The equipment star-raising stone is a very precious item that can only be obtained in the first-level main city and can be used to upgrade the equipment!

Before that, Zhang Yi had obtained a lot of rewards from the audition held in the second-level main city, as well as the Battle of the Gods, which were all accumulated in the warehouse.

As for enchanting stones, only equipment above level 200 can be enchanted by enchanting stones.

Enchantment levels are also distinguished by white, green, blue, purple, orange, red and gold.

The rarity of the enchanted stone is even higher than that of the equipment star-rising stone!

The only way to get it is the task reward, and the opening of the magic treasure chest.

Ten enchanting stones of the same level can be combined into a higher-level enchanting stone.

It took three days to finally finish the task of the first floor.

Zhang Yi and the others also obtained the qualifications to enter the second floor of the Dragon Emperor Tower!

As a result, the five people immediately passed the system teleportation array and entered the second floor.

The same as the first layer.

The second floor is also a dilapidated dragon city that looks like a ruin.

It's just that the one who lives here is a level 206, ice-type fallen black dragon!

It is one level higher than the Fallen Black Dragon with the thunder attribute on the first floor. It is good at manipulating ice, and its attacks can cause freezing and frostbite effects to the enemy.

And the second-level quest [Dragon Emperor's Life] (2) also requires players to kill 1,000 ice-attribute fallen black dragons!

Like the first tier, it has a 7-day mission time.

But there is only one mission opportunity.

Once a mission fails, it can never be claimed again.

Zhang Yi and the others began to march on the second floor.

I kept brushing until ten o'clock in the evening, and the fatigue level was almost finished before I returned to Dawn City.

After eating, Zhang Yi went to the auction house in the city as usual.

Many players collect materials in the wild and are reluctant to use them themselves.

Either sell it to the Dragon Clan, or put it on the auction house.

The purpose of Zhang Yi's trip was to buy some materials to practice medicine refining.

In fact, Zhang Yi has been here for the past three days.

During the day, I was brushing the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda, and I carried some materials with me. As long as I had physical strength, I would brush off my physical strength.

Come back at night and practice again before going to bed.

In the auction house, there are countless D-grade medicinal materials, and most of the prices are around 500 gold coins.

For Zhang Yi, it's trivial.

Zhang Yi bought 2,000 D-grade medicinal materials in one go, and only spent 1 million gold coins.

Looking at the sub-professional panel, the proficiency is approaching 10,000.

After finishing tonight's batch of materials, if your luck is not too bad, you should be able to be promoted to C-level alchemist.

The so-called luck is not too bad, it naturally means a higher success rate!

Because alchemy fails every time it is used, increase 1 point of proficiency.

And if the medicine refining is successful, you will get 10 points of proficiency directly!

These are two very different growth levels!

After buying all the materials, Zhang Yi came to the hotel and opened a room.

Sitting quietly on the bed alone.

Open the refining furnace, put in the herbs, and start refining the medicine.

As a result, a series of system prompts kept ringing.

"Ding~ Stamina -1, if refining medicine fails, refining pharmacist's proficiency +1!"

"Ding~ Stamina -1, failed to refine medicine, proficiency +1!"

"Ding~ Stamina -1, failed to refine medicine, proficiency +1!"

"Ding ~ Stamina -1, you succeeded in refining the medicine, congratulations on obtaining [D-level Life Potion] (10% maximum HP within 1 minute after use) x1! Proficiency +10!"...

After refining medicine more than 900 times.

Finally, a burst of golden light fell on Zhang Yi's head.

"Ding~ Congratulations on your promotion to C-level pharmacist! The upper limit of stamina has been increased to 300, and you can use intermediate-level stamina potions! It takes 100,000 proficiency to upgrade to B-level!"

It's finally C-level, it's not easy!

Zhang Yi opened the sub-professional panel.


Grade: C grade.

Stamina: 25/300 (1 point of stamina is consumed each time the medicine refining ability is used, and the player automatically recovers 1 point of stamina per minute. By using the intermediate stamina potion, 300 stamina can be recovered, and can be used up to ten times a day).

Description: C-level pharmacists have a 100% success rate in smelting D-level agents, 10% success rate in smelting C-level agents, 1% b-level agents, and so on...

Proficiency: 0/100000 (1 point of proficiency is obtained for each failure to use the medicine refining ability, and 10 points of proficiency are obtained when successfully used. Note: When a C-level pharmacist refines a D-level medicine, he can only gain 1 point of proficiency if he succeeds) .

Requirements for smelting materials: 1 copy of any d~sss grade medicinal material.

This upgrade experience is also scary.

Levels D to C only require 10,000 proficiency.

c ~ b is directly 100,000, a tenfold increase!

However, no matter how difficult it is, it cannot stop Zhang Yi's determination to attack the A-level pharmacist!

Because in Dawn City, there is a sub-professional dungeon [Medicine King Valley] that only Grade A alchemists can enter.

And in Medicine King Valley, there is a secret about hiding the promotion of sub-professionals!

That's right, sub-professionals are also divided into ordinary and hidden ones.

In the last life, the player who passed the [Drug King Valley] dungeon for the first time

, received a reward from it.

Through that reward, he became the one-of-a-kind hidden sub-professional—the Medicine Emperor!

Now that Zhang Yi knew about it, then Zhang Yi's career as a medicine emperor in this life is none other than Zhang Yi.

The premise is that you have to be promoted to Grade A alchemist, otherwise you will not be able to enter the gate of Medicine King Valley.

So, after brushing the remaining 25 points of stamina, Zhang Yi fell asleep.

The next morning.

When his stamina returned to full, Zhang Yi first used the herbs to clear the 300 stamina points as usual, then joined Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others, and set off together for the Dragon Emperor Tower.

Enter the second floor of the Sky Tower.

Facing the level 206 ice attribute fallen black dragon that is stronger than a level 205 thunder attribute fallen black dragon, Zhang Yi's team's combat efficiency also dropped significantly.

At the end of the day, the five people hit the task progress to 28% on average.

It is expected to take three and a half days to complete the task.

If it is calculated, there is no accident, it should be able to get through the entire Dragon Emperor Tower within 20 days!

Exactly, after finishing the quest on the Dragon Emperor's Tower, there are still 10 days left to go to the City of Shadow Demons and carry out the quest of [Breath of the Demon King], which should be enough!

So, brush the Dragon Emperor Pagoda during the day and refine medicine at night.

Zhang Yi repeats this every day.

Another four days have passed, and finally, the mission of the second-story sky tower is over!

At this time, Zhang Yi had risen to level 202.

Unconsciously, Zhang Yi and the others came to the first-level main city, and it has been a week.

At this time, except for Liuguang City.

The first-level main city finally welcomed the second batch of newcomers——

Players from Mozu's Shadow City!

The Demon City, represented by the [Underworld], almost defeated Liuguang City in the battle of the gods.

In the end, with the second place, they obtained the right to advance to the first-level main city at level 191.

Up to now, they have swept through the studio and finally the average level of players in the city has reached level 191.

More than 40 million players in the city have begun to fully enter the first-level main city!

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