Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1278 Those who trespass on the emperor's palace, kill!

In a room where Qiyue Liuhuo accidentally hid in a room, a terracotta warrior was standing with a talisman on it!

Several people were overjoyed, thinking that they had found the weapon so easily!

At the same time, the eyes of the terracotta warriors also glowed red.

It's "resurrected"!

Holding a long spear, he swept towards the Qiyue Liuhuo few people.

The cavalry quickly raised his shield to block the attack of the terracotta warrior.

Immediately afterwards, Tianyu Tianxing attacked from left and right.

With the long-range magic attack of the Qiyue Liuhuo at the rear, the five people easily solved the terracotta warrior.

After killing the Terracotta Warriors, the token on its waist fell off.

Tianxing was about to bend over to pick it up.

I saw that the token was actually broken into slag!


A moment of surprise.

There was a commotion in all directions.

A large number of terracotta warriors seemed to be attracted by something, and gathered from the surrounding towards the house where they were in July!

Only then did Qiyue Liuhuo react: "It's the signal sent by the fake soldier talisman to them, get out of here!"

At the same time, the terracotta warrior who had just fallen to the ground also revived and stood up.

In July Liuhuo, they divided two by three and five, and killed it again.

Then run away.

It's hard to escape a big chase.

Qiyue Liuhuo sent a message to Zhang Yi: "Is there any fake military charms here?"

Just on Zhang Yi's side, a fake soldier talisman was also found, and then a large number of terracotta warriors were attracted by the soldier talisman.

He replied, "Yes, fake talismans will attract terracotta warriors. But the real talismans are very likely to be mixed with these fake talismans."

Close the dialog.

Qiyue Liuhuo gave an order: "Keep looking!"

Without a specific goal, Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo could only look for them from door to door in the Emperor City.

If you encounter those terracotta warriors with talismans hanging around their waists, they will kill them.

If you are besieged by a large number of terracotta warriors, run away quickly.

However, it is not so easy to find a military talisman that can manipulate the Imperial City.

In the blink of an eye, it's two o'clock in the morning.

During the period, Zhang Yi, Han Yarou and August Weiyang, who had killed how many terracotta warriors and destroyed how many fake talismans, were resting in a safe house in the city.

In August Weiyang opened the small map of the Emperor City and looked at it, saying: "This city is really big, we explored for two hours, and the exploration progress was only 2%... At this rate, we can only explore for six hours a day. if."

"It will take at least a week to fully explore the entire city if we integrate with Brother Qiyue and the others."

Han Yarou had expected: "The terracotta talisman is so important, shouldn't it be on these ordinary terracotta warriors?"

Indeed, those in charge of the military talismans should be some of the generals of the Imperial City, or people at the level of the city lord.

And so far, all Zhang Yi and the others have encountered are ordinary terracotta warriors!

It seemed that she had been reminded by Han Yarou.

Zhang Yi took a closer look at the layout of the Imperial City.

In the end, Zhang Yi's eyes stayed on a palace in the center of the Emperor City map!

According to the map description of the Imperial City: It is the Palace of the Emperor, where the kings of the Imperial City once lived.

Go there and have a look, you might discover something great!

So, taking this as a goal, Zhang Yi and the others began to head towards the Emperor's Palace, which is located in the center of the Emperor's City!

Due to map restrictions, players cannot ride any flying mounts, Zhang Yi and the others can only choose to walk.

However, this setting has also strengthened Zhang Yi's inner thoughts, that is: there are indeed important treasures buried in the palace of the emperor!

It is to prevent those players who have flying mounts from flying directly to the Emperor's Palace and get the treasures in the palace too easily.

Therefore, the Imperial City has such a setting!

However, before, they were wandering around aimlessly.

Now that they have a goal to move forward, Zhang Yi and the others have followed in their speed.

While marching towards the Emperor's Palace at the fastest speed, Zhang Yi beheaded the terracotta warriors that appeared along the way.

These 190-level terracotta warriors generally only have 10 billion HP.

And now Zhang Yi, raising his hand is 3.5-4 billion damage.

Two or three attacks can kill a terracotta warrior.

No amount of terracotta warriors can resist Zhang Yi's progress.

It didn't take long for Zhang Yi and the others to arrive at the center of the city.

When standing at the gate of the Emperor's Palace, the time was fixed at five in the morning.

In an hour, the Imperial City will disappear.

Without further ado, Zhang Yizheng was about to enter the Palace of the Emperor.

At this moment, Qiyue Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings just came here from another direction!

It turned out that they also guessed that the real military talisman is likely to be hidden in this emperor's palace, so they came to the emperor's palace specially!

So, Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo entered the Emperor's Palace together.

as the seat of the king.

The facilities of the Emperor's Hall are obviously different from those ordinary buildings in the city.

The Palace of the Emperor is resplendent and magnificent. At first glance, it is the place where the king lives!

And at the entrance of the Emperor's Hall, two teams of terracotta warriors were lined up neatly!

"It seems that if you want to enter this emperor's palace, you have to go through a fierce battle."

Look at the terracotta warriors stationed outside the palace.

Qiyue Liuhuo raised the staff in his hand.

Zhang Yi also tightened the fire scepter in his hand.

His eyes stopped on the talismans on the waists of those terracotta warriors.

"Every terracotta warrior has terracotta charms, and these terracotta charms must be fake to attract other terracotta warriors."

"After solving them, quickly enter the hall and don't entangle with them."

With that said, everyone picked up the guy one after another.

Zhang Yi also summoned a group of monsters and three lord dragons!

Although he can't ride a dragon, it doesn't affect the three lord dragons fighting for Zhang Yi, the dragon soul master!

When everyone is ready to fight.

Just approaching the Imperial Palace.

At the door, the eyes of the twenty or so terracotta warriors suddenly glowed red!

Clang clang clang!

With pike station.

More than 20 terracotta warriors, all resurrected!

"Those who trespass on the Emperor's Palace, kill!"

"Those who trespass on the Emperor's Palace, kill!"

"Those who trespass on the Emperor's Palace, kill!"

The terracotta warriors shouted slogans over and over again, and approached Zhang Yi and the others with neat and planned steps.

Among them, there is also a lord level, plus two elite level high-level terracotta warriors!

At this time, Qiyue Liuhuo glanced at Zhang Yi and said, "We will deal with the lord and the elite, and leave the rest to them."

Zhang Yi didn't refute either, and said lightly, "Okay."

Immediately, he ordered the Warcraft Group to launch an attack!

hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by a burst of dragon chirping.

When the Dragon Blood Knight and Soul Reaper launched an attack.

Over the head, three lord dragons leaped by.

The Four Heavenly Kings also launched a charge!


Under the command of the 190-level lord terracotta commander riding a warhorse, the terracotta warriors also launched an attack!

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