Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1356 Fire Attribute God Emperor Suit

The third floor of the Dragon Emperor Tower is the paradise of the level 207 fire attribute fallen black dragon.

A fallen black dragon with fire attribute, possessing fire attack talent.

Fire talent: It can make the attack of the fallen black dragon cause burning damage to the enemy, and greatly increase the damage to the target in the burning state!

Except for the shadow attribute fallen black dragon on the fifth floor.

The fallen black dragon with the fire attribute should be the black dragon with the highest damage in the Dragon Emperor Tower!

Zhang Yi and the others hunted down the fire attribute fallen black dragon, and the difficulty was greatly increased!

The task of the third floor is still to kill 1000 fire attribute fallen black dragons.

Nothing else, just roll up your sleeves and do it!

day after day.

This time, it took Zhang Yi five days to finally get through the third floor of the Dragon Emperor Tower!

After finishing the mission on the third floor, the original girl couldn't help but sighed: "This Dragon Emperor Tower is really hard to beat. If we continue with our current trend, there are still two floors behind, and maybe we won't be able to beat it. !"

At this time, Xing Tian suddenly said: "No, the next battle will only become easier."

With that said, Xing Tian handed Zhang Yi the fire-attribute Mage God-Emperor hat, which he had just opened from the random box of the Fire-attribute God-Emperor suit rewarded by the quest, and said to Zhang Yi, "Is there a hat missing?"

Zhang Yi took the hat and was overjoyed: "Yes, it's just short of it!"

It turned out that in the past five days, Zhang Yi and the others brushed the Fire-type Fallen Black Dragon every day, and many pieces of Fire-type God-Emperor equipment have long since exploded from the Fallen Black Dragon.

Because the types and parts are varied.

How difficult is it to collect a set of Mage/Beastmaster God Emperor suit.

As of just now, Zhang Yi and the others have collected half of the Beastmaster suit for five days.

In addition, Zhang Yi opened the box by himself just now, and there was only one hat left in the end.

And precisely, Xing Tian opened his hat!

That is to say: Zhang Yi's Fire Attribute God Emperor suit has finally been collected!

All 200 level 55 Star God Emperor suits.

Set Skill Flame: Passively increases the damage of fire-based skills of the wearer by 150%!

That evening, Zhang Yi, who had just finished the mission on the third floor, came to the appraisal center first thing when he returned to Dawn City.

The whole set of God Emperor suits that were collected before, which had not been identified before, were all used for identification.

The appraisal cost of the 52-star dragon suit equipment is also not low.

A total of seven sets cost Zhang Yi more than 30 million appraisal fees!

The average appraisal cost for a piece of equipment is almost 5 million gold coins!

It is also because there is currently no senior appraiser deputy.

Otherwise, you can save the money entirely.

After completing the identification of the full set of God Emperor.

Zhang Yi bought a lot of strengthening stones at the auction house.

Synthesize them into level 55 enhancement stones.

Combined with the god-level strengthening talent, it only takes 25 strengthening stones for each piece of equipment to fully smash the strengthening level.


Zhang Yi also passed the ability of the golden title Super God Appraiser, and used each piece of equipment three times to upgrade the full 55-star fire attribute God Emperor suit to 58 stars!

Then, smash the star-rising stone on it!

There are three types of Star Rising Stones that Zhang Yi possesses.

According to the setting: For the same grade of Ascension Stones, each piece of equipment can use at most one.

And the star-rising stone that Zhang Yi once obtained in the battle of the gods reward is enough to strengthen the full set of equipment!

Hit each piece of equipment with a primary, intermediate, and advanced star-raising stone.

In an instant, the God Emperor suit was raised from 58 stars to 64 stars!

Coupled with the bonus of the cloak and shadow of the super artifact fashion, it can increase the star rating of all equipment on the wearer by 2 stars.

Equal to the whole process down.

Zhang Yi's 55 star fire attribute god emperor suit has been directly strengthened to 66 stars! !

Not only the attribute bonus of the equipment gets soaring.

Its set skill flame is sublimated to hell flame: increase the damage of fire-related skills of the wearer by 330%!

This effect is more than double that of the previous 55 stars!

In addition, Zhang Yi also used a lot of enhancement stones to increase the super talent that was activated after the seven pieces of equipment were fully enhanced to a maximum of 66 stars.

These local enhancements are nothing more than a waste of money.

The whole set was smashed, and almost 1 billion gold coins were used!

This was because Zhang Yi's strengthening talent saved him a lot of strengthening stones.

Otherwise, in strengthening, I am afraid it will have to consume more than a hundred times the current consumption!

So basically to the equipment above 50 stars, no one will strengthen it to the full level.

Most people are strengthened to level 10-15, which is almost the same.

Complete upgrades and enhancements.

Then, Zhang Yi replaced the equipment with one click.

With a 200-level 66-star Dragon God Emperor suit on his body, Zhang Yi felt radiant!

Even the whole body is surrounded by a fire dragon that appears and disappears from time to time, full of aura!

After all, this is a dragon suit.

Moreover, it is a 66-star suit, and the ordinary 55-star God Emperor suit does not have this special effect.

Just as Zhang Yi put on the God Emperor suit, a pleasant system prompt came from the sky.


"Ding~ The system has detected that you have dragon blood. Those who wear dragon equipment will receive an additional 20% equipment attribute bonus!"

"Ding~ The system has detected that you have a hidden dragon occupation. If you wear dragon equipment, you will receive an additional 30% equipment attribute bonus!"

The double bonus effect of the dragon bloodline and the dragon soul master increases the attributes of Zhang Yi's God Emperor suit by an additional 50%!

This bonus is an explosion!

Then, Zhang Yi opened the status bar to take a look, and the entire data was directly blown up!

Yinuo Qingcheng (Level 20 Alchemist.

Race: Human

Number of resurrections: 10

Talent: God-level strengthening (God-level talent)

Intelligence: 2500w (grow 380 stars, that is, 1 point of intelligence is converted into 32 points of magic attack)

Endurance: 1150w (grow 300 stars).

Agility: 1400w (growth 290 stars).

Stamina: 1280w (grow 285 stars).

Magic attack power: 21000w (up 12350w year-on-year).

Physical Defense: 5200w (up 3000w).

Magic Defense: 4920w (up 2735w).

Health: 24.5 billion (up 20.1 billion).

Energy value: 4 billion (up 3.1 billion).

Experience Points: 32.5 billion/890 billion.

Gold coins: 8 billion.

Status bonus: normal attack damage +750%, fire skill damage +1250%.

This attribute is against the sky!

In this state, if I go back and brush the Dragon Emperor Tower again, I don't know what kind of experience it will be.

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