Could this be the hidden map of the dragon race?

Heaven and Hell hurriedly contacted the mysterious friend through the friend list: "Where are you? What do you mean by calling us here? Who are you?"

The other party still did not show up.

Just said to heaven and hell: "The dark dragons you have seen are all my subordinates, think about it, do you want to cooperate with me?"

Heaven and Hell laughed: "Joke, who do you think you are, you can control the dragon? Do you think you are a member of the dragon camp?"

The voice just fell.


With a sudden wave of shaking the mountain.

Floating in the air, those petrified dragons actually recovered their vitality and turned into huge black dragons!

hoo hoo hoo!

in a deafening roar.

Those giant dragons leaped down towards the land one after another, and slammed around the Paradise Family players, surrounding them!

Dragons have always been sacred and inviolable.

For many people present, it was the first time that they faced the dragon at such a close distance.

Their mood at the moment can only be described as extremely shocking.

Some people have even become so frightened that their legs go weak.

Because these giant dragons in front of you are from the dark dragon family!

According to the setting of Apocalypse: Bright Dragons will not attack players easily.

But the dark dragons are no different from wild monsters. As long as players break into their territory, they will definitely be attacked!

However, the strange thing is: these 200-level [Dark War Dragons] did not attack the players of the Paradise Family.

At this time, on the side of heaven and hell, another message was received.

"Now, would you consider working with me?"

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