Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1370 The battle of the world, snatch the devil!

Using the 100% reduction in the healing effect of the God-level Forbidden Curse Dragon Soul directly blocked the blood return of the Demon King.

All of Zhang Yi's next attacks are combined with the fire-bathing dragon soul and the blood-devouring dragon soul at the same time.

While dealing more than 2 billion damages, Zhang Yi can also gain the same amount of blood-sucking!

There is absolutely no problem in directly using blood-sucking to resist the attack of the Demon King!

At the same time, the four giant dragons soaring in the sky also attacked the Demon King on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Four hot dragon flames descended from the sky.

Since they are also suppressed by the damage, they can only play 20% of the output.

The damage of a single hit on the Demon King is only a dozen or two billion.

However, the combined damage of the four-headed dragon cannot be underestimated!

Even with this level of combat power, he could only barely fight against the Demon King Upa.

Zhang Yi is very curious: How did the people of the Fengyun family in the last life kill this demon king and complete the task?

Unless it is at a higher level at the back, breaking the wound suppression, and then using the crowd tactics, it is almost the same.

Zhang Yi's attention continued to return to the battle.

Next, Zhang Yi summoned the Dragon Blood Knight.

The Dragon Blood Knight is currently only level 200. In front of the 212-level Demon King, he is suppressed by the 12-level level and cannot cause any damage to the Demon King.

And Zhang Yi's purpose of calling him out, of course, is not to let him do damage, but to let him fight damage!

Wearing a thunder-attribute God-Emperor suit, and a legendary beast dragon blood knight with dragon blood, his blood volume is close to 30 billion. Naturally, there is no problem with resisting the damage of the boss.

Let him restrain the boss.

Zhang Yi just kept outputting at the back, while using the blood-sucking effect of the blood-devouring dragon soul to restore blood to the dragon blood knight.

Therefore, under the combined output of Zhang Yi and the four-headed dragon, even if the damage is greatly reduced, it can be seen that its blood bar is decreasing in a trend that is visible to the naked eye!

Just when Zhang Yi went all out to fight the boss.

As everyone knows: when the Demon King Wupa came, the aurora vision that appeared over the city of Shadow Demons has already attracted the attention of players in the vicinity.

Especially, those players who received the quest of the Demon King's Breath!

"The Demon King is here!"

In the chat area of ​​Dawning City, I don't know which player sent this message anonymously, which immediately shocked many players.

Just this sentence, and no other indication, let all players go crazy to the City of Shadow Demons!

It is conceivable that these players who are rushing to the City of Shadow Demons must all receive the quest of the Devil's Breath.

Therefore, they only need to rely on such a sentence "the devil has come" to let them know who and where the devil the anonymous person is.

Among them, the players of the Fengyun family are included.

They were the ones who killed the Demon King in the last life and won the sublease right of the No. 1 restaurant.

Seeing the news of the demon king's arrival in the chat area, a level 201 warrior who was leveling in a wild area in the wild made a comeback, and a burst of excitement: "The demon king has finally appeared!"

One of his subordinates, the rank 200 rank eight archer Fengyun Xiongba suspiciously said: "Captain, the shadow demon in the city of shadow demons has such a perverted talent for wound injury, who activated the demon king?"

"It doesn't matter who activated it." Fengyun Reiqi didn't care, but was very happy: "The point is: the devil has been activated, and our mission is to kill the devil and get the devil's breath in it! "

The situation is still worried: "But we can't even deal with the shadow demon, can we deal with the demon king?"

The rise of the storm picked up a golden magic scroll, and said confidently: "Don't forget, what is this."

Seeing the scroll in Fengyun Rising's hand, Fengyun Xiongba also had an epiphany: "I almost forgot! With this scroll, I can definitely kill the Demon King!"

Saying that, Fengyun Rising immediately confessed to Fengyun Xiongba: "Pass my order, let the brothers in the team gather and march into the city of shadow demons!"

"There are a lot of people who have received this quest, we must grab the Devil's Breath!"

After all, Fengyun Rising, even leading a group of Fengyun team players, rushed to the City of Shadow Demons.

On the other side, the army of Fengyun is also rapidly gathering

Not only the situation.

at the same time.

The other clan teams in Dawn City are all gathering their armies and rushing to the City of Shadow Demons!

The City of Shadow Demons is about to usher in a battle of the ages!

As everyone knows, all this is a conspiracy of the underworld!

It turned out that the person who anonymously posted the news of "The Demon King is coming" in the chat area of ​​Dawn City just now was a player from the underworld!

At this moment, the Assassin Hades, who is the leader of the underworld's branch in Dawn City of the Human Race, has learned from the npc waiter of the No. 1 restaurant that their boss Conte is out hunting.

Pluto quickly gathered a group of people, ready to set off for the place where Conte hunted: the Wolves Woodland!

Just came out of No. 1 Restaurant, he looked bad, the murderous Assassin Hades, the corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled smugly.

In a cold voice: "The ground is broken on Tai Sui's head, and there is a price to pay!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng! Play with me, you are still too tender!"

After all, a thousand-person team was assembled.

Pluto led the team,

Set off quickly and rush to the Wolves Woodland!

At the same time, the City of Shadow Demons is here.

Zhang Yi, who was fighting the Demon King, received a message from Yiqi Juechen: "Someone has spread the news of the Demon King's refresh, and now players from major families are rushing to your side."

"Would you like me to take someone to guard it? To prevent the boss from being robbed."

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi disapproved: "It's okay, you don't need to worry about my side, you just tell me to complete your task."

Yiqi Juechen sent an ok expression, so he didn't worry too much.

Because he suddenly remembered: his worries are completely superfluous.

At present, throughout the entire Dawn City, except for Zhang Yi, the level has reached level 204.

The rest are generally less than level 200!

There are only a very few who are just level 200. Even the level 210 shadow demons in the city of shadow demons can't deal with them, let alone the demon king.

So even if more people pass by, it can't change the result that the boss will eventually be won by Zhang Yi.

Soon, countless players have come to the City of Shadow Demons from all directions.

They swarmed towards the City of Shadow Demons!

However, at this time, these players were all red-eyed for the legendary hidden quest, Breath of the Demon King.

Players from all walks of life met outside the City of Shadow Demons and fought each other in order to snatch the breath of the boss and the Demon King.

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