As Cayenne's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi seemed to understand something, but he still asked, "What's the matter?"

Cayenne reluctantly delivered the pink light beads in his hand to Zhang Yi: "Can you protect her for me?"


Before Zhang Yi could speak, Cayenne continued: "It's a pity that I can't watch her grow up. I hope that one day, she won't resent my father for this."

This pink light pearl is indeed the child of Cayenne and Miya!

It's just that the current form has not completely transformed into a human form.

Zhang Yi asked, "Where are you going?"

Cayenne looked back at Miya, who was lying motionless on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to accompany Miya."

"Last time, I left Miya alone for a thousand years. This time, I won't leave Miya alone again."

"Miya is my life!"

Speaking of which.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the sky.

Look up.

The Death Dragon King Cam descended from the sky and sat beside Cayenne.

Cayenne touched Cam and said, "Will you stay with us too?"

Cam let out a low growl in response.

Cayenne nodded: "Okay, we will live and die together!"

Cayenne then confessed to Zhang Yi: "Don't worry, I won't die, I just need some time to recover Miya."

After that, Cayenne picked up the pink light bead and lowered his head to kiss it.

Then, he handed the light pearl to Zhang Yi: "Please. I swear in the name of the death knight: With such kindness, when I recover, I will go through fire and water for you, no matter what!"

Hearing that a god-level knight of the dignified dark dragon clan said such words to him, Zhang Yi was also a little shocked.

Looking at the bead of light that Cayenne handed to him, Zhang Yi hesitated for a while, then took it over.

The moment he touched the light beads, Zhang Yi clearly felt a little life beating within it!

After handing the bead of light to Zhang Yi, Cayenne, who had been keeping his eyes on the bead of light, ruthlessly pulled his gaze away.

He turned around and walked to Miya's side and picked her up.

At the same time, the Death Dragon King Cam sat down and protected Cayenne with his wings.

next moment.

The ground trembled.

huh huh huh

Countless golden lights drifted from all directions and merged into the Death Dragon Emperor.

A loud system prompt also fell from the sky——

"Ding ~ Players who are in the map of the city of death, please pay attention: the map of the city of death is about to fall, please evacuate as soon as possible!"

It seems that Cayenne wants to restore Miya by absorbing the energy of the main city of the city of death, and then combining the power of himself and Kam!

Hearing the system prompt, Zhang Yi and Yi Ye Guzhou didn't stop, they each jumped up on a giant dragon and left the city of death.

In the air, look down.

The huge city sitting in the dark gradually fell to the ground, and then disappeared from sight

everything is over.

Again, nothing happened.

The scene of fighting side by side with the 230-level god-level death knight is like a dream.

The only thing that can prove that this is not a dream is the sparkling pink pearl in Zhang Yi's hand!

Zhang Yi carefully looked at the beads in his hand.

Through exploration, we learned that this bead is called Lingzhu.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a very young baby curled up inside this translucent bead!

Yi Ye Guzhou looked at it and said curiously, "Why does this look like an egg? Shouldn't it still hatch to break the shell?"

"Senior, what are you going to do with her?"

"Let it go." Zhang Yi said: "When Cayenne comes out, it will be returned to the original owner."

Otherwise, Zhang Yi would have no way to open this Spirit Orb.

So, put the Lingzhu into the backpack.

Zhang Yi turned and returned to Dawn City with Yi Ye Guzhou.

Before I knew it, when I returned to the city, it was already night.

Zhang Yi then summoned Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen, Fatty and the others, and held a banquet together in a restaurant in the city.

When it is to welcome a lonely boat and the arrival of the resurrected family!

Millions of resurrected masters, plus Yi Ye Guzhou, a full-level dragon bloodline and a hidden professional demon fighter, come to Dawn City, and they are definitely a top force in Dawn City!

At first, Zhang Yi did not expect that Yi Ye Guzhou would come to Dawn City.

His arrival was naturally welcomed by the Dragon Clan.

At the banquet, Long Xingtian, sitting next to Yiye Guzhou, patted Yiye Guzhou on the shoulder and said, "Good guy! Don't say hello in advance when you come, do you want to surprise us?"

Yi Ye Guzhou smiled and said, "No, I'm afraid you won't be welcome."

"What is this saying, of course we welcome it!"

The Dragon Clan Immortal is a sensible person: "It seems that the face of the boss is still valuable!"

Yi Ye Guzhou immediately stood up with a toast and said to Zhang Yi, "Senior, I toast you. I hope that in the future, in Dawn City, the senior can take care of my resurrection!"

"Senior has any need, I will do my best!"

Yi Ye Guzhou is a man who repays his gratitude and has not forgotten his return.

It is thanks to Zhang Yi's help that the living can have today, and they can have the full-level dragon bloodline themselves!

Zhang Yi responded: "help each other and progress together."

"Come on, I wish our dragon clan, and the resurrected ones, to rise step by step and become more and more prosperous!"

The crowd raised their cups

After the dinner, Zhang Yi began to take care of his own affairs.

The shop on the side of Shuguang Street should be almost completed.

However, Zhang Yi came to the warehouse for the first time.

Put all the advanced equipment of the fallen knight and the seven-star demon king explosion, as well as the energy spar into the warehouse.

By the way, I took out the 215-level 71-star dragon quasi-artifact Tianmai suit from the warehouse.

Replace the 66-star ordinary god emperor suit on your body with one click.

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have obtained the effect bonus of the Tianmai suit (seven-piece suit of the beastmaster): all monsters have all attributes +100%! Get the suit skill Tianhun!"

Immediately, Zhang Yi's whole body was filled with silver light!

The continuous flow of silver light special effects made Zhang Yi wear this dragon quasi-artifact suit, and the level of the whole person has improved a lot!

It's as if Zhang Yi's body contains a great magnetic field of heaven and earth, releasing energy continuously!

This effect is much more appealing than the original God Emperor suit!

In addition, the 71-star quasi-artifact dragon suit, compared with the 66-star God Emperor suit, also greatly improved Zhang Yi's attributes——

Yinuo Qingcheng (lv211 eighth-turn god-level dragon soul master):

Magic attack power: 48000w

Physical Defense: 8000w

Magic Defense: 7500w

Health: 38.4 billion

Energy: 7 billion

Experience Points: 1.3254 trillion/2.5 trillion

Gold coins: 14.2 billion

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