Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1441 Epic Hidden Mission: Save the Convoy

According to the market situation.

D-level salesperson: The employment price is 500,000 gold coins/day, and it takes 1 minute to complete a single transaction.

D-level cashier: The employment price is 500,000 gold coins/day, and it takes 1 minute to complete a single cashier.

D-level manager: Hiring price is 1 million gold coins/day, and the store tax is reduced by 1% (a store can recruit up to two managers).

A C-level salesperson earns 1 million gold coins a day, and the transaction time is 50 seconds.

c-level cashier

According to the law that the higher the level, the higher the efficiency.

The employment price of a-level salesperson is 10 million gold coins a day, and a single transaction takes only 15 seconds!

A-level cashiers are 10 million a day, and a single cashier is 15 seconds.

A-level managers are hired for 20 million a day, and the store tax is reduced by 5%.

Mandatory requirements of Apocalypse World: All transactions in the store must be completed by specialized NPC workers, and players cannot intervene by themselves.

Therefore, hiring workers is necessary.

However, Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to hire these workers right away.

Because even the most senior A-level workers that can be hired in the talent market cannot be satisfied with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's goal is to face the S-level.

And he just knows where to recruit S-level, even ss, and even sss-level workers!

So, relying on his impression, Zhang Yi found the administrator of the talent market: Aji.

It was a very gentle-looking man in a jazz hat.

Holding a scepter in his hand, he walked around the market, as if he was waiting for those who came to recruit workers.

When the player needs to hire a worker, he must be found.

Just wait for Zhang Yi to approach.

Aji, who has not been open for several days and has not hired a single worker, immediately greeted Zhang Yi enthusiastically: "Little boss, are you here to recruit people?"

"What kind of talent do you want? Just tell me, I have all kinds of talents here, whether it's moving bricks to build a house for you, or counting money to warm a bed!"

Zhang Yi said, "The level of workers here is too low, and I don't need it."

Such remarks made Aji's face turn green.

"Little boss, what kind of person do you want?"

"S-level." Zhang Yi said: "Or ss-level, if there is an sss-level better."

"Price is not an issue, I need more senior workers."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Aji thought for a while and said, "It's not like you want a high-level servant, but you have to fight for it by your own strength."

After a pause, Aji continued: "There is a pawnshop owner surnamed Wang in the west of the city, who runs the largest pawnshop in Dawn City. There are more than a dozen shops in the entire city."

"There are a lot of s-level and ss-level servants in his shop. You can discuss with Boss Wang to see if he is willing to hire those servants to you."

Speaking, Aji took out a letter of introduction from nowhere and handed it to Zhang Yi: "If you find Boss Wang, you can say that I introduced you to the past, which can increase his goodwill towards you."

Without any hesitation, Zhang Yi immediately accepted the letter of introduction from Aji.

And this letter is the real purpose of Zhang Yi's trip to find Aji!

In the last life, the Fengyun family rented a shop in Shuguang Street, which was later converted into an equipment store.

And the reason why the equipment store was run by the Fengyun family had a lot to do with the employees in the store.

Under normal circumstances, the stores run by players are generally A-D employees.

However, in the equipment store operated by the Fengyun Family in Shuguang Street, all of them are senior employees of S rank or above!

These senior employees have high work efficiency and large tax cuts, making the Fengyun family's profits even higher!

Later, Zhang Yi inadvertently learned that the way they recruited senior employees was to get a letter of introduction from the talent market manager, and then through the letter of introduction, they found senior employees!

So, after getting the letter of introduction from Aji, Zhang Yi immediately rushed towards the west of the city.

Because Aji has made it clear that the pawnshop owner he directed is in the west of the city.

After many inquiries, Zhang Yi finally found the No. 8 pawnshop.

People come and go in the pawnshop.

A lot of players are pawning off equipment they don't need, things like enhancement stones and magic scrolls.

In a sense, pawnshops are actually the same as shopping malls and auction houses.

However, if the player pawns the item to the pawnshop, the item has not been resold within a certain period of time, and if the player wants to redeem it, he can redeem it at the original price.

Entering the pawnshop, Zhang Yi directly found the pawnshop owner Laurie.

Showing the letter of introduction to Laurie, Laurie looked at it, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Oh? Aggie introduced it, it seems to be a big man!"

"Don't dare to be." Zhang Yi said: "I just heard that boss, you have a lot of redundant senior servants here, and you want to hire a few servants to go back."

Laurie looked Zhang Yi up and down, and then said, "Yes, but it depends on whether you have the ability to fight for it."

After a pause, Laurie continued: "A few days ago, I had a convoy in a city that was robbed by monsters, and now I'm trapped in the forbidden land of the monsters."

"If you can help me rescue that convoy, I'll hire you a senior servant."

As Laurie's voice just fell.

In Zhang Yi's ear, a system prompt sounded immediately—

"Ding~ Congratulations, you triggered the hidden mission to save the convoy, do you want to receive the mission?"

Zhang Yi received the task without hesitation.

Save the Convoy (Epic Hidden Mission):

Difficulty factor: 1480w

Description: Three days ago, the convoy of the No. 8 pawnshop was robbed by monsters when they were out of Dawn City. Players are requested to go to the Mozu station according to the task guide, defeat the monsters in it, and rescue the trapped motorcade.

Progress: 0/10 (The team has a total of ten people, and the completion of the task is determined according to the number of people you rescued. When the number of deaths in the team exceeds 5, the task reward will be reduced, and all ten people will be rescued to receive an additional ultimate reward).

Time: 4 o'clock.

That's right, that's the mission!

Without further ado.

After receiving the task, Zhang Yi immediately opened the map according to the task instructions, and then rushed towards the lv214 dark fortress marked on the map.

Epic hidden missions.

The difficulty factor is also there, only 14.8 million.

This difficulty is somewhat difficult for ordinary players.

But for Zhang Yi, it was a piece of cake.

After all, the difficulty factor of the Devil's Breath missions that Zhang Yi performed before has reached 15.2 million.

As for the predecessor of the Chosen One, the difficulty factor of the Chosen Son mission was as high as 22 million, and it was all done by Zhang Yi!

It seems that the ultimate reward of this task, Zhang Yi has decided.

In the previous life, the Fengyun family's task completion rate did not reach 100%, and in the end, they only got the reward of the highest ss-level servant.

This time, Zhang Yi is heading towards 100% mission completion.

No guarantee, several sss-level servants will be rewarded!

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