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Chapter 1426 Wake up, you don't even have a wife!


Seeing Miya walking behind Zhang Yi, Cayenne, who was immersed in grief a second ago, was instantly stunned.

Even Zhang Yi was stunned when he turned around and saw Miya.

It turned out that what even Zhang Yi didn't know was that the Flower of Life actually took effect!

But the response time is a bit long.

Just when Zhang Yi left the ice cellar, thinking that Miya's resurrection failed, Miya woke up.

Then she slowly followed Zhang Yi all the way and came here.

Around, many passers-by players are immersed in the beauty of Miya:

"Good guy, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman with a big belly!"

"Is this an npc? Can players get pregnant here?"

"You are ignorant. The Apocalypse world is no different from the real world. Why can't players conceive? My wife has been pregnant for two months, and I plan to give birth to a son. In the future, I will train him as a knight and protect his mother. My daughter will train as a priest, The girls are assisting me in the back! I will protect them!"

"Brother is awesome! Can I marry your daughter if I have a son in the future?"

"Wake up! You don't even have a wife!"

"Killing and killing hearts..."

The onlookers talked a lot, and no one dared to do anything to Cayenne.

After all, a 230-level dark dragon camper, even a villain, is not something that players at this stage can reach. kΑnshu Wu.ξà

At this time, Cayenne came to Miya excitedly and hugged her into his arms.

After a thousand years, seeing the person he loves again, no one can understand the mood of Cayenne at the moment.

The surrounding onlookers cast envious glances at the two who had reunited after a long absence.

And this scene also made Zhang Yi very happy.

I imagined: in the future, the scene of my reunion with Xiaoya should also be like this.

For fear of crushing the child in Miya's belly, Cayenne did not dare to hold Miya too tightly.

After a while, Miya let go.

He gently held Miya's shoulders with both hands and said softly, "It's been a thousand years, Miya, I finally waited for you!"

Miya touched her stomach with one hand and stroked Cayenne's helmet with the other, and said with tears: "Why are you so stupid, a thousand years, is it worth it?"

"Of course it's worth it!" said Cayenne, "don't say a thousand years!"

"Even 10,000 years, 100,000 years, I will wait for you!"

After all, the two embraced each other again.

The Death Dragon Emperor on the side was also wagging his tail, and this scene seemed to make him in a good mood.

After all, it has also witnessed the love story between the master Cayenne and the mistress Miya, and it knows that its master has spent the past thousand years in grief.

Now that he has finally returned to the hostess, he is naturally happy too.

at this time.

A crack opened in the back.

Dark Warlock Mila came out of the crack.

"elder sister!"

With a soft cry, Mira ran to Miya.

The two sisters, who have not seen each other for thousands of years, also embraced.

"Sister, you finally woke up!"

Mia nodded with a smile.

And Cayenne looked at Miya firmly and said: "Miya, I promise, I will never let you suffer any harm in the future!"

Miya nodded happily: "It's enough to have you by my side."

As soon as he finished speaking, Miya suddenly stumbled and fell into Cayenne's arms.

"Sister, what's wrong with you, sister?" Mila panicked.

Zhang Yi on the side said: "It is estimated that he has just been resurrected, his body has not fully recovered, and he is a little weak."

At this time, Mira said, "I will take my sister back to the City of Death to rest!"

Cayenne picked up Miya, and then said to Zhang Yi: "You go to the Purgatory Temple and wait for me, I will send Miya back, and I will find you immediately."

Zhang Yi said, "No need."

"You should accompany your wife first, I will go to the Purgatory Temple alone."

Cayenne didn't say anything.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Yi, he rode Cam and flew away with sister Miyamira.

Zhang Yi is on the way back to the Temple of Purgatory.

After arriving at the Purgatory Temple, Zhang Yi continued to search for energy spar in the huge temple.

A third of the area has been searched yesterday.

Today, Zhang Yi will search from the remaining areas that have not been searched.

have to say.

Without the Cayenne belt brush, Zhang Yi's progress in the Purgatory Temple was greatly slowed down.

Missing the first hour of Cayenne...

Generally speaking, the energy spar of a main city should be placed in the center.

However, Zhang Yi and Cayenne had already checked the central location first, but they didn't find it, so they started a carpet-like search around them.

Zhang Yiduan thought: It should be that before the Purgatory Temple was sanctioned by the God Realm, the Hell Dragon Emperor Gula took the energy spar of the Purgatory Temple from its original place and placed it elsewhere.

But no matter what, use the most direct method: kill all the bone dragons in the purgatory temple, and you can always find the energy spar! Read the book

The remaining two-thirds of the area remains undeveloped.

At the speed of Zhang Yi alone, it would take at least ten days and a half months to completely open up the wasteland.

This is really quite a project!

Take it one step at a time, take it slow.

It's a bit of a pity: Zhang Yi provokes the death knight Cayenne because he is looking for the black blood dragon armor.

As a result, the black blood dragon armor was gone, and Zhang Yi also lost the assistance of Cayenne.

In the end, you still have to brush slowly by yourself.

It's really hard!

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking about this, he was hunting the Hell Bone Dragon in the temple with the Demon Beast Group.


A dead light of "Boom" fell from the sky and suddenly bombarded the two bone dragons in front of Zhang Yi.

The blood bars of the two skull dragons fell violently in an instant.

Blink and see the bottom!

As soon as Zhang Yi looked up, he saw Cayenne, the death knight, flying down from the sky while riding the Death Dragon King Cam! wǎp.

Zhang Yi asked in surprise, "Why are you back?"

"Promise you, I'll help you find the energy spar." Cayenne sat next to Zhang Yi, riding on the back of the dragon, and said to Zhang Yi condescendingly, "Naturally, I can't believe my words."

Zhang Yi said thoughtfully, "You still have to be honest."

With that said, Zhang Yi quickly cast a spell to kill the two bone dragons in front of him that were crippled by Cayenne.

During the process of picking up the spoils, Zhang Yi asked, "But then again, don't you plan to accompany your wife first?"

"I sent her back to the city of death." Cayenne said: "She is asleep now, and is guarded by Mira and the Knights."

"When I'm done helping you, I'll go back to accompany Miya."

"Don't say it, let's start, if you can't find the energy spar, then massacre the city! After the city is massacred, the spar will always appear."

I went with Zhang Yixiang together.

After that, Cayenne rode Cam and took off.

Then soared around, deliberately attracting a large group of hell bone dragons.

Gather them together, smash them, and give Zhang Yi the final blow.

This situation, as if back to yesterday.

Zhang Yi's experience bar has started to soar again!

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