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Chapter 1301: Qiyue Liuhuo's help

Obviously, in the mouth of Han Yarou, who is exactly Han Yarou's second personality, the Dark Dragon Emperor, Lin Ruo already knew that Zhang Yi was a rebirth.

In this regard, Zhang Yi did not hide it any more, but just asked: "Do you believe in rebirth?"

"To be honest, I don't believe it." Lin Ruo said, "But I'm curious."

"Someone told me that you are a rebirth, and we were lovers in the last life. In the end, I joined your good brother to betray you and kill you with my own hands?"

Just when Lin Ruo smiled, thinking that everything he said was funny.

Zhang Yi suddenly opened his mouth and said, "What if I told you that these are true?"

Lin Ruo was stunned.

"Are we really lovers?"

Following Lin Ruo's inconceivable words just fell.

Zhang Yi was a little strange: "Your first concern is not why you betrayed me."

Lin Ruo was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Then he said, "I'm just wondering, how did the two of us get together?"

"Fate? Let's go with the flow?" Zhang Yi said: "These are no longer important, because in this life, I will not repeat the same mistakes again."

When he said this, Zhang Yi was more or less mixed with a trace of hatred.

Although Lin Ruo in this life has not done anything to feel sorry for Zhang Yi so far.

But in the last life, the real thing was that she joined Mu Chen and betrayed herself!

This hatred, Zhang Yi can't forget, and can't be regarded as the same as never happened.

Lin Ruo nodded, with a hint of disappointment in his expression: "Then what do you think, do you want to avenge the revenge of the previous life in this life?"

Zhang Yi looked at Lin Ruo.

Lin Ruo at this moment is exactly the same as the Ruoxi that Zhang Yi loved deeply in the previous life!

Up to now, Zhang Yi couldn't understand why Ruoxi betrayed him.

Perhaps it was encouraged by Mu Chen?

After all, Mu Chen in this life was full of killing intent towards Zhang Yi after learning the memories of the future through Heilong.

This is the murderous intention in his bones, indicating that Mu Chen is destined to be Zhang Yi's enemy no matter the previous life or this life!

But after knowing Zhang Yi's true origin and identity, Lin Ruo acted so calmly, and even felt very guilty and self-blame.

At this time, Lin Ruo continued: "I know, the reason why you haven't killed me is because I have a secret that can save a friend of yours, right?"

Zhang Yi was shocked.

It seems that the omniscient Heilong really told Lin Ruo everything!

However, Zhang Yi didn't want this matter to be known to Lin Ruo, worried that in the end, she would use this as a handle to blackmail herself.

Just when Zhang Yi didn't know if he should answer Lin Ruo's question with certainty.

Lin Ruo went on to say, "I will help you save your friend, and treat it as making up for the fault of my betrayal of your last life."

Zhang Yi glanced at Lin Ruo in surprise.

Lin Ruo added: "But in exchange, you can't stab me with a black knife and take revenge on me after I helped you save your friend!"

Zhang Yi said without hesitation: "Okay."

At this time, the npc waiter has already started serving dishes.

Seeing Zhang Yi get up and leave.

Lin Ruo hurriedly said: "What's the matter, according to what you said, we are lovers who have truly loved each other in the last life! Even if we have a meal with my ex-girlfriend, so what?"

Zhang Yi glanced at Lin Ruo from the corner of his eye: "Forget it, the last life has passed."

Just when Zhang Yi was about to leave.

The dragon clan is immortal, the scavengers, the glory of the king and the original girls all suddenly pushed the door and entered!

Only then did Zhang Yi know: It turned out that Lin Ruo didn't really just call him to eat alone.

Seeing that all the people from the Dragon Clan came over, Zhang Yi didn't want to leave anymore.

Sit down and eat.

Soon, the npc waiter will serve the dishes.

Everyone ate while talking about the battle of the gods.

Halfway through, Zhang Yi suddenly received a private message from Qiyue Liuhuo: "I have helped you a few times before. Now, can you please do me a favor?"

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi was a little strange: "Do you still need my help?"

"Please." Qiyue Liuhuo's tone was very urgent, it looked like he was joking.

Zhang Yi asked, "Where?"

Soon, Qiyue Liuhuo returned a location message that made Zhang Yi frown: "lv187 City of Destruction (location)!"

Zhang Yi quickly got up and left the restaurant.

The next moment, riding a fire dragon to the sky

Not long after, Zhang Yi arrived at the city of destruction.

Outside the city, with Qiyue Liuhuo, the Four Heavenly Kings gathered together.

I saw Qiyue Liuhuo and the five Four Heavenly Kings wandering at the gate of the city, each looking extremely anxious.

Especially in July.

At this moment, his face is full of tension, and the color of fear that he has never seen before!

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yi asked Qiyue Liuhuo.

Seeing Zhang Yi finally arrived, Qiyue Liuhuo was like seeing a savior.

There was a hint of hope on his face: "Weiyang was caught, now

Right in the city, held hostage. The other party asked: You must go in with me, or they will tear up the ticket directly! "

Zhang Yi was surprised for a while: "How could this be? Which force dares to hold people from your Tiange?"

At this time, the priest Tianming said: "It is the person of the Paradise family who was let go by us last time in the Emperor City."

"The last time they were in the Emperor City, we asked for all the equipment and resources, and after they were exiled, they are now revengeful towards us. So they captured Weiyang and planned to take revenge on us."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi felt even more unbelievable: "August Weiyang is not weak. Normally, there are not dozens or hundreds of people. I'm afraid ordinary players can't help her, right?"

"Not to mention the Heavenly Family, the resources of those who were exiled by us have basically been wiped out, and they have no equipment and no economy. Where do they have the strength to capture August Weiyang?"

The soldier Tian Xing said: "It is said that they put together a piece of money and hired a high-level mercenary group in the city, and invited the people from the mercenary group to ambush and shoot down the Weiyang of Shan, and finally succeeded!"

Speaking of this, Tian Xing's face was full of anger: "Heaven's gangsters who don't know how to live or die, if they knew that they were in the Emperor City last time, they should have been completely obliterated, and they should not have been let out!"

Qiyue Liuhuo also blamed himself: "Blame me, I shouldn't let Weiyang be alone, if I stayed by Weiyang's side, I wouldn't let them take advantage of it!"

Zhang Yi didn't talk nonsense either.

He said to Qiyue Liuhuo: "The situation is urgent, then go in quickly."

I thought that Zhang Yi probably wouldn't agree to help with this kind of risky service.

Seeing Zhang Yi agreeing to help him without hesitation, Qiyue Liuhuo was only shocked and grateful: "Okay!"


The two immediately entered the city of destruction.

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