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Chapter 1349 Dragon Clan Hidden Map: Dragon Emperor Tower!

It takes 550 billion experience points to upgrade from level 200 to level 201.

This is just a reward for discovering a hidden map, which increases Zhang Yi's experience bar by as much as half!

It is even easier to get 300 points of dragon reputation!

This reputation is simply not too cool to get.

But for Zhang Yi, it was not enough.

Because the attack level of the minibus is upgraded from advanced to master, it will take 1000 points of dragon reputation.

Subsequent master-level, god-level upgrade needs will only be more.

Zhang Yi's ideal is that after clearing the hidden map [Dragon Emperor Tower], he can gain enough Dragon Clan reputation to raise the minibus' attack level to god-level!

This announcement about the excavation of the hidden map of the Dragon Race also excited many players in Dawn City.

However, when they searched the map according to the name and found that the Dragon Emperor Pagoda was a hidden map of the 205-level dragon race, they did not dare to think about it.

Because after arriving at the first-level main city, they discovered that with their current strength, it is very difficult to deal with the lowest level 200 monsters around the first-level main city.

How dare they dare to provoke a level 205 dragon monster?

At this time, Zhang Yi and the others, who were standing under the Dragon Emperor Tower, were looking at the black pagoda towering into the clouds and exuding black energy in front of them.

According to the new description on the map.

The Dragon Emperor Tower is the place to suppress the brutal black dragons of the dark dragon race.

When the three major races were at war, the dark dragon clan and the ghost clan allied together to fight against the three major races.

Later, the Bright Dragons assisted the three major races against the Dark Dragons and Ghosts.

The Dragon King of Tianmai built this Dragon King Sky Tower, imprisoned countless black dragons captured by him in this Sky Tower, and buried the Sky Tower in the ground.

Later, the people of Dawn City built the Dragon Emperor Temple at the location where the Heavenly Pagoda was buried, trying to use the power of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor to suppress the underground Dragon Emperor Heavenly Pagoda!

Successfully opened the hidden map of the dragon family, after the Dragon Emperor Tower.

As the map opener, Zhang Yi has seven-day priority access.

And can authorize others to enter.

So Zhang Yi authorized Xing Tian to ride Juechen and the others.

The five were about to approach the tower.

A deep voice suddenly fell from the sky!

"The people detained in the Dragon Emperor Tower are all powerful black dragons from the dark dragon family. If they are mortals, it is best not to step into them easily.".Κanδhu5.iá

This is the voice of the Tianmai Dragon Emperor!

The original girl asked in surprise: "Is the Heavenly Maiden Dragon Emperor dead?"

"Well." Zhang Yi said: "He died, but his consciousness remained in the Dragon Emperor Temple."

Zhang Yi looked up at the Dragon Emperor Temple at the top of the Sky Tower, and then said, "Since I'm here, I must be ready to penetrate this Sky Tower!"

Zhang Yi's performance was very calm, as if he had known the consciousness of the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Maiden for a long time, and it was still in the Dragon Emperor Temple at the top.

In fact, when every player in the previous life first entered the Dragon Emperor Tower, they would be guided by the Dragon Emperor.

His consciousness remained in the Dragon Emperor Temple at the top of the Sky Tower, which was well known to the players of the previous Dawn City.

Someone once joked that whoever can reach the top of the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda can obtain the inheritance of the sixth-order Tianmai Dragon Emperor!

It's a pity that due to the difficulty of conquering the Dragon Emperor Pagoda, no player in the previous life was able to get through all the five-story Pagodas!

"very good."

At this time, the voice of Tianmai Dragon Emperor came again from the Dragon Emperor Temple at the top of the Tiantao: "The descendant of the Guangming Dragon Clan, the Dragon Soul Master, this Emperor will be at the final point of the Dragon Emperor Tianta, waiting for your arrival."

Zhang Yizheng was about to enter the Dragon Emperor Tower.

