Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, guarded the city of destruction.

When I heard movement outside the city, I immediately became vigilant!

Looking around, I found that a five-person team coming from outside the city was actually Qiyue Liuhuo, with the four kings!

Xing Tian's expression tightened: "Could it be that the assassins are them?"

Zhang Yi said confidently, "It's not them."

Zhang Yi knew that, as the titled God of War in the Star Country Region in the previous life, it would be impossible to do such a thing.

If nothing else, he came to the City of Destruction for only one purpose.

Zhang Yi walked out directly, but the Four Heavenly Kings were startled.

Tian Xing was so frightened that he pulled out his sword: "What did you do?"

Zhang Yi directly ignored Tianxing, looked at Qiyue Liuhuo and said, "Are you here to squat them too?"

Qiyue Liuhuo said bluntly: "Yes, let me see where the assassins dare to attack the strong players."

The two do not coincide.

Then, Qiyue Liuhuo and the Four Heavenly Kings also lurked in a house on the street.

It turned out that they were also here to squat the gang of assassins!


Qiyue Liuhuo said: "According to my friends in the city before, they also encountered assassins there, and the assassins were all people who were going to participate in the battle of the gods."

"Explanation: This is likely to be an assassination operation against all secondary main cities, and it was planned a long time ago, a huge conspiracy!"

Xing Tian also said: "It should be a force from a certain main city. They want to seize the resources of the first-level main city in advance."

After all, if the strength of the participating teams in other main cities is weakened in advance, when the battle of the gods starts, the main city where they are located will first be able to crush other main cities in terms of numbers!

At this time, the soldier Tian Xing snorted coldly: "It's really despicable to use this method!"

"Don't let me know who this guy is, or I'll let him go around!"

While talking, several people waited in the city.

Before you know it, you have waited from day to night!

Five in the evening.

There are only two hours left before the teleportation array officially opens.

And Zhang Yi, who had been in the city of destruction for a day and couldn't defend against the assassins, gradually got a little tired.

The priest Tianming said: "This incident is quite a big deal. It is estimated that there are assassins. Those who have qualified for the competition are all trapped in the city and can't come out."

"I'm afraid they won't come. The game will start in two hours. We have to go back and prepare."

With that said, everyone prepares to get up and leave the city of destruction.

Just then, there was a commotion outside!

In sight, I saw a large group of players surrounded by two players and entered the City of Destruction!

It just so happened that the location where the players were parked was right in front of the house where Zhang Yi and the others were lurking!

Through the cracks in the doors and windows, you can see everything outside!

All I can see: four black assassins are holding two players, a man and a woman, with sharp daggers.

The pair of men and women, with not many blood bars left on their heads, were both at the level of one-shot death.

The male id is called Yakult, and he is a level 183 rank seven warrior.

The woman is called Le Duo, a level 183 seven-turn archer!

The two are obviously in a relationship, and above their heads, they each have a special golden font with two numbers 98 and 92!

This is the digital identification of the finalists in the battle of the gods, indicating that these two people are players who have the qualifications to participate in the battle of the gods!

In the surroundings, all the people who besieged them were black-clothed assassins around level 182!

All of them hide the id above their heads.

On Zhang Yi's side, the results displayed by the god-level exploration technique are also varied. Their ids are not unified, and it seems that they have been deliberately processed.

Moreover, they are more expensive than the crowd!

There were at least hundreds of assassins surrounding the two of them.

After entering the city of destruction.

The warrior Yakult asked: "We have no grievances and no grudges, why do you do this?"

One of the black-clothed assassins said coldly, "Because as long as you die, the participating forces in Liuguang City will be weakened. At that time, in the battle of the gods, Liuguang City will definitely lose!"

"You Liuguang City?" Archer Le Duo asked: "Aren't you from Liuguang City? What good will it be for you when we lose Liuguang City?"

"Giving up the small self and becoming the big one, what's the point of such a little sacrifice?"

With that said, an assassin waved his hand and gave an order.

The four assassin players who held Yakult and Ledo hostage immediately waved their daggers and wiped their necks.

Because of the residual blood, the two were directly killed!

Trigger the mechanism to resurrect the city of destruction in situ.

The next second, the two stood up again!

With the super strength of Liuguang City's top 100.

The two rose up to resist, and instantly killed more than a dozen black-clothed assassins!

But they can't be outnumbered.

Soon, he was besieged by a large number of assassins around and fell into a desperate situation.

Just when the two were about to be killed.


A purple enchantment suddenly appeared from above their heads.

Immediately after,

Countless black skulls flew down from the barrier, bombarding those black-clothed assassins in a messy way!

One by one, the damage is as high as more than one billion, and basically those assassins who are touched by the skull will die when they touch it.

In an instant, more than a dozen black-clothed assassins within the range were all killed!

However, Yakult and Ledo, who were also within the attack range of the skull, were unscathed!

At this time, in the sight of the black assassins.

I saw an alien magician man dressed in a red robe and exuding the breath of death, walking slowly from the street with a staff that was overflowing with light!

Above his head, the id of "lv186 7th-turn Hell Mage: Fire in July" couldn't help but make those black-clothed assassins feel ashamed.

Obviously, they didn't just come to Liuguang City.

They still know something about this person whose strength is comparable to that of the first god Yinuo Qingcheng in the Liuguang City Heavenly Ranking List.

No matter how bad it is, the golden number 2 on the top of July Liuhuo's head can also be eye-catching.

However, in addition to being frightened, the assassins were all intent on killing Qiyue Liuhuo!

"Liuhuo in July, the second person in Liuguang City, if they kill him, their chances of winning the battle of the gods in Liuguang City will drop by 50%!"

"Brothers, he is only one person, don't be afraid, let's go together and kill him!"

Following an order from one of the black-robed assassins.

From all directions, countless black-clothed assassins rushed towards the July Fire!

at this time.

A strong light flashed behind Qiyue Liuhuo.

The 184-level warrior Tianxing, the 184-level knight Tianqi, rushed to kill with a sword and shield!

at the same time.

The breath of darkness and the power of thunder enveloped the audience.

Ghost Swordsman Xing Tian, ​​and Thunder Knight Yiqi Juechen appeared among those assassins!

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