Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1251 Might as well, I'll give you a chance too

In all directions, not a single dragon player was seen.

Seeing that Yinuo Qingcheng broke in alone, Tianba's courage suddenly increased a lot: "How dare you come to die alone? Do you really think you are invincible?"

Zhang Yi looked at Tianba and said lightly, "You have to try it before you know."

With that said, Zhang Yi raised his staff and locked onto Tianba, who was at the head of the crowd.

Although on the Tiange main team, I have heard more or less how strong Zhang Yi is and how high the damage is.

But the enemy has come to the front single-handedly, and Tianba and them are not to be outdone.

The knight Tianba waved his spear and shouted: "Yinuo Qingcheng is only one person, brothers, go! Kill Yinuo Qingcheng and ask Captain Liuhuo to ask for credit!"

"Winning the promise, our second team will become famous!"

With Tianba's order.

In the rear, countless players from the second team of Tiange rushed towards Zhang Yi!

It's just that you can see it with your eyes: those who are rushing up are mostly alien players!

Explaining these, the real people are Tiange people.

And those Terran players in the back who are still standing still are all natives of Liuguang City.

According to the scavenger's previous detailed investigation, at least more than 90% of the three sub-teams of Tiange are natives of Liuguang City.

Moreover, they were all forced to join the Tiange, and in fact succumbed to the force of the Tiange.

That is: if you don't join the Tiange, you will die!

Joining Tiange with this mentality, how could these people be willing to work for Tiange?

In particular, if you are still helping Tiange deal with their first powerhouse in Liuguang City, Yinuo Qingcheng, they will not do it easily!

Most people did not act.

Only a few people followed Tianba and the others to attack Zhang Yi.

However, they have no chance to get close to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi raised his staff and quickly cast the spell.

Fire is burning!

Undead Storm!

Snow and ice!

Demons dance!

Four group skills strengthened by the master-level fire-bathing dragon soul bloomed in four different horizontal areas in front.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of players from the second team of Tiange who were charging over were swallowed up by fire dragons one after another.

A huge amount of damage up to a dozen or two billion, instantly clearing all their health bars!

With Zhang Yi's damage, even the top knight, Tianba, who ranked seventh in the Liuguang City Alien Heaven Ranking, couldn't resist it at all.

In just such a blink of an eye, all the players in the Tiange Pavilion in a large area in front of them were beaten with only 1 blood left!

That's right, it was because Zhang Yi opened the blood lock protection that they were able to survive.

Otherwise, they would have been directly killed long ago.

Before this, the players of Tiange Second Team had never fought against Zhang Yi, they had only heard that "Yinuo Qingcheng" was superior and even defeated Tianxing, one of the four kings of their main team!

This time, they saw Zhang Yi's injury with their own eyes.

Under the deterrence of powerful strength, everyone was too scared to approach Zhang Yi again!

at the same time.

Under Zhang Yi's summons.


Accompanied by a deafening loud dragon roar.

Flames ignited on the ground, and then, lv182 Fifth-Order Bathing Fire Dragon Emperor: Babu descended from the sky and slammed behind Zhang Yi!

In an instant, it seemed that the entire night was illuminated by this fire dragon.

Then, three more lord dragons settled down around Babu.

They roared at the same time.

At this moment, the earth trembled for it!

Appeared behind Zhang Yi at once, and obeyed Zhang Yi's four-headed dragon.

The players from the second team of Tiange were so frightened that they retreated involuntarily!

The golden dragon shadows and silver dragon seals blooming behind Zhang Yi show the identities of "Dragon Bloodline" and "Dragon Hidden Professional Dragon Soul Master".

A powerful deterrent that has never been seen before, which is frightening.

They have never felt such a strong fear in any player!

"What a strong aura! This... is the first god of Liuguang City, a promise to conquer the city!"

"Dragon blood, dragon professional, Yinuo Qingcheng, how did they grow so powerful!"

The players in Tiange looked at each other in dismay.

Tianba, who was intentionally spared by Zhang Yi, was not to be outdone.

He shouted: "I don't believe it, this guy is still invincible? Brothers, let's go together and kill him with crowd tactics!"

Zhang Yi's strength is indeed invincible.

But after all, he is a tired person.

Not to mention, if all the players of the Tiange Second Team on the field all played together, Zhang Yi would not be able to compete with them.

One person resisting hundreds of thousands is a fantasy.

When Zhang Yi's physical strength is exhausted, he will still lose.

But Zhang Yi is confident that he will win.

Because his goal has been achieved, that is, to release his own power to the fullest, and use powerful power to shock the enemy!

Under Zhang Yi's deterrence.

Tianba's orders didn't work anymore.

Under his orders, the players behind him were indifferent.

There are only a few people who follow Tianba, eager to move, but dare not go up if they want to.

These are the core players of Tiange.

And those who did not take any action were naturally forced to join Tiange later.

Seeing this, Tianba turned back and shouted at the players: "What are you trying to do, rebel? You don't even listen to my orders!"

"Don't be afraid! With so many of us, we can defeat Yinuo Qingcheng together!"

"Brothers, come with me!"

The voice fell, the players were still indifferent, and each was still whispering:

"That's right, if it wasn't for them to force it, the labor and capital would not have joined the Tiange!"

"Yeah, I originally had my own family, and I was a captain anyway. They forcibly broke up my family and forced me to join the Tiange. If there was no way out, the labor and capital would have fled!"

"When you have good things, you never know how to share them with us. Now, when we are going to fight, we will be used as cannon fodder. Do you really think we are stupid?"

use this opportunity.

Zhang Yi suddenly said: "Everyone, I know that most of you are forced to join the Tiange, so now, there is an opportunity in front of you."

"This time, I won't do anything to you, I just want to give you a piece of advice."

"The Dragon Clan has declared war on Tiange. If you continue to stay in Tiange and help them deal with my Dragon Clan, then next time on the real battlefield, I will never show mercy to you."

"Whether to work for these people who will only force you to do things you don't want to do, or to pursue freedom, the right to decide is in your own hands!"

Under Zhang Yi's alarmist words.

The players of the second team of Tiange, who were already disaffected by the army, began to withdraw from the team one after another!

Tianba, the captain of the second team, was shocked: "I remember you all, whoever of you dares to betray Tiange, I will kill whoever!"

The voice just fell.

Zhang Yi suddenly appeared in front of Tianba, and said coldly, "Maybe, I'll give you a chance too."

"Now, disband the team."

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