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Chapter 1415 A thousand years of protection!

Let the death knight Cayenne help to brush the purgatory temple...

Except for Zhang Yi, it is estimated that no other person has made such a request.

As soon as this remark came out, it also made the other people around him stunned.

Looking back at Cayenne, when I heard the place name [Purgatory Temple], my heart was suddenly shocked.

Immediately questioned Zhang Yi: "How do you know about the Purgatory Temple?"

"I know, that is the main city of your dark dragon clan. The black blood dragon armor was also forged by the owner of the purgatory temple." Zhang Yi said: "Because it violated the laws of heaven a thousand years ago and was attacked by the gods. Sanction. Now that purgatory temple is a dead city, I need to get the energy spar inside.".Κanδhu5.iá

Hearing this, Cayenne said thoughtfully: "So, you are looking for the black blood dragon armor to use the dragon armor to break the seal of the gods of the purgatory temple and enter the temple?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, and said, "The black blood dragon armor can be given to you, but I will use it to open the purgatory temple. In addition, you just said that you will agree to any of my requests, then help me get purgatory. The energy spar of the temple!"

There is something to give.

Zhang Yi thought about it.

Now that he knows that he has been searching for the Cayenne for thousands of years, he will definitely not give up the black blood dragon armor easily. It is better for Zhang Yi to be a favored man.

Originally, Zhang Yi just said this casually.

Unexpectedly, Cayenne actually agreed: "Okay."

"When you find the complete black blood dragon armor, I'll come to you again."

After that, Cayenne put on his helmet again, then mounted the corpse dragon, leading the undead knights, following an open space-time crack behind him, and leaped away.

A righteous dark dragon camper like Cayenne is very rare in the dark dragon family.

Zhang Yi really did not expect that the relationship between himself and the death knight Cayenne would gradually develop to this stage.

Now, Zhang Yi and Cayenne are almost like friends!

At this time, on Zhang Yi's side, the scavenger scratched his head and asked, "Brother, can you believe the words of the dark dragon clan?"

"Dark dragons can't be trusted." Zhang Yi looked at the space-time crack that was gradually disappearing in front of him, and said, "But he can believe it."

Why is Cayenne's wife a human being?

There must be an unforgettable past between Cayenne and Miya, and this past has existed in Cayenne's heart for thousands of years!

Xing Tian on the side said: "Take a step back, his wife is in our hands now, no matter what, he will not dare to mess around." wΑp.

As soon as the words fell, they were immediately questioned by the immortal dragon clan: "However, what if he doesn't even care about his wife, turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone, and waits for the boss to find the black blood dragon armor and forcibly snatch the black blood dragon armor? "

"No." Xing Tian said, "It can be seen that Cayenne's feelings for his wife are absolutely true. He can betray anyone, but he will never betray his wife."

Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xingxia are still a little suspicious: "How did you see it?"

Xingtian looked at the indestructible dragon clan and the dragon traveled the world, and said a sentence with an additional 10,000 points of critical damage: "Only those who have experienced it will understand, and you who are single will never understand."

Everyone fell silent.

There is nothing wrong with what Xingtian said!

He also came here, because at first he got to know Zhang Yi gradually to find the resurrection stone to resurrect his wife.

Those who were older than Zhang Yi also knew how much Xingtian had worked hard to save his wife.

Until the final failure, how collapsed and desperate.

Even now, Xingtian often drinks alone in the middle of the night to express his thoughts about his wife.

In contrast, Cayenne has waited for Miya for thousands of years, and this obsession is a hundred times deeper than Xingtian!

Therefore, when he was in the Seven Star Ice Palace before, just because Zhang Yi saved Miya's action, it was enough to make Cayenne's attitude towards Zhang Yi turn an enemy into a friend.

Indeed, as Xingtian said: Only those who have experienced it, and only those who have loved it, will understand!

The Dragon Clan will not destroy their single dogs, they will not understand...

As long as Cayenne led the undead knights to leave, Zhang Yi also began to formulate the next round of plans.

At present, the breastplate and leg armor of the Black Blood Dragon Armor have been found.

Next, there are only two parts missing: the head armor and the arm armor!

As a level 220 dragon map, the Temple of Purgatory still shows the black death area on Zhang Yi's map.

It means that with Zhang Yi's current strength, even if he enters the purgatory temple, there is only one dead end, and it is impossible to win this temple.

But now, with the help of the Dark Dragon faction and the 230-level god-level death knight, it will be different! wǎp.

With Cayenne's strength, he can crush a 228-level 70-star gold boss with one hand, not to mention sweeping the Purgatory Temple?

Zhang Yike is just waiting for the Cayenne boss to bring the Purgatory Temple!

While it's still early.

with this expectation.

Zhang Yi immediately set off, and together with Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Fatty, and the original girl, formed a team of five, and rushed to the location of the Black Blood Dragon Armor Armor - lv210 Firelight Woodland!

The rest of the Dragon Clan returned to the Monster Beast Mountains and continued to farm materials.

After all, the shop on Shuguang Street will be renovated and opened in a few days.


Before that, you still need to brush more materials and store more hard goods!

Zhang Yi's plan is to find the Black Blood Dragon Armor and clear the Purgatory Temple before the store opens!

at the same time.

the other side.

Ruined King City in the Dark: City of the Dead.


A purple space-time crack opened from the city, and then, the death knight Cayenne rode the dragon of death under his seat, and leaped out of the crack with the undead knights.

This city of death is the residence of the death knight Cayenne.

His identity is not only a member of the dark dragon clan, but also a death knight, but also a city lord of the main city of the dark dragon clan!

However, since the death of Miya a thousand years ago, Cayenne has no intention of taking care of the city of death.

Originally prosperous, and even ranked among the top ten dead cities in the dark dragon clan, it is now dilapidated like this.

During this period of time, she has always been his wife's sister, and Mira is doing her best to take care of things in the city of the dead.

Otherwise, the city of death would have already been completely destroyed.

After returning to the city of death, Cayenne came to the throne of the main hall, and while ordering his dragon knights to set up a banquet, he showed a long-lost smile and laughed:

"I searched hard for a thousand years, and now the black blood dragon armor has finally reappeared!"

"Miya is finally saved!"

"Brothers, when Miya is resurrected, it will be the time when our city of death will rise again!"

Seeing the Cayenne, which has been stagnant for a thousand years, finally regained its glory.

Mila, the dark magician on the side, should be happy.

However, she couldn't be happy.

"Brother Yan, I have accompanied you for a thousand years!"

Mila stood beside Cayenne and said to Cayenne with a desolate expression: "Isn't the protection of this thousand years equal to the feelings you only had for your sister at the beginning?"

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