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Chapter 1434 The Seven Star Demon Emperor Reappears

A 211-level god-level dragon soul master, against a 230-level god-level dark warlock.

The confrontation between the two, on the surface, there is basically no suspense, and the former will undoubtedly lose.

Because the level difference is too big!

However, the dark warlock profession focuses on auxiliary control, and her damage is not high.

However, Zhang Yi's dragon soul master has a Tyrannosaurus Rex soul that absolutely restrains dark warlocks!

Using the Tyrannosaurus Rex Soul to perfectly resolve all of Mila's control, in front of Zhang Yi, Mila can't pose any threat to him.

At this point, Mira, who could easily control the god-level death knight Cayenne, was helpless against Zhang Yi!

Compared to Cayenne, Mira's damage is too much.

Under the protection of 90% injury-free protection of the god-level guardian dragon soul.

While Zhang Yi is immune to Mira's control effects, the single damage from her is only a few billions.

Zhang Yi can easily make up for the loss by sucking blood.

Instead, Zhang Yi let an ice dragon soul freeze Mila with his backhand, and then combined with the four giant dragons and the group of demon beasts, a round of concentrated fire and onslaught, with a series of high damages of 12 billion to 20 billion, to force Mila back!

At the same time, as soon as Mila turned around, she was stunned to find that Miya was also rescued by another alien beastmaster Yi Ye Guzhou!

For a while, he was furious: "This is the end, no one wants to leave here alive today!"

The voice just fell.

Mila began to release a strong dark aura, until the aura gradually enveloped her entire body.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice came from the black air: "When darkness covers the earth, this world will eventually perish!"

The next moment, the darkness dissipated.

What caught my eye was a monster with three heads and six arms, the Seven-star Demon Emperor!

The seven-star demon emperor who was swallowed up by the dark warlock Mira has been resurrected!

Beside it, the dark warlock Mila fell to the ground because of exhaustion.

She said weakly to the Seven Star Demon Emperor: "Kill all of them, I will assist you with all my strength!"

It turned out that it was to deal with Zhang Yi and the others, so Mira released the power of the Seven Star Demon Emperor absorbed in her body!

At the same time, Mira, who had been upgraded to a god-level dark warlock, also returned to the previous master-level due to lack of strength.

The Seven Star Demon Emperor laughed loudly: "Okay, this Emperor will help you!"

With that said, the Seven Star Demon Emperor slammed the ground, opening a crack from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge chain was pulled out from the crack.

Holding the chain, he approached the lonely boat behind him.

A Lonely Boat immediately summoned the Black Blood King Snake and the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus to fight.

But even a 213-level 25-star legendary monster can't match this 70-star gold boss, the seven-star demon emperor.

The Seven Star Demon Emperor used chains to bind the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus and Black Blood King Snake that were charging forward.

Then, inject lightning into the chain, and use the power of lightning to penetrate the biochemical tyrannosaurus and the black blood king snake.

It made them unable to move, and the blood bar on their heads fell violently!

Zhang Yi here is besieged by countless demons that have drilled out of the cracks.

At the same time, Mila cast a spell, using the dark magician's secret method, to control the lonely boat that was manipulating the beast to fight, and then walked towards Miya behind.

When the situation is critical.


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar.

The death knight Cayenne, riding the death dragon emperor Kam, drilled out of a space-time crack in the air and leaped towards this side!

"Brother Yan?"

Mira looked up and saw Cayenne flying over and said incredulously: "How could you not have been seriously injured by me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mira immediately came to her senses.

It was because he transformed back into a grandmaster-level dark warlock, resulting in weaker mana, which made Cayenne break the shackles.

Then, immediately opened the crack and came here through space teleportation!

At this time, Cayenne was full of anger.

The moment he jumped down on the giant dragon, a death light was released from the spear of the god of death, bombarding the ground.


A loud bang.

The death light fell on the ground, and a shock wave rolled around, killing all the hundreds of demons in the surrounding area in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Cayenne sat in front of Mila.

Waiting for Mira to react.

Cayenne stretched out his hand and grabbed Mila's neck: "Why are you doing this!"

The voice just fell.

Mira struggled.

Over there, there was a roar: "Look at your poor lover!"

Turning around, I was stunned to see that the Seven-Star Demon Emperor had already held Miya in chains!

Holding the spear of death, Cayenne slowly approached the Seven Star Demon Emperor: "If you dare to touch Miya, I will definitely let you die without a place to be buried!"

The Seven Star Demon Emperor didn't care: "At this time, shouldn't you kneel down and beg for mercy from this Emperor?"

Saying that, as the chains in the Seven Star Demon Emperor's hands tightened, Miya struggled in pain.

Looking at Miya being held hostage, Cayenne panicked: "Don't hurt Miya!"

The Seven Star Demon Emperor looked at Cayenne and said, "If you want to protect your beloved, you should know what to do."

Say it.

The Seven Star Demon Emperor shook the other end of the chain impressively.


The chain, like a sharp blade, went straight through Cayenne's chest.

During this process, Cayenne did nothing, just stood in place and was attacked.

Because he knew that as long as he moved, Miya would die!

After being penetrated by the chain, the Seven Star Demon Emperor began to absorb the power in Cayenne through the chain.

At the same time, the blood bar above Cayenne's head is also rapidly draining!

Seeing this, Miya cried out in pain, "Yan don't!"

Letting the chains run through his body, Cayenne stared at Miya and said, "I said, I will definitely protect your Miya, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

The Death Dragon King Kam, who was on the side, saw that his master was injured, and kept roaring, trying to attack the enemy and rescue his master, but was blocked by Cayenne.

"do not move!"

At this time, Mila also became a little nervous: "I asked you to kill them, but I didn't let you hurt Brother Yan!"

"You stop me!"

With a light drink, Mira was about to cast a spell to attack the Seven Star Demon Emperor.

Impressively, he was entangled by the third chain dispatched by the Seven Star Demon Emperor: "Shut up for me!"

Face this situation.

Yi Ye Guzhou and Zhang Yi did not dare to act.

Because Miya was in the hands of the Seven Star Demon Emperor, everyone on the field was threatened by the hostages, so they did not dare to do anything to the Seven Star Demon Emperor.

Otherwise, with the strength of Cayenne, kill the Seven Star Demon Emperor at will!

Just when the Seven Star Demon Emperor continued to extract the power of Cayenne, he thought he was about to succeed.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew through behind him.

Brush brush brush brush!

An assassin dressed in a black battle suit with a breath of death all over his body appeared behind the Seven Star Demon Emperor at some point, slashing the mess with a quick knife and cutting off all the chains that bound Miya!

When the Seven Star Demon Emperor turned his head, he saw the god-level ghost demon beast soul reaper suddenly appeared in his sight!

"Ghost clan!" The seven-star demon emperor, who sensed the ghost clan aura on Soul Reaper, turned pale in shock.


Soul Reaper didn't say much cruelty, and stabbed the sword directly into the eyes of the Seven Star Demon Sovereign.

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