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Chapter 1299 Prepare for War: Battle of the Gods!

Zhang Yi tried to contact him by various means, or to find Han Yarou.

However, one day passed, and in the end it was fruitless.

Obviously, she is no longer in the territory of Liuguang City.


Looking at Zhang Yi who was walking down the street, lost his soul.

The people of the Dragon Clan came to comfort them one after another.

"My sister-in-law just moved to another place to develop. In the future, when she overcomes the black dragon consciousness in her body, she will definitely come back!"

As the brother's voice just fell.

Peak Sovereign Young Master followed up: "Yes! Besides, what remains in her body is the consciousness of the seventh-order dark dragon emperor! She can also manipulate the dark war dragon of level 200, so no one should be able to bully her."

"She was able to gradually control the entire Paradise Family by herself before. Maybe the next time you see her, she is already a lord of the party!"

Zhang Yimo was silent.

Zhang Yi must be worried about leaving Han Yarou alone.

At this time, even Weiana comforted Zhang Yi through the dragon soul ring: "Although I can't locate your lover's position through the dragon soul ring, the dragon soul ring can sense the life of the other party."

"Try to sense it with the Dragon Soul Ring."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi tried to use the power of the Dragon Soul Ring.

Sure enough, Zhang Yi sensed Han Yarou's life information through the Dragon Soul Ring.

Being able to use the Dragon Soul Ring to monitor Han Yarou's life at all times can be regarded as making Zhang Yi's restless heart calm down a little.

In order not to drag Zhang Yi down, or the Dragon Clan.

This time, Han Yarou left Zhang Yi with determination.

Under the consolation of everyone, Zhang Yi finally got back on his feet!

As long as you go to the first-level main city, kill the dark dragon emperor, and eliminate the black dragon consciousness in Han Yarou's body, Han Yarou will be able to come back!

Use this as motivation.

Finally, Zhang Yi used the dragon soul ring to send a message to Han Yarou: "Xiaoya, I will definitely save you, wait for me."

By night.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, Zhang Yi brought 300,000 members of the Dragon Clan to the Imperial City.

Prior to this, the two Tiange players who had spent all night in the Emperor City had also suddenly gained a lot of motivation.

It's like a game.

Players on both sides are distributed in the Emperor City, hunting and killing terracotta warriors frantically.

Gain experience, money, and collect emperor gear from these terracotta warriors!

and protected by soldiers.

No matter how many times they die in the Emperor City, Tiange and Dragon Clan players can be resurrected on the spot with zero loss.

This is a business opportunity.

In the Imperial City, the level 190 terracotta warriors are enough for Tiange and Dragon players to continue to level up here until level 190!

Soon, an all-nighter passed.

Arrived at six in the morning.

The Imperial City also began to sink.

The players from Tiange and the Dragon Clan evacuated from the Imperial City one after another.

And under the battle that lasted for six hours.

The gains of both players in it are not small.

And when it came time for the players of the two major families to leave.

Qiyue Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings suddenly brought sister Lin Ruo Linxi to Zhang Yi.

"What's the matter, you plan to put them in my Heaven Pavilion for the rest of your life, and don't plan to take them back?"

Tian Xing glanced at Sister Lin Ruo and Lin Xi, pondered, and said to Zhang Yi, "Although, if they have no opinion, it is not impossible to stay in our Tiange all the time."

At this time, Lin Ruo said to Zhang Yi: "You still owe me an explanation! I agreed before that I will be innocent in front of everyone in the Dragon Clan!"

Zhang Yi said: "I have already paid you back."

Look around.

I saw that the players of the dragon clan, seeing Lin Ruo Lin Xi, all looked like they were remorseful.

Especially the original girls who had intimidated them before, also expressed a sincere apology to Lin Ruo: "I'm sorry, we misunderstood you"

Lin Ruo didn't expect this scene.

She looked at Zhang Yi: "Did you really say that?"

"What about your girlfriend?"

does not answer this question.

Zhang Yi said to Lin Ruo: "For the initial misunderstanding before, and the later use of you in order to draw out the real behind-the-scenes, here, I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

Seeing so many people from the Dragon Clan, even Zhang Yi apologized in a low voice.

Lin Ruo, who didn't have much to lose because of this incident, quickly dissipated the anger in his heart: "Well, for your sincere attitude, I forgive you!"

So, Lin Ruo pulled Lin Xi and returned to Zhang Yi and the others.

Don't forget to say to them in July Liuhuo: "Thank you for your care!"

Qiyue Liuhuo looked at Zhang Yi: "So, if you asked me to help, I will help you all."

"You promised me the duel, when will you be ready to start?"

Zhang Yi hesitated and said, "When the battle of the gods starts, each main city will hold an audition, and the top 100 players will be selected to go to the final battlefield of the battle of the gods."

"See the highs and lows in the auditions."

This is very fair, and it is more exciting than a simple confrontation.

So, July Liuhuo gladly answered

Response: "Okay."

After this agreement.

The people of the Dragon Clan and Tiange parted ways outside the Imperial City.

Zhang Yi returned to Liuguang City.

The time is fixed at half past six in the morning.

After having breakfast with the Dragon Clan, Zhang Yi went to the hotel alone.

Recalling that before, every time I had dinner and rest with Han Yarou.

At this time, Zhang Yi always felt that something was missing, and he was not used to it.

I don't know where Xiaoya is now or what her condition is.

Just when Zhang Yi arrived at the hotel, the dragon soul ring in his hand suddenly flashed!

And this time, it was actually a message from Han Yarou!

"Zhang Yi, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Hear the news from Han Yarou.

Zhang Yi felt a little distressed and reluctant.

And those words of retention and reluctance, when they came to the lips, only condensed into one sentence: "Okay, take care of yourself."

The news that Han Yarou took the initiative to send can be regarded as making Zhang Yi, who has been worried about it for a day, relieved a lot.

And every day that follows, Han Yarou will send Zhang Yi a message of safety.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi is also frantically brushing monsters day and night and leveling up.

People in the Dragon Clan brush around level 180 maps every day, and at night when they go to the Imperial City to brush.

No matter day or night, Zhang Yi was soaked in the 200-level Storm Nest.

Because he no longer needs the Emperor suit in the Emperor City.

In the second-level main city, only the ceiling-level 200-level wild area can meet Zhang Yi's upgrade needs.

Starts at level 185.

The more monsters are spawned at level 15, Zhang Yi can get an additional 120% experience bonus (10% per level above level 3).

And the 10% bonus for the first in the ranking list.

By killing a 200-level storm cancer, Zhang Yi can finally get 230% of the experience points!

Such a rich experience acquisition speed.

Zhang Yi's level is also rising step by step.

Half a month passed.

Finally ushered in level 190!

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