It turned out that the reason why they were able to meet Qiyue Liuhuo and the others in the Goblin jungle was not by chance, but Zhang Yi and them made an appointment in advance!

And the person who initiated the invitation was Zhang Yi.

After the two sides met.

Qiyue Liuhuo asked Zhang Yi: "You said this place can be used to pave the way for the final action. Is there anything extraordinary about this place?"

Looking around, there is not even a single monster in the huge jungle!

For Zhang Yi, who lived in Liuguang City for two years in the last life, no one knows the layout of the surrounding Liuguang City better than him.

The Goblin jungle indeed hides a huge opportunity, so Zhang Yicai chose this place as the action location.

To be precise, there is not only an opportunity buried here, but also a deadly mechanism!

Zhang Yi did not rush to explain to Qiyue Liuhuo and the others immediately, but said, "Dark Goblins will appear at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Our mission is to kill them. The more the better, the upper limit will not be capped."

Warrior Tianxing said incredulously: "You called us out in the middle of the night just to kill monsters?"

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to speak.

Qiyue Liuhuo suddenly ordered: "Now at 11:50, there are still ten minutes, everyone is ready to fight!"

Tian Xing looked puzzled: "Captain, don't you really want to spend time with this kid to farm monsters here?"

With that said, Tian Xing glanced at the surrounding Tianming Tianqi Tianyu and the others, and found that they all shook their heads at him.

Tian Xing was stunned: "Hey... what do you all mean?"

At this time, August Weiyang sighed and said, "Anyone who thinks a little can understand that there must be some hidden opportunities that are beneficial to our next actions, so Yinuo Qingcheng will let us kill monsters!"

Tianxing was suddenly speechless.

Waited silently for ten minutes.

until midnight at twelve o'clock.


In the silent jungle, there was a sudden commotion!

next moment.

A pair of green "bulbs" appeared in the surrounding jungle!

If you look closely, you will find that those green light spots are not light bulbs, but the eyes of a monster!

Those monsters are the level 190 dark goblins!

As Zhang Yi said: At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the dark goblins are haunted!

I saw those goblins making piercing screams, and then some goblins that were relatively close nearby charged towards Zhang Yi and the others with their battle axes!

Qiyue Liuhuo raised his staff: "Prepare to fight!"

Beside them, the Four Heavenly Kings and August Weiyang all picked up guys.

Just wait for the goblins to approach.

The crowd quickly began to fight!

A level 190 monster is not easy.

And right now, except for the July Fire that reached level 177.

The Four Heavenly Kings and August Weiyang are only level 173-174.

Furthermore, it is Zhang Yi at level 182.

Liuguang City's first knight, Tianqi, opened a full shield, including his teammates and Zhang Yi Han Yarou, and put on a protective shield.

Then he used sarcasm to attract all the hatred of those goblins to himself.

Brush brush brush brush!

A dozen goblins surrounded the sky rider and slashed with an axe.

A large amount of damage of 80 to 90 million, instantly destroyed more than half of Tianqi's health bars!

The priest's destiny quickly cast a spell, a wave of 1.2 billion treatment, and was knocked out by the second round of attacks by the goblins!

Just when those goblins were preparing for the third round of their attack.


A long blue dragon descended from the sky and devoured the sky rider.

Immediately afterwards, a faint blue shield appeared on Tian Qi's body.

The next moment, the attacks of those goblins landed on Tianqi again, and they only brought him eight or nine million damages!

The damage suffered has been reduced by 90%!

As if realizing something.

Qiyue Liuhuo looked back at Zhang Yi, who was a little surprised: "Your hidden professional skills can still be used on teammates?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "Of course."


Put ten layers of [Speed ​​Dragon Soul] on Qiyue Liuhuo and all of them, increasing their final attack speed by 90%.

Zhang Yi then said to Tianqi: "This is the return gift you just shielded from me."

Suddenly, August Weiyang and Qiyue Liuhuo, they obviously felt that the attack speed had accelerated a lot.

Each cast arrows at super-fast speeds, violently attacking the Dark Goblin who was blocked by the sky rider!

"So fast!"

August Weiyang, who was drawing a bow and shooting arrows at the goblins, couldn't help but sigh: "What kind of auxiliary skill is this, it's so useful!"

On the surface of Qiyue Liuhuo, he didn't care, and his heart began to be restless.

You can attack and defend, and you can also play auxiliary dragon hidden occupations!

Just so enviable!

On Zhang Yi's side, a group of monsters was summoned.

Soul harvester, undead crossbowman, dragon blood knight, and then put dragon souls on them, and order them to charge!

A level 190 goblin has 10 billion blood, and his defense is not low.


The damage of Flowing Fire is maintained between 1.5-2 billion, and it is still very easy to cooperate with the Four Heavenly Kings who both damage about 1 billion, and can handle one or two Goblins.

They used the tactic of focusing fire attacks and destroying them one by one, killing goblins one by one.

And Zhang Yi's state is fully open.

Fireball, Freezing, Aurora, World Destruction, Killing.

One by one, the single burst skills gained the damage increase of the master-level fire-bathing dragon soul and the armor breaking of the slaughtering dragon soul.

After being split by multiple attacks, each spell turned into three fire dragons, attacking three goblins at the same time!

The explosion damage is as high as about 3 billion, and it frantically devours the blood of those goblins.

Combined with the attack of the Warcraft group.

In an instant, five or six goblins were killed by Zhang Yi!

This should be the first time Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo fought side by side.

As the saying goes, comparison can create differences.

Zhang Yi's explosive output instantly made the four heavenly kings feel ashamed.

Looking at Zhang Yi's unhappy Tian Xing, he could only be discouraged by Han Yarou.

Deliberately talking about Han Yarou: "You are so good, your girlfriend is not so good, she is just a vase?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "You have a wife in the future, do you want her to fight for you on the battlefield? Then you eat soft rice at home?"

"That's right, it should be difficult for a person like you to find a wife in the future."

Zhang Yi's rebuttal made Tian Xing grit his teeth in anger.

August Weiyang just snickered there: "Uncle Tianxing, stop making fun of yourself!"

Saying that, August Weiyang took a peek at Zhang Yi by the way.

It seems that now, the more she looks at Zhang Yi, the more she feels.

Soon, they took out the first batch of goblins.

I saw that one of those goblins burst out with a black axe in a damaged state!

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