Two in the morning.

The fighting in the Imperial City continues.

This battle, which has lasted for two hours, nearly destroyed the entire city.

The streets, alleys, smoke everywhere.

And some stragglers who had been leveling overnight in the wild area near the Emperor City, they heard the fierce fighting here, and rushed over with curiosity.

They just dared to stop outside the city gate and did not dare to go in.

When I saw that it was a player from Tiange and the dragon clan, fighting to the death in the city.

Those scattered players who came to join in the fun immediately posted this hot news in the chat area of ​​Liuguang City, and some people started live broadcasts.

In the middle of the night, countless players who were sleeping were awakened, and they all ran to the live broadcast room to watch the game.

When through the live screen, when they really saw that Tiange and the Dragon Race players were pking, the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

On the barrage, various subtitles emerged:

"Damn it! It's really Tiange, the Dragon Clan, our two giant teams in Liuguang City? They actually fought!"

"Isn't it normal for them to fight? After all, Liang Zi has already made a fortune, and Yinuo Qingcheng posted a gauntlet to Qiyue Liuhuo almost half a month ago on the top news in the city."

"But before this, the two of them were also a little bumpy, and now, it's finally a fight!"

"It seems that the two teams are all dispatched, right? And have you noticed that this Imperial City is a map with a dead-spot resurrection mechanism!"

"If you don't say that I haven't found out yet, I'm going, it's really... Tiange and the Dragon Clan, this time it's real!"

"Look, the starlight that symbolizes permanent death has already appeared, how can this be fake?"

Due to the limited viewing angle of the live broadcast, only the scene on the street leading to the city gate can be shown, causing dissatisfaction among the audience.

"Xiongtai, who sent the live broadcast, can you go inside a little, switch a few more screens, and let us see the battle situation in depth! I'll give you a reward!"

Anchor: "Your sister! I won't go in. If I get killed by mistake, I'll be finished. I want to live for a few more years!"

A certain audience: "Damn, you don't feel good watching it from this angle, I'll watch it in another live broadcast room!"

"Forget it, I'll go directly to the scene to see it! The duel between the first family and the second family in Liuguang City is not to be missed! Emperor City, here I come!"

At this moment, the Tiange and Dragon Race players in the Emperor City do not know that they are already famous, and they are now being watched by tens of millions of players in the city.

They don't have the time to take this into account.

Because each of them is facing the crisis of life and death!

corner of the city.

The warrior peak Huang Shao, who slashed a Tiange player with a sword, had his armor already stained with blood, and his hands clenched the long sword, trembling uncontrollably.

He looked at the teammate next to him, Xiao Qiang, who couldn't kill him, and said, "Old... boss, what about the deputy team?"

Xiao Qiang, who was half-blooded and was eating the red potion, cried and said, "The deputy captain and the others have all sacrificed, and there are many brothers, all... all dead!"

"You ****, curse me!" Accompanied by a loud curse, the Dragon Clan Immortal walked out from the corner of the street: "I'm not dead yet!"

"Deputy captain!" Xiaoqiang, like a child, ran to the dragon clan immortal and hugged the dragon clan immortal, trembling all over, crying and saying: "I'm afraid! I'm really afraid!"

"Why is this happening, why are we fighting like this, the brothers are all dead, everyone is dead!"

"They are really dead! We Dragon Race, is it about to end!"

"Don't fucking say such bad words to me!" The dragon clan held up Xiaoqiang's arm and shouted angrily: "As long as there is still a breath, support me! Our dragon clan will never lose to Tiange!"

The voice just fell.

I just felt a cold wind blowing.

As if sensing something, the dragon clan looked up and saw an aurora shot in the slanting air behind Xiaoqiang!

"Be careful!"

The first reaction of the Dragon Clan Immortal was to pull Xiaoqiang past him, switch positions with himself, and use his own body to block the red streamer that was supposed to hit Xiaoqiang!


The streamer directly bombarded the dragon's inextinguishable back.

A super-high damage of up to 2.3 billion instantly empties the remaining two-thirds of the blood bar above the dragon's inextinguishable head!

The next moment, the Dragon Clan Immortal knelt to the ground.

The immortal dragon clan that has lost all chances of resurrection, in front of Xiaoqiang and the peak emperor, turned into a little starlight and drifted away.

At this point, it was as if time had forbidden it.

Xiaoqiang made hysterical screams and screams.

In the air, the 180-level Hell Mage was flying down in July, riding an eagle.

Qiyue Liuhuo, who killed countless people, wore a red to purple ID, stared at Xiaoqiang and the others indifferently, and said, "The era when your dragons dominated Liuguang City has passed."

Xiao Qiang, who was extremely sad and angry, has forgotten his fear.

Grabbing the big sword, he rushed towards Qiyue Liuhuo: "I fought with you!"

Qiyue Liuhuo raised his staff and pointed it at Xiaoqiang: "It's beyond your capacity."



A fireball shot towards Xiaoqiang.

at this time.

Suddenly a figure flashed in front of Xiaoqiang, blocking the fatal blow from Qiyue Liuhuo!

With an average injury of between 2.0 and 2.5 billion in July Liuhuo, this red-quality [fireball technique] hit the man in front of Xiaoqiang, causing a 230 million damage!

And the person who blocked Xiaoqiang's injury was Zhang Yi!

Not much worse than Liu Huo in July, the ID on Zhang Yi's head at the moment is purple to black!

Look at Zhang Yi.

Qiyue Liuhuo said: "Sure enough, you are the most difficult one to deal with."

Zhang Yi said lightly: "each other."

"Between us, it's time to make a break."

As the words of the fire in July just fell.

Tianxing, Tianqi, Tianyu, Tianming, the Four Heavenly Kings, and the mixed-race archer August Weiyang walked out behind them.

At the same time, behind Zhang Yi, the core members of the Dragon Clan survived.

The glory of the king, the storm angel, the uncle, the scavengers and the others also rushed over.

In addition, the rest of the dragon core group have all been killed.

Among them, even Han Yarou is included!

Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo looked at each other.

Between each other, although the surface is full of anger, hatred is incomparable.

But in fact, the communication is through the eyes.

"The people in heaven still have the behind-the-scenes, why haven't they started? It's almost impossible to hold on!"

"Maybe it's you and I, after deciding the outcome."

The identity of the latter is actually about to surface.

Just behind Zhang Yi.

King of Glory, Angel of Storms, Uncle, Night and Day, Scavenger, Unbeatable Xiaoqiang, Peak Emperor Shao.

He must be among these seven!

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