It was only until August Weiyang deliberately separated Han Yarou, leaving a private space for Qiyue Liuhuo and Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi glanced at Qiyue Liuhuo who was sitting beside him: "What's the matter? Tell me."

Qiyue Liuhuo didn't beat around the bush, and cut to the chase: "Let's continue to cooperate."

"Because the real culprit has not been found out yet?" Zhang Yi asked casually.

Fire in July is clearly coming with a purpose.

He said to Zhang Yi, "Let me tell you a secret."


As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

I saw that Qiyue Liuhuo opened his friend list, selected one of his friends' dialog boxes, and displayed it in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi glanced at it and found that this friend's remarks on Liuhuo's side in July had enabled deep hiding!

And the various chat records displayed in the dialog box are actually all about the dragon clan and Zhang Yi's movements!

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yi asked.

"The reason why you agreed to cooperate with me this time should be to investigate this?"

Qiyue Liuhuo is a smart person, and actually guessed what Zhang Yi was thinking: "Why did I come to Liuguang City to find you, and I can always control some of your dragon clan's movements? You have long suspected that I have placed an undercover beside you. , So, you want to investigate with me, who the hell is this undercover."

After a pause, Qiyue Liuhuo continued: "This mysterious person is an undercover agent, and he told me all the actions of your Dragon Clan in the past."

"Including, I also listened to his opinions before I came to your Liuguang City from the main city of the alien race to deal with you and make a promise."

In this way, Zhang Yi is a little novel: "So, you don't even know who the undercover is?"

Qiyue Liuhuo said: "It must be someone very close to you, that's all I can say."

Zhang Yi was silent and said, "So, why did you tell me this?"

"Because I don't want to rely on this method to deal with you anymore." Qiyue Liuhuo said: "Next, I will defeat you in an open and honest way!"

Even if Qiyue Liuhuo was still a little conscious, he was no longer used by this mysterious person.

At this time, Qiyue Liuhuo continued: "And I have an intuitive suspicion..."

Don't wait for the fire to finish in July.

Zhang Yi suddenly said, "Do you suspect that the person on your list is the same person who assisted Heaven and manipulated the black dragon behind the scenes?"

Qiyue Liuhuo was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect Zhang Yi to expect this too!

He nodded: "In the list of heaven and hell, that person has also turned on deep hiding, even if this proves nothing."

"At least I know that the person who helped me has always wanted to use me against you."

Zhang Yi glanced at Qiyue Liuhuo: "You are not so stupid that there is no cure."

Qiyue Liuhuo smiled indifferently: "I knew from the beginning that he wanted to use me, but I didn't care. Because no matter what his purpose was, I had to defeat you, and he just happened to be able to provide me with information about you, As well as the important information of the Dragon Clan, this kind of cooperative relationship that is beneficial and harmless to me, why should I not do it?"

Zhang Yi thought thoughtfully: "The only reason you want to defeat me is to become the No. 1 powerhouse in the Star Country?"

"Have you heard of the titled God of War?" Qiyue Liuhuo said: "Apocalypse World, there are only ten titles in the world, and each country can only have at most one titled God of War."

"So, do you see what I mean?"

Zhang Yi said angrily: "Who told you that there can only be at most one person in each country with the title of God of War?"

Qiyue Liuhuo was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it? Before the opening of the world of Apocalypse, I checked it on the official website!"

"I'm afraid you have read the fake official information." Zhang Yi was speechless: "The title of God of War is indeed limited to ten people in the world, but there is no national limit. In the battle of the gods, as long as your strength is strong enough, you can Able to consecrate God."

"Ten titled Gods of War can even all belong to the same country."

Hearing Zhang Yi finish speaking, Qiyue Liuhuo was silent for a long time.

Then he said: "Even so, that doesn't prevent me from defeating you, at least, I want to become the number one powerhouse in the star country!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand with a casual look: "You just like it."

So, Qiyue Liuhuo went on to say: "If these two are the same person, then things will not be simple."

"This guy, who can manipulate the dark dragons, is probably a dragon blood, or even a dragon faction!"

"And he has already attracted Heaven, and he is still trying to incorporate my Tiange deputy team. To expand his power on such a large scale, I am afraid that the next plan is to wait for the two of us to fight and lose both, and he will come out again. Take advantage of the fisherman!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Qiyue Liuhuo with an incredible look, and gave him a thumbs up: "You can guess this, it's amazing!"

Qiyue Liuhuo has a black line on his face: "Are you mocking me..."

"So, I think we should solve this problem before solving each other's problems. We have to join forces to kill this guy who is playing tricks behind his back."

Qiyue Liuhuo looked at Zhang Yi: "What do you think?"

"Can we still cooperate?" Zhang Yi glanced at Qiyue Liuhuo pretending to be frightened: "I see that brother in your team, every time I see me, I can't wait.

I have to swallow me alive, I'm afraid to continue to cooperate, when the culprit behind the scenes is not found out, I will be killed by your brother first. "

Qiyue Liuhuo also knew who Zhang Yi was talking about, so he said a little embarrassedly: "I'll go back and talk about that guy from Tianxing..."

"He just has a bit of vengeance. After all, you killed him once. In fact, others are more loyal."

Zhang Yi said: "That's not a little bit of revenge, that's a hundred million points of revenge!"

"I first apologize to you on behalf of my brother."

Qiyue Liuhuo said: "Think about it, will you continue to cooperate with me?"

"Let's make it difficult." Zhang Yi said.

Hearing this, Qiyue Liuhuo nodded: "After this cooperation is over, I will defeat you with my own hands."

Zhang Yi smiled disapprovingly: "We'll see."

Then, Qiyue Liuhuo got up and left.

at the same time.

Outside Liuguang City, darkness enveloped the earth.


A beam of black light fell on a barren and desolate cemetery!

The next second, heaven and hell appeared in the cemetery!

Not a dark cemetery, but another cemetery where heaven and hell have never come before.

Heaven and Hell looked around, confused.

what happened.

Wasn't he still in the ancient ruins under the dark cemetery just now, and was almost killed by Qiyue Liuhuo and Yinuo Qingcheng?

How did you come here in the blink of an eye?

Just when heaven and hell are wondering.

"Ding dong!"

The friend message alert sounded.

Heaven and Hell opened the message interface and found that it was actually a message from the mysterious person who had blocked him before!

He has removed heaven and hell from the blacklist again!

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