Absolute Wolf Woodland.

Pluto just came here with a group of a thousand people, and was blocked by the dragon family!

But this also proves more fully: the mission NPC Conte must be in the Wolves Woodland!

Seeing that there are not many people on the other side, Mo Yue has only a thousand people.

The strongest among them, Yinuo Qingcheng, was not present.

He hadn't realized how powerful Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen and Fatty, the three dragon gods of the Great War, had no fear and gave the order, "Brothers, kill him because he has thousands of people on his side. !"

One command.

Players in the underworld launched a charge attack.

The players on the Dragon Clan side also rushed over with the guy.

The players on both sides soon started a fierce battle.

The strength of the underworld is actually very powerful.

As far as the moment is concerned, the overall strength can even be comparable to Tiange!

It's just that their main force is in the Demon Clan Hell City.

The remaining five main cities have only dispatched a small number of troops. The main purpose is to keep an eye on the development of these five cities and to pave the way for dominating the world in the future.

In this world where there is no legal restraint, and it is completely respected by strength, everyone has ambitions.

And as the supreme leader of the underworld, the Lord of the Underworld, his ambition is to dominate the entire Apocalypse World!

It is mainly developed in Hell City, and the remaining five first-level main cities are sent to watch.

Therefore, in these cities responsible for tracking, the troops are relatively scattered.

The thousands of players in the underworld present were not the opponents of the dragon race at all.

Because of the dragon clan, there are three war gods.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, with their 60-star shadow attribute God Emperor suit and 60-star thunder attribute God Emperor suit, swept thousands of troops with damage as high as 45 billion, and no one could stop them!

Fatty is even more exposed to ice.

Wherever you go, it's ice and snow!

A large area of ​​the underworld players under the control could not move, and were slashed by the dragon players while standing.

This scene also shocked Hades.

"How come that alien knight and that demon warrior are so strong!"

In the front line, a few underworld younger brothers who had returned from defeat said with horror on their faces: "And that priest, that dead fat man, was a popsicle in his last life! The freezing control is so fierce!"

"They are too fierce, what should I do?"

"Ask the boss!"

Said, just as several people were looking for Pluto, they found that Pluto had long since disappeared!

"Where's the boss?"

"It's not going to hang up!"

"There will never be deserters in the underworld! Brothers, kill!"

I don't know who heard the cry.

The players in the underworld continued to attack.

Under the leadership of Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen and Fatty, the three top masters, the dragons quickly defeated the underworld.

Thousands of players in the underworld were beheaded, not a single one was left!

"End, clear the battlefield."

As Xing Tian's voice just fell, the people of the Dragon Clan began to clear the battlefield.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the City of Shadow Demons.

The battle between Zhang Yi and the boss continues.

The Dragon Blood Knight is responsible for attracting the Demon King's hatred and resisting damage.

Zhang Yi cast a spell behind him, attacking the boss with maximum firepower.

Combined with the powerful blood-sucking effect of the blood-devouring dragon soul, it acts as a top priest and brings continuous healing to the dragon blood knight.

In addition, the four-headed dragon was also hovering in the air, while blasting dragon flames to bombard the Demon King.

For Zhang Yi, winning this boss is only a matter of time.

As time passed by every minute.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the Demon King's blood volume has dropped to more than 40% in just ten minutes!

During this period, some players came here one after another.

They tried to snatch the boss from Zhang Yi, but without exception, they all died

Of course, they were not killed by Zhang Yi, but at the hands of the boss.

Seeing how easy it was for Zhang Yi to single-handedly kill the boss, those players also came to attack the Demon King.

In the end, even before touching the Demon King, he was instantly killed by the Demon King!

So gradually, no player dared to approach the Demon King.

Players who have already found this position are also watching from a distance around, watching Zhang Yi fight the boss, but do not dare to join the battle.

Seeing the damage Zhang Yi dealt to the boss, there were also four dragon emperors who fought for Zhang Yi.

The surrounding onlookers were all shocked!

"My God! What the hell is this guy? Can he control the Dragon Emperor? Could he be a member of the Dragon Clan?"

"It is estimated that it was summoned by some magic scroll! It is impossible for the dragon campers."

"His damage is so high! One-on-one 55-star bosses are awesome!"

Zhang Yi ignored the discussions of others, and was not worried that they would come to grab the boss.

Instead, continue to concentrate on fighting the boss.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly received a message from Yiqi Juechen: "You guessed it right, someone has really moved his mind about NPC. People from the underworld have come, but they have been eliminated by us. "

Seeing the news, Zhang Yi replied: "Okay, continue to protect him, and wait until I take down the boss.


After closing the message, Zhang Yi continued to fight the boss.

After a while, Yiqi Juechen suddenly sent another message!

When Zhang Yi received the news, his brows tensed.

Looking at the boss demon king with only 45% of his health left in front of him, Zhang Yi hesitated.

The next moment, under the unbelievable gazes of the surrounding onlookers, he rode a minibus and flew away into the sky!

The three-headed first-order Dragon Emperor also disappeared.

The Demon King who left the remaining half of his blood, as well as a large crowd of onlookers around, all looked stunned!

"What does that mean? Why did he leave halfway through?"

"Boss with only half of his blood left! Brothers, what a chance!"

"Chance is a fart, you can do it!"

Facing the demon king who was beaten by Zhang Yi with only half of his blood left.

Not a single one dared to approach

After Zhang Yi left the City of Shadow Demons, he rode a minibus and hurried to the Wolves!

Absolute Wolf Woodland.

just a few minutes ago

With the end of the battle, after the dragons destroyed the underworld, the field fell into silence.

Looking at the countless loot that fell on the ground in front of him, Xiao Qiang, a 198-level soldier who couldn't be beaten to death, sighed, "The boss said before that people in the underworld are not afraid of life and death, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"They'd rather die on the battlefield than back down, what a man!"


Yiqi Juechen put down the spear in his hand, turned to look at Xiaoqiang, and asked, "Didn't I let you guys watch inside? How did you come out?"

Xiaoqiang scratched his head and said, "I heard that the fighting outside was too intense. I was afraid that you would not be able to resist, so I came out to help."

Xing Tian took a look and found that the King of Glory, who was originally sent to protect Conte in the woodland, had all come out, and they all came out. He couldn't help but look tight: "Go back!"

King Glory didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, Immortal and the world are watching inside, and no one is going in!"

Only when the glory of the king is finished.

Xing Tian suddenly received a message from the immortal dragon clan.

When he opened the message box, Xing Tian's heart was shocked, and he quickly pulled away and rushed into the Wolves' Woodland!

Yiqi Juechen, who was on the side, realized that something was wrong, and followed him in.

When Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen came to the wolf-free forest, they only saw the immortal dragon clan and the dragon travel the world, as well as a group of people from the dragon clan standing in the forest.

Opposite, a young male NPC Conte is being held hostage by a group of players!

And the person who held Cont hostage was the assassin Hades!

Next to Hades, there are also seven or eight players from the underworld, all of whom are assassins!

At this point, Conte had only a trace of blood left.

In the hands of Hades, the sharp dagger rested on Conte's neck.

As long as he raises the knife and drops it, he can directly make Conte's head fall to the ground!

Yiqi Juechen quickly opened the friend list and contacted Zhang Yi

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