At this moment, a system prompt that Zhang Yi did not expect suddenly fell into his ears:

"Ding~ Since you have a dragon family hidden professional dragon soul master, [Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu] will give you a dragon family hidden task [Heavenly Chosen Son] (God-level dragon family hidden task), do you want to receive the task?"

What's going on, there is actually a god-level dragon hidden mission here?

Zhang Yi was a little surprised.

Because in the last life, he didn't hear that there is such a task here?

Is it because the trigger mechanism is too special.

Must be a person whose identity is linked to the dragon family to trigger?

Because of the people who have the hidden occupation of the dragon race, throughout the entire Apocalypse world, let alone foreigners, in the Star Country area, Zhang Yi should be the only one!

With such a rare trigger condition, no player in the last Dawn City has the opportunity to trigger this task at all?

Although shocked.

But for Zhang Yi, it is undoubtedly a joy from heaven!

Therefore, Zhang Yi accepted the task without hesitation.

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have obtained the hidden quest of the god-level dragon family [Son of the Chosen], please complete the quest according to the quest instructions!"

The five Zhang Yi entered the tower.

Whoa whoa whoa!

A few streaks of white light fell.

As soon as he turned his eyes, he appeared in a huge dragon city!

It turned out that the Dragon Emperor Pagoda is divided into five floors.

And every layer is a small world!

The few people in the Dragon City looked up.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed.

Countless black dragons flew over the city without dragons, and the sound of dragons came one after another.

At the same time, a

The system prompts to fall from the sky:

"Ding~ Welcome to the first floor of [Dragon Emperor Tower], the system has automatically issued the task [Dragon Emperor's Life] (1) for you, please follow the instructions to complete the task!"

Zhang Yi immediately opened the task list.

In the list, in addition to the legendary hidden quest [Breath of the Demon King], two new quests have been added:

[Dragon Emperor's Life] (1) (Dragon Hidden Map Quest):

Difficulty factor: 1180w.

Description: In order to suppress the Dragon Emperor Tian Pagoda, the dark dragon scum who used to be in sympathy with the ghosts, Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu buried the Dragon Emperor Tian Pagoda underground before he died. Later, the humans of Dawn City built the Dragon Emperor Temple to suppress the Dragon Emperor Tower.

Players are invited to enter the first floor of the Dragon Emperor Tower and kill the fallen black dragon (Thunder) inside.

Mission Progress: 0/1000.

Time: 7 days.

Remarks: Each player has only one chance to perform this quest. Once the quest fails, it will never be claimed, and the follow-up quest of the Dragon Emperor Tower cannot be triggered.

[The Chosen Son] (God-level Dragon Race Hidden Quest):

Difficulty factor: 2200w.

Description: Bright Dragon Clan Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu died in battle in order to help mankind fight against the dark dragon clan and ghost clan. In order to suppress the dark dragon power in the Dragon Emperor Tower, his consciousness remains in the Dragon Emperor Temple. Only one day, the selected son of the Dragon tribe can get through the Dragon Emperor Tower, collect all the dark dragon power in the tower, and evolve it, Integrate the consciousness of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, resurrect the Heavenly Dragon Emperor...

Players are asked to complete the tasks on each floor of the Dragon Emperor Tower, collect the power of the dragon family, and finally go to the Dragon Emperor Temple to resurrect the Tianmai Dragon Emperor.

Mission Progress: 0/5.

Time: 30 days.

good guy!

The difficulty of this god-level dragon hidden mission is 6.2 million higher than [Breath of the Demon King]!

If Zhang Yi can successfully complete this 22 million difficulty task, the legendary hidden task of 15.2 million difficulty, Breath of the Demon King, will definitely not be a problem.

Of course, most importantly:

A legendary hidden mission, a god-level dragon hidden mission.

When Zhang Yi completes these two tasks, his strength will not be able to soar into the sky and sweep the first-level main city!

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