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Chapter 1291 The traitor is not me!

After finishing the conversation with the mysterious man.

That mysterious person actually deleted Lin Ruo's friend!

It seems that this is to prevent Lin Ruo from using this chat record as evidence and providing it to Zhang Yi to prove his innocence.

Because in the world of Apocalypse, once the friend relationship is deleted, the chat history with the friend will also be automatically deleted!

At this time, sister Lin Xi looked at her sister Lin Ruo nervously and asked, "Sister, is what he said true?"

Lin Ruo said, "Do you believe there is any rebirth in this world, transmigrators? I don't believe it anyway."

"However, Zhang Yi is indeed a prophet in many things and many aspects. How to explain this? Moreover, the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno was once a transmigrator. This is an example that everyone in the dragon family can see and know! "

As Lin Xi's voice just fell.

Lin Ruo said: "Anyway, let's go back first and tell Zhang Yi about this. At least, we want to catch the real traitor around Zhang Yi and want us to blame him, but there is no way!"

Just finished speaking.

Lin Ruo immediately received a friend message from [Original Girl.

"Do you think you'll be fine if you run away? You can run for a while, but not forever! Let me tell you, you and your sister are now the wanted criminals of our dragon clan. No matter you escape to the ends of the earth, we will definitely find you. of!"

Seeing this news, Lin Ruo was shocked.

I don't know why, just at this moment.

The words of the mysterious man just now appeared in Lin Ruo's mind:

In the last life, he and Zhang Yi were lovers. Later, he betrayed and killed Zhang Yi with his own hands.

As a result, Zhang Yi was reborn with hatred. In this life, he vowed to kill himself with his own hands to avenge the betrayal of the previous life!

In case this is true.

Then if she goes back, won't she throw herself into the trap?

Contemplation for a long time.

Lin Ruo opened the friend list and sent a message to Zhang Yi: "Would you believe me if I said the traitor wasn't me?"

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Yi did not reply.

This time, Lin Ruo's heart became cold.

It seems that if you go back to the Dragon Clan now, it must be self-inflicted!

Zhang Yi would definitely not believe what she said.

They will also be scorned by the dragon people.

"Sister, I miss home..."

Lin Xi squatted down on the ground, and said a little disappointedly: "I want to go back to Purgatory City, I want to go back to the royal family..."

Lin Ruo squatted down, touched Lin Xi's head, and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have brought you to Liuguang City."

Lin Xi shook his head: "Sister, I don't blame you."

After a pause, Lin Xi continued, "Let's go back to Purgatory City when the cross-city cooling time passes!"

Lin Ruo nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, Lin Ruo suddenly thought: The purpose of coming to Liuguang City before was to meet a friend who was on the side of Liuguang City and was similar to netizens in the real world.

Lin Ruo then opened the friend list casually.

When I was about to look for that friend, I found out that the other party had deleted him at some point!

At this moment, Lin Ruo thought about it carefully, and suddenly had a very terrifying speculation:

Could the netizen who guided him to Liuguang City before was the traitor lurking beside Zhang Yi, and the mysterious person who contacted him just now? !

At that time, in order to maintain the mystery, the netizen that Lin Ruo knew also turned on the information hiding mode.

If both are really the same person.

In this way, this person has already started the layout early in the morning, calling Sister Lin Ruo from Purgatory City to Liuguang City, as a chess piece that can be used at any time, just in case...

Thinking of this, Lin Ruo's back suddenly felt cold.

"Who is this person..."

After a night of fierce fighting.

The players of Tiange and Dragon Race are all exhausted.

Return to the city at 5:00 in the morning and start to rest.

When most of the dragon clan woke up, it was already twelve o'clock noon.

Everyone continued to level up in the wild during the day.

And through this action last night, the Dragon Clan and Tiange also captured an excellent venue for leveling up: Emperor City!

As long as the player has a soldier talisman, the player guarded by the soldier talisman dies in the Imperial City and can be resurrected in the same state without any death penalty.

Therefore, players can kill monsters and level up without any fetters, without worrying about their own safety.

It's a pity that the Imperial City is only open from twelve o'clock every night to six o'clock in the morning, so the plan to level up in the Imperial City is also greatly affected by time.

Zhang Yi is here.

Look at the time, before you know it is already January 15th.

In half a month, it will usher in the second assessment of the dragon camp!

And Zhang Yi's level has reached level 185, and is about to rise to level 200, about to enter the first-level main city.

Completing the second assessment of the Dragon Clan faction and solving Lin Ruo's affairs should be the second of the last three things before heading to the first-level main city.

Why three pieces?

Because there is one more important thing:

Within the Apocalypse World Star Country area, when a player reaches level 190, the [Battle of the Gods] will start.

At that time, within the Star Country area, all the second-tier main cities will select one hundred strongest participants to go to the [God's Domain] to participate in the [Battle of the Gods] competition.

The player who finally wins the battle of the gods will not only get rich rewards.

The players in the second-level main city represented by it will have the qualification to enter the first-level main city in advance!

Don't worry about the battle of the gods.

Zhang Yi is mainly thinking about Lin Ruo.

On a level 185 map in the wild, I spent an afternoon with a group of core members of the Dragon Clan.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, I was ready to go home, rest for a few hours, and then enter the Imperial City at 12 o'clock in the evening.

With this plan in mind, Zhang Yi rushed towards Liuguang City with the Dragon Clan Immortal and the others.

On the way back to the city.

The dragon clan members were also sighing about Lin Ruo's affairs.

"Where is this Lin Ruo Linxi hiding?"

As the original girl's voice just fell.

King Glory also gritted his teeth and said, "It actually moved our dragon clan! Fortunately, Brother Cheng kept a hand, otherwise our dragon clan would end up with Tiange. Then they and the heaven clan would sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman... and then let When I see them both, I must make them look good!"

Everyone was talking, but Zhang Yi was silent.

Exactly at this moment.

A figure appeared in front.

Looking around, I found that it was none other than Lin Ruo!

Seeing Lin Ruo appear in front of him so confidently.

The people of the dragon race picked up the guys one after another.

The immortal sword of the dragon clan pointed at Lin Ruo, and shouted angrily, "How dare you come out!"

Lin Ruo's gaze was directed at Zhang Yi in the crowd.

shouted: "The traitor is not me!"

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