Seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi was alone, wandering aimlessly in Dawn City.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen had already left the city to go to [Blood Cliff], instead of Zhang Yi looking for the leg armor of the Black Blood Dragon Armor.

Zhang Yi was blocked by the undead knight and could not go out in the city.

Because as soon as he leaves the city, Zhang Yi will be attacked by the undead knights.

While wandering in the city, Zhang Yi was also thinking about how to deal with the undead knight.

Unconsciously, Zhang Yi walked to Shuguang Street.

As the core area of ​​Dawn City, at this moment, the streets of Dawn are crowded with people.

The No. 1 restaurant, which is still in the renovation stage, has already become the focus of countless people.

Zhang Yi made a simple inspection and found that it would take at least six or seven days for the decoration to be completed.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly ran into an acquaintance on the street: Rise again!

It turned out that the resurgence of the wind and the cloud habitually ate dinner at a restaurant here in Shuguang Street. As soon as he came out, he happened to meet Zhang Yi.

Seeing Zhang Yi, the exit is "Thank you"!

"Thank me for what?" Zhang Yi asked.

Resurrection said: "This afternoon at the River God Tomb, if you hadn't come to your aid and helped us repel the Blazing Clan, I'm afraid this treasure land will be lost."

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked, "How is the situation over there now?"

"Drag brother's blessing." Resurrection said to Zhang Yi: "They mistakenly thought that the group of dragon knights were summoned by you. After you left, they were all scared away."

Having said this, the knight Fengyun Tianqi on the side laughed and said: "They were so embarrassed at the time, they really laughed at me!"

"Don't you know how to ride a dragon? When they saw the group of dragon knights running after you, they actually thought those dragon knights were your subordinates, and they thought you were a member of the dragon faction!"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment.

The blazing gang is absolutely amazing.

At that time, Zhang Yi was chased and killed by the undead knights. They actually thought that Zhang Yi led the gang of dragon knights to go...


The resurgence of the situation asked: "Why are those dragon knights chasing you?"

At this time, the magician changed his color and thought: "Is it because you killed the three snake demons, so these dragon knights took revenge on you?"

It seems that the people of Fengyun did not notice the dragon armor that Zhang Yi obtained from the three snake demons at that time.

So I don't know that the undead knight is coming for the dragon armor.

Regarding the black-blooded dragon armor, Zhang Yi did not intend to describe too much to outsiders, so he responded by following the changing words of the situation: "I guess."

"Anyway, they were staring at them, and now I can't even get out of the city gate." Zhang Yi sighed softly.

The resurgence of the wind and the cloud also knows how powerful those dragon knights are, and naturally dare not say "I will help you solve those dragon knights".

Instead, it gave Zhang Yi a reminder: "When I was performing a dragon hidden mission a few days ago, I seemed to have heard of Death Knight: Cayenne."


The name shocked Zhang Yi slightly.

The resurgence of the situation continued: "I feel that there should be some inevitable connection between this undead knight today and the death knight. I heard at the time that the death knight Cayenne slaughtered the same kind and expelled all in order to find something. contender."

"Remember that you said before that you went to the River God Tomb to find something." Fengyun looked at Zhang Yi again and said, "Is it because you took what they were looking for, so they are chasing you for this thing? "

It is very clever that the situation rises again, and it has calculated all this!

On the other hand, Zhang Yi heard an important message from the words of a comeback.

"Where did you hear about the death knight Cayenne?"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

The situation rose again and said, "I'll take you there."

Having said that, under the leadership of the resurgence of the wind and clouds, Zhang Yi followed them away from Shuguang Street and rushed towards the west of the city.

On the way, I had always had opinions on Zhang Yi, and even under the instigation of Hades, he targeted the Dragon Clan's tyrants. I didn't know where it came from, and said to Zhang Yi: "Brother, I'm sorry, I did what I did to you Dragon Clan before. Sorry for the mistake..."

Zhang Yi glanced at Fengyun Xiongba: "Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great."

At this time, Fengyun Rising is to explain Fengyun Apocalypse and Fengyun Discoloration: "Pass my password, from now on, everyone in Fengyun who sees the people of the dragon family must treat them like their own family! No one must be different from the dragon family!"

While talking.

After a while, the resurgence of the situation brought Zhang Yi to a training camp in the west of the city.

A training camp is a venue where players can practice and test their combat effectiveness.

It will 100% simulate the strength of wild monsters. Players can test which level of monsters they can deal with in the training camp.

Then when you are in the wild, you can choose a wild area within your own strength to fight monsters and level up.

After all, if you go directly to the wild to open up a high-level map without any preparation, your life is likely to be in danger.

The resurgence of the storm brought Zhang Yi to meet with the npc instructor from the training camp: Senmu!

According to the story: About a week ago, he triggered a dragon hidden mission on Senmu.

while performing that task

, and overheard Senki mentioning the past of [Death Knight: Cayenne] to him.

After bringing Zhang Yi to the training camp, they left when the situation rose again. kΑnshu Wu.ξà

At this time, many players in the training camp were training to kill monsters, and the system constantly refreshed monsters between levels 200-210 for players in the field to kill.

Zhang Yi directly found a muscular male instructor in red armor who was instructing the player to train: Senmu.

"Hello, instructor."

Zhang Yi said hello.

The instructor Mori just glanced at Zhang Yi and said casually: "Sign up, pay, and enter."

"I'm not here to report to the training camp." Zhang Yi said, "I want to ask you something."

"Come here, there is a rule." Senmu put his arms around his chest, stared at the players in the training ground without squinting, and said to Zhang Yi, "Let me see your strength before you are qualified to negotiate with me."

Zhang Yi then asked, "How to prove your strength?"

"It's very simple." Senmu pointed to a stake man in the center of the training camp and said, "Defeat him within 30 seconds." .xiumb.

Zhang Yi glanced at the wooden stake man.

It was found to be a level 206 ordinary stake monster whose level was determined by the first person on the Dawn City level list.

"Within 30 seconds, defeat it?" Zhang Yi asked in surprise.

Na Senmu thought that Zhang Yi knew that this was an impossible challenge, so he disapproved and said, "Go ahead, if you can't, don't ask me about anything other than training."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi resolutely agreed: "Okay, I will prove it to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the laughter of a group of players who were training immediately came from the training camp:

"This guy, actually dares to take on the challenge!"

"Under normal circumstances, five people form a team, and it takes at least one minute to solve the problem. 30 seconds to fight a level 206 monster? It seems that only one person has successfully challenged in history."

"Yes, the guy who succeeded in the challenge seems to have received a dragon hidden quest from the instructor, but it's so bad!"

"Another arrogant guy!"

Just as the players were talking about it.

Zhang Yi entered.

Holding the fire scepter in his hand, he approached the stake man.

The wooden stake man also turned the chopping knife around his body and moved towards Zhang Yi.

into range. reading book

Boom boom boom!

Fireball, Freeze, Aurora combined with World Destruction.

Four single-target skills bombarded the Stakeman, two of which were critical strikes.

Accumulates 140 billion+ damage, and directly clears the health bar above the stake man's head.

Kill in one second!

Immediately, the whole place was silent.

Zhang Yi came to the stunned Mori Mu and said straight to the point: "I want to ask you about Death Knight: Cayenne."

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