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Chapter 1256 Yinuo Qingcheng vs July Fire!

At this moment, Qiyue Liuhuo only felt lingering fears.

It turned out that his younger sister had already exposed her identity in front of the Dragon Clan.

Yinuo Qingcheng had long known that she was an undercover agent sent by her!

In this way, August Weiyang can still live by Zhang Yi's side to this day!

At this time, Zhang Yi also had no unnecessary nonsense.

Lifting the Scepter of Bathing Fire, he said to Qiyue Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings:

"Come on, the gauntlet has been down for so long, it's time to make a break."

I thought it would be a tough fight tonight.

Unexpectedly, Qiyue Liuhuo did not bring anyone here.

It's just his words with the Four Heavenly Kings.

Zhang Yi, who has a tenth-level dragon bloodline and a hidden dragon soul master, can still handle it with confidence.

Seeing this, Tian Xing, who was facing off against him, couldn't hold it in any longer, and clenched his long sword: "So good! Our goal, you are the only one!"

"As long as you die, your Dragon Clan will naturally be complete."

before the battle begins.

Zhang Yi instructed the scavengers: "You evacuate first."

Knowing that the scavengers must have mother-in-law again, Zhang Yi simply added: "Don't stay and drag me down, go quickly!"

The scavenger nodded and whispered to Zhang Yi: "Brother, you must hold on, I'll go back and call someone! Wait for me!"

Due to the map restrictions of the city of destruction: no return scrolls are allowed in the city.

Zhang Yizheng wanted to ask the minibus to escort the scavengers out of the city, but the minibus was unwilling.

He wants to stay and protect Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi had to summon a lord dragon and ordered the lord dragon to escort the scavengers away.

Zhang Yi is left alone, standing alone against the four heavenly kings of Tiange, and the first powerhouse in the Apocalypse Star Kingdom in the previous life: the titled God of War, Purgatory Dharma King, Fire in July!

In addition, there is a hidden strength that has been hidden before, and the real strength is displayed, which should be no less than the August Weiyang of the dragons who will not destroy them!


A burst of blue flames bloomed on Tianxing's long sword.

Tian Xing looked at Zhang Yi and said with a sneer, "Yinuo Qingcheng, today, you will surely die!"

The other three heavenly kings also picked up guys.

In July, the fire was flowing, and the staff was also raised.

All gain states are fully on.

The special effects of the hidden professional hell mage are released, and the black skeleton mark blooms behind him!

At the same time, Zhang Yi is also in full swing.

Golden dragon shadow, silver dragon seal.


Burning all over.

The 182-level fifth-order dragon emperor Babu made a deafening and violent roar behind Zhang Yi!

August Weiyang, who had received favor from Zhang Yi and was rescued twice by Zhang Yi before, was a little hesitant.

But for the family, for his brother.

In the end, she also took out a set of archer suits that looked obviously more high-end than her, and replaced it with one click.

From now on, she will no longer hide her strength, she will show all her strength to deal with Zhang Yi!

In the city of destruction, bursts of powerful energy overflowed.

A battle is imminent!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After the scavenger flew out of the city of destruction on the lord dragon, he immediately used the city return scroll.

When I returned to Liuguang City, I saw everyone from the Dragon Clan, and they were already waiting in the city.

Because not long ago, Zhang Yi received a message and left without saying anything.

They don't even know what happened.

Until the scavengers came back, they hurriedly shouted at the Dragon Race Immortals: "Quick! Gather the army! Go to the city of destruction!!"

Han Yarou hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? What about Zhang Yi, why didn't he come back?"

For a while, the scavengers didn't have time to explain so much.

Just hurriedly said: "Captain is trapped in the city of destruction by the people of Tiange, we must hurry to support him!"

Glory of the King hurriedly searched the map for [City of Destruction.

"Level 187 City of Destruction...has a death-in-place resurrection mechanism?!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Quick! Immediately summon everyone in the Dragon Clan to go to the City of Destruction!"

Under the orders of the two vice-captains of the Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xingxia.

The dragon army quickly assembled.

Then, the whole army rushed to the city of destruction!

On the way, Han Yarou, the dragon clan will not destroy them, all of them are very anxious.

While rushing to the City of Destruction, the dragon clan was immortal and asked the scavengers in the same way: "What the hell is going on? As soon as I saw the boss received the news, I hurriedly took Chao Hua Xixi and rode the dragon out, saying hello. If he doesn't fight us, why is he stuck in that kind of place?"

The scavenger inevitably said with self-blame and guilt: "It's all my fault! When I went to investigate the whereabouts of the third and fourth teams of Tiange this afternoon, they were discovered and arrested!"

"They took me to the city of destruction and used me to threaten the captain to save me,"

Hearing this, King Glory was furious: "Damn, the people in Tiange are really chicken thieves! If you can't deal with Brother Cheng in front of you, you will play a trick!"

Immortal Dragon Clan then asked: "How many people are there in Tiange?"

"There are only five, no, six!" said the scavenger: "In July, there are four kings, plus a dynasty.

Pick up flowers. "

"What?" Everyone looked confused: "Chaohuaxishi? Is she from Tiange?"

"Chaohua Xishi has always been an undercover agent from Tiange." Han Yarou said, "I was afraid that I would startle the snake, so I didn't tell you."

Zhang Yi only told Han Yarou about this matter, so she had the most say.

After learning the truth, everyone had no time to be angry with Weiyang in August.

The Dragon Clan Immortal is slightly relieved: "If there are only these few people, that's fine."

"With the strength of the boss, one person should be able to deal with them."

"not necessarily!"

Long Xingtian said: "The boss said before that the strength of Qiyue Liuhuo is not trivial, and there are hidden professions. Their four heavenly kings are also very strong, and they can deal an average of one billion damage, far above those of us. ."

"All of them are top-level experts who are one-to-one against one hundred. If they are besieged, the boss may not be able to beat them!"

"So, let's hurry over! Even if the boss can't beat them, it should be no problem to hold on for a while. We must pass before the boss's resurrection opportunities are exhausted by them, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Having said this, everyone couldn't help but quicken their pace.

However, it did not wait for the dragon army to reach the city of destruction.

en route.

I saw a huge fire dragon leaping towards this side in the distance!

"That's... the eldest dragon, the minibus?" The dragon clan was immortal and they looked up at the fire dragon with a burst of novelty.

It wasn't until the fire dragon flew close that they were sure: This is indeed the fire-bathing dragon emperor under Zhang Yi's seat: Babu!


Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

It seems to have discovered the dragon army walking through the land.

The minibus sat down on the open space in front of the dragon army.

The next moment, Zhang Yi, who was unscathed, jumped off the dragon's back.

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