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Chapter 1269 A bit of a public revenge!

After all, he is someone who has seen the world.

When all the players of the Dragon Clan fell into disbelief and shock because of Tiange's sudden turn against each other.

Zhang Yi was unusually calm, as if he had expected this.

As Zhang Yi's streamer disappeared after being strengthened by the master-level fire-bathing dragon soul, it swept away in the crowd.

Qiyue Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings, as well as the surrounding high-level players of Tiange, were shaken back one after another.

In terms of momentum, Qiyue Liuhuo showed no signs of weakness.

He pointed to Zhang Yi and all the Dragon Race players behind Zhang Yi, and said, "Today, you all have to die!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "Let's see if you have that ability."

Speaking, Zhang Yi raised the scepter of bathing fire, and energy overflowed on the scepter.

And Qiyue Liuhuo is an order.

Above the head, countless Tiange mage shooters ambushing on both sides of the mountain crevices, have launched fierce shooting at the dragon players below!

Under the heavy damage of a hail of bullets, the dragon players suffered heavy casualties.

On the field, white light came one after another.

At the same time, before and after the valley, there was a burst of shouting and killing.

Countless silhouettes formed a form of front and rear attack, and flanked towards the dragon players here!

And those, they are all the reinforcements of Tiange!

To be precise, it is the army of Tiange.

This time, Tiange is fully prepared.

There are tens of thousands of ambushes in the Valley of the Undead!

Because of the Valley of the Dead map, there is actually no limit to the number of people who can enter.

Tiange deliberately limited the number of dragons to enter, just to facilitate ambush them!

Seeing that more and more Tiange players are coming from all directions.

Zhang Yi immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

Because of the front and back of the Tiange, there are many people, there are ambush, and there are terrain advantages.

The current situation is obviously quite unfavorable for the Dragon Clan.

If this battle goes on, the Dragon Clan will suffer heavy losses, and I am afraid that even Zhang Yi will not be able to retreat.

With that said, Zhang Yi immediately summoned three lord dragons, ready to use these lord dragons to evacuate the valley of the dead with the dragon people.

Unexpectedly, the moment when the three-headed lord dragon was just summoned.

One of them was shot and killed by Hell Mage Qiyue Liuhuo and a group of senior Mage shooters around him with a round of intense focus fire!

The other two were also hit hard to varying degrees!


Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.

The fifth-order bathing dragon emperor Babu appeared.

A dragon flame pierced through the Tiange player above the mountain crevice.

Its huge body is actually unable to sit in the narrow mountain crevice!

Zhang Yi and the people of the Dragon Clan had no choice but to evacuate on the two remaining lord dragons.

Using the Dragon Emperor Babu's [Advanced Fire-bathing Dragon Breath] as a cover, the Tiange players who were trying to chase on the land were collectively petrified, and Zhang Yi and the others were given time to evacuate.


The two lord dragons, carrying dozens of dragon players, leaped from the crevices of the mountain.

Follow Babu.

The three-headed dragon took off in the direction away from the Valley of the Undead.

At the bottom of the valley, the rest of the Dragon Race players have been slaughtered!

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and led two lord dragons. Together with a hundred dragon players, they evacuated from the Valley of the Dead and sat in a forest not far away.

The dragon people who jumped off the back of the lord dragon were furious.

"I really didn't expect that the people of their Tiange were so insidious!"

The Dragon Clan Immortal said incredulously: "On the surface, they cooperate with us, but they are secretly plotting against us!"

Taking over the immortality of the Dragon Clan, King Glory also said: "The July fire, the setting that the Valley of the Undead can only enter a thousand people at most, must be false, otherwise how could they enter so many people to ambush!"

After the scavengers counted the losses, they reported: "This time we lost a lot... At least nearly 200 people have been hung up!"

"But fortunately, these people have the chance to be resurrected."

After a pause, the scavenger sighed and said: "Captain, I reminded you before that Qiyue Liuhuo has a strong will and determination. He is determined to become the number one person in the world of Apocalypse, so no A stumbling block!"

"You have threatened his path to becoming a strong man. He must have tried every means to get rid of you."

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: "This time it is indeed a miscalculation."

"How can you swallow this breath?"

The King's Glory is not at all angry: "Brother Cheng, let's order the brothers to assemble the whole army, let's fight the Tiange!"

Others followed suit: "Yeah! Get rid of Tiange as soon as possible to avoid future troubles!"

Zhang Yi was hesitant: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, don't be impatient."

"Retreat first, go back and discuss countermeasures."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, everyone in the Dragon Clan could only agree, and followed Zhang Yi to the direction of Liuguang City.

And on the way back to Guangming City.

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly carried everyone behind his back, opened his friend list, and quietly sent a message to Qiyue Liuhuo: "You are a bit of a public revenge."

After a while, Qiyue Liuhuo returned a message: "Don't do this.

what to say. Since you are acting, you must act realistically, otherwise how can people believe it? "

"You killed my two hundred brothers." Zhang Yi replied.

Qiyue Liuhuo said: "I know that they all have a chance to be resurrected. It's nothing more than losing some experience. It's not a big problem. If it doesn't work, I'll pay you some money..."

"Don't let me take this opportunity next time, I will find you Tiange to settle this account sooner or later!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi hurriedly closed the dialog box.

at the same time.

Inside the Valley of the Dead.

Qiyue Liuhuo, who had just ended the conversation with Zhang Yi, couldn't help but smile meaningfully when he saw the last message from Zhang Yi in the dialog box.

At this time, one of the Four Heavenly Kings beside him: Priest Tianming said, "We have killed so many people from the Dragon Clan, won't they hold revenge for Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"Then last time Yinuo Qingcheng killed hundreds of our brothers in Tiange, how will this account be calculated?" Warrior Tianxing said confidently, "If you want me to tell you, if you just killed Yinuo Qingcheng directly, instead The acting is a little more real! Afterwards, it could be considered a manslaughter at most~”

Qiyue Liuhuo said angrily: "If you really do it, I'm afraid it may not be Yinuo Qingcheng who suffers."

"I don't believe that this guy can have three heads and six arms! If it wasn't for cooperation in the City of Destruction last time, he would have died in our hands!" Warrior Tianxing continued: "After this cooperation is completely over, I will definitely If you want to kill Yinuo Qingcheng with your own hands, none of you stop me!"

Tianqi, Tianming, and Tianyu said in unison: "Go, I promise not to stop you."

After a pause, August Weiyang also raised his hand: "I won't stop it either!"

Tianxing fell silent for a while.

It turns out that the cooperation between Qiyue Liuhuo and Zhang Yi has not ended.

And tonight, this is just a scene they colluded with in advance...

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