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Chapter 1307 Deep Sea Dragon Emperor: Ku Yan

The result of Yi Ye Guzhou's failure in the assessment was actually within Zhang Yi's expectations.

Because of the last test, the reason why he was able to pass it was entirely because of good luck.

According to what he said: the last time his assessment task was to kill the dragon whose body was infected with the breath of the devil.

However, half of the dragons in the assessment area are not infected with the breath of the devil. If they are killed by mistake, it will affect the assessment progress.

And precisely, the hidden professional demon master owned by Yi Ye Guzhou can sense the breath of the demon king in those dragons.

Therefore, Yi Ye Guzhou directly carried out targeted kills. In this way, it only barely completed the assessment within three hours!

The dragon faction assessment tasks cannot be the same.

So this time, One Leaf Lone Boat didn't have such good luck.

After all, in the last life, looking at the whole world of Apocalypse, the first player from the Kingdom of Heaven to join the dragon camp also took a year to successfully pass all the tests.

It is conceivable that during this period, he also experienced many failures.

Zhang Yi did not dare to neglect.

After solving the first red dot, quickly come to where the second red dot is.

Same as the previous one.

Zhang Yi arrived at his destination, and four silver lights appeared around him.

Then, a dozen silver moon dragons flew out of those beams!

Zhang Yi joined the Warcraft Group to kill those Silver Moon Dragons.

One after another, until all the eight red dots are removed.

When I opened the map, I could only see the original eight red dots, which had changed from red to purple.

They form a circle.

Further out, a hundred red dots envelop them.

And at this moment, in the middle of the circle of purple light spots, there is a golden flashing light spot that appears and disappears!

Most likely, this is the real coordinates of the ocean spirit stone!

Zhang Yi quickly followed the map guide and came to the location marked by the golden light spot.

What caught my eye was a huge coconut grove.

At this moment, the system prompt fell from the sky.

"Ding~ Please note: The Deep Sea Dragon Emperor Kuyan will arrive at the Dragon Island in 30 minutes, please take precautions!"

It took a lot of time to solve the eight red dots just now.

Zhang Yi looked at it and found: There is only one hour left in the remaining time for the assessment!

Before Ku Yan arrived on the island, Zhang Yi had only half an hour left to act!

Without further ado, Zhang Yi immediately started a search in the coconut grove.

During this period, the Silver Moon Dragons kept coming out to make trouble.

Zhang Yi hunted down the Silver Moon Dragon while looking for the Ocean Spirit Stone.

However, almost half an hour later, almost the entire coconut grove was rummaged by Zhang Yi, and there was no trace of the Ocean Spirit Stone!

How could this happen? Could it be that the Ocean Spirit Stone is not in this forest at all?

But why, the system has to use hints to guide the examiners to this coconut grove?

Just when Zhang Yibai was puzzled.


In the center of the coconut grove, a huge vortex suddenly appeared!

Zhang Yi looked at the whirlpool and fell into doubt.

at the same time.


With a burst of earth shaking.

A behemoth rushed out of the sea and flew over the Dragon Island!

Looking around, it was a huge blue water dragon!

The Deep Sea Dragon Emperor Kuyan has come ashore!

At this moment, the countless silver moon war dragons on the dragon island fled one after another, and they did not dare to approach the deep sea dragon emperor at all!

A strong pressure made Zhang Yi, who was in the center of the island, breathless.

Visually, this is at least a fifth-order, or even a sixth-order super dragon emperor!

Moreover, in the blink of an eye, the sea dragon has already flown to the center of the island!

Looking up, the size of this dragon is no less than the fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu!

The god-level exploration technique showed the result, which surprised Zhang Yi for a while—

lv190 fifth-order deep sea dragon emperor: Ku Yan!

The fifth-order signature dragon emperor!

Zhang Yi was stunned.

You must know that the final opponent of the last first-stage assessment was only a third-order Dragon King Light and Shadow Dragon King!

In the second stage, how can you beat it after improving so much all of a sudden?

The most important thing is: the system has clearly indicated that in the sea area or island, the Deep Sea Dragon Emperor is in an invincible state and will not suffer any damage.

Zhang Yi tried it out and found that his attack really couldn't cause damage to the Deep Sea Dragon Emperor!

At this time, the Deep Sea Dragon Emperor flew into the sky.

Suddenly swooped down, and at the same time, spit out a cloud of ice-blue dragon breath from his mouth.

At the moment when the dragon's breath leaked out, Zhang Yi and the group of beasts were inevitably engulfed.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon's breath landed, turning directly into sea water, submerging the island.

One after another, the damage was as high as 300-500 million, frantically swallowing the blood of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group.

When he was about to die, a very important question suddenly flashed in Zhang Yi's mind.

According to the deep-sea dragon emperor library, it is invincible in the sea area or island.

It is equivalent to as long as the examiner has not found the ocean spirit stone before it lands.

If you do, you will surely die.

Then the time for the Deep Sea Dragon Emperor's landing should be set at the same time as the end of the assessment time.

And it landed half an hour earlier, isn't it equivalent to compressing the assessor's time by half an hour?

This is very illogical.

At the same time, Zhang Yi suddenly saw that almost the entire island was submerged by sea water, except for one place that was not eroded by sea water.

That is the vortex that opened on the ground in the middle of the coconut grove before!

An uncertain conjecture appeared in Zhang Yi's mind.

In this state, within half a minute, Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group will be finished.

Rather, take a gamble!

Think so.

Zhang Yi suddenly ran to the vortex, and then jumped into the vortex!

With a "pop", Zhang Yi fell into a huge dragon city!

Get up and look around.

What caught my eye was the ruins of a city full of gunpowder smoke.

And on the ground, there are dragon bones everywhere!

Here, it seems to be a battlefield that has experienced a great war.

Zhang Yi didn't have time to sigh.


With a growl.

The Deep Sea Dragon Emperor Kuyan actually chased after him!

In the air, the Deep Sea Dragon Emperor flew down from the huge vortex.

To Zhang Yi and the group of demon beasts on the ground, breathe out the dragon's breath.

at this time.

At Zhang Yi's feet, bursts of flames ignited.


Another growl.

Babu, the fifth-order fire-bathing dragon emperor, appeared on his own without being summoned by Zhang Yi.

He flew head-on to the Deep Sea Dragon King, and spit out dragon flames from his mouth, opposite the dragon breath spit out by the Deep Sea Dragon King.

Blue dragon breath and red flames meet in the air.

Zhang Yi, who saw this scene, only felt a surprise.

It seems that I bet right!

The next moment, Zhang Yi raised the Scepter of Bathing Fire.


Behind him, the imprint of the Dragon Soul Master bloomed.

Quickly cast spells, combined with the fire-bathed dragon soul.

Boom boom boom!

One after another skills turned into fire dragons, bombarded the deep sea dragon emperor in the air, and exploded on the top of his head with a damage of about 4 billion!

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