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Chapter 1444 The hostages appear, rescue William!

In the dark castle, the hundreds of Blazing Family players who were uniting against the Dark Skeleton King were suddenly attacked by the Dark Skeleton Legion and were suddenly caught off guard.

Most of them had already been maimed by the Skeleton King, and before they could recover, they were killed under the fierce attack of the Skeleton Legion!

Looking at the field, dozens of skeletons smashed through the crowd wielding machetes.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The white light was mixed with screams, one after another.

In an instant, the Blazing Family players suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Yi in the back saw this scene, and immediately dispelled the idea of ​​​​solving the Blazing Family by himself.

Because killing them would be of no benefit to Zhang Yi, and he had to open the entire PK mode for them.

It would be better to let the Skeleton King solve these scourges for him.

So, Zhang Yi quietly leaned on a stone slab and watched the battle ahead leisurely.

Under the fierce attack of the Dark Skeleton King and the Skeleton Legion, the players of the Blazing Family are hard to guard against, causing heavy casualties!

In a short while, the 100-member group has already hung up by 50%!

At this time, a large group of players rushed over from the other side of the castle.

Headed by the rank 204 rank eight warrior Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire, obviously this is the Blazing Family wasteland reclamation team on the other side. After hearing the movement here, they rushed over to support.

When he is dressed in fiery red armor, he looks like a powerful warrior Blazing Flame: Bathed in Fire. When he sees the Dark Skeleton King, he does not have the same joy that others see the boss.

Instead, it was full of shock and fear.

"The 60-star boss can't be beat at all!"

Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire is a sensible person. Seeing the level of the boss, he knows that with his own strength, he will definitely not be able to fight against this level of boss.

However, only when he was ready to give an order to retreat.

Skeleton King seems to have guessed the thoughts of the Flaming Family, and ordered a large number of skeletons to go to the only retreat for the Flaming Family players!

In the back, more than a dozen Blazing Clan players who were just about to retreat were attacked by the Skeleton Legion and were killed one after another!

Then, a large number of skeleton people, like making dumplings, surrounded more than one hundred Blazing Family players including Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire!

As the top master who ranks eighth in the Dawn City Combat Power Ranking.

Blazing Flame: Although Bathing Fire is extremely powerful, it madly kills the Dark Skeleton with one-handed damage of 10 billion to 20 billion.

But in the end, he was defeated by the Dark Skeleton King.

Just when Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire swung his sword to kill a skeleton man, the Skeleton King slashed down with a big axe, shocking an energy wave on the ground.

The next moment, Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire and several teammates around them were blasted into the air by energy waves.

When they landed, several teammates all died, and Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire also survived with a trace of qi and blood.

Stationed with a long sword.

Looking up at the Dark Skeleton King who was still killing the Quartet in front of him, Blazing Flame: Bathing Fire frowned.

It seems that he has realized that he cannot escape this disaster today.

On the other side, Zhang Yi was still sitting on the slate quietly watching the battle.

Seeing that all the members of the Chi Yan family had not been dealt with, Zhang Yi became a little anxious.

This Skeleton King is still not strong enough.

With such a small number of miscellaneous fish in the blazing flame family, it is impossible to deal with it for so long.

Just when Zhang Yi was considering whether to do it now.

In my ear, a system prompt suddenly sounded—

"Ding~ Players, please pay attention: the mission protection target William has appeared, please pay attention to the protection target!"

Hearing this prompt, Zhang Yi immediately looked around, and sure enough, he saw an NPC man in a corner on the right front.

That NPC had the blue id William on his head, and his identity was exactly one of the ten drivers of the convoy that was robbed!

Three days ago, the pawnshop owner Laurie sent a convoy out to deliver goods. When passing through the dark castle, he was looted by the demons, and everyone in the convoy was intercepted.

The purpose of the mission to save the convoy is to let the player rescue the driver and ensure their safety.

Obviously this William is trying to escape this ghost place while the chaos!

At the same time, Zhang Yi was not the only one who noticed Lianwei.

In the front line, the blazing flames surrounded by skeletons: the eyes of the ashes were also docking on the NPC Lianwei in the corner.

Obviously, he also received the task of saving the convoy, and like Zhang Yi, he also received a prompt from the system! That's why I noticed William's position.

After discovering the mission protection target, Blazing Flame, who had already planned to give up this mission: Ashes, suddenly remembered a key point:

Although the Dark Skeleton King boss is very strong, with the current strength of the Blazing Family, it can't be helped.

However, the purpose of this mission is not for the player to kill the Dark Skeleton King boss, but to rescue the ten NPC drivers in the convoy!

So, Blazing Flame: The Ashes changed its target, and with the help of the teammate's cover, ran towards the NPC whose id was named William.

However, wait for the blazing flames: the ashes are approaching the past.

Four dark skeletons appeared, blocking the way of blazing flames: ashes.

Several teammates who followed the blazing fire were immediately beheaded by the skeleton people.

The blazing fire was alone and could not get close to Lianwei.

Seeing the two skeleton men approaching William with machetes


The hostages are about to be threatened, when the situation is critical.

Sensing that a powerful breath was approaching quietly behind him, the blazing fire suddenly turned his head, only to see a human race beastmaster man in a silver robe with silver light all over his body, holding a scepter, Xu Xu. Come on!

Seeing this somewhat familiar beastmaster, the blazing fire was immediately stunned.

In my mind, there is a name Yinuo Qingcheng!

Back then, on the River God Tomb map, he single-handedly killed the 206-level 57-star boss and three snake monsters in two minutes.

The flaming bathing fire who recognized the identity of the other party was so shocked that he couldn't even speak!

However, there are not many people as discerning as the blazing bath.

In the surrounding area, most of the players of the Blazing Family don't know Zhang Yi.

When they saw Zhang Yi walking towards the skeleton army alone, they all made a mocking voice to mock Zhang Yi even if they were in a desperate situation:

"Are you crazy, this guy? Don't die for the mission?"

"It's just a mere straggler, it's just a matter of coming to the 214-level map to die, and you dare to take a mission with our Blazing Clan, you really don't know whether to live or die!"

"The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, let's see how he was cut in half by the skeleton man!"

Listening to the cynical voices of his subordinates to the current top god without knowing it.

Blazing Flames wanted them to shut up, but under the intimidation of the first god in the Dawning City Heavenly Ranking, they fell into fear and couldn't even speak for a while.

Seeing Zhang Yi slowly approaching.

Several 214-level dark skeletons held machetes and charged towards Zhang Yi.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi calmly lifted the scepter in his hand and entered a state of battle.

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