Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1450 Ultra-rare props: promotion order!

In the evening, Zhang Yi came to the No. 8 pawnshop.

Find the pawnshop owner Laurie.

At this time, Laurie had already followed the promise he made to Zhang Yi during the day, and gathered his most senior servants to this No. 8 pawnshop!

When I followed Laurie to the backyard, I saw that the backyard was already overcrowded.

All kinds of servants are all over the backyard!

Zhang Yi and Laurie stood in front of the crowd, Laurie pointed at the servants and said to Zhang Yi, "It's up to you to choose!"

good guy!

This scene is like an ancient emperor choosing a concubine!

Looking around, Zhang Yi was surprised to find that all the workers in the backyard were all S-levels! !

You must know that the highest-ranking servants that can be hired in the talent market are only A-level servants.

And the lowest level here is S-level.

The reward for the mission to save the convoy is worth it!

So Zhang Yi walked through the crowd and quickly picked his target.

In the end, one ss-level manager, two ss-level cashiers, and five ss-level salesmen were selected.

The remaining manager, a cashier and ten salespeople are all S-rank.

This is already the highest configuration with 100% mission completion.

If when performing the task of saving the convoy, for every NPC that dies, there will be one less employment position for the last SS-level servant.

Eight SS-level servants can be hired only with 100% mission completion!

These servants have high work efficiency, and their employment prices are naturally not low.

SS-level managers can reduce or exempt 10% of the store's tax, and the employment price is 80 million gold coins per day. 7% tax reduction for S-class, 50 million gold coins a day.

SS-level salesperson, a single transaction takes 5 seconds, and the employment price is 30 million gold coins a day. S-level single transaction 8 seconds, 20 million gold coins a day.

SS-level cashier, a single cashier takes 5 seconds, and the price is 30 million. S-class cashier in 8 seconds, 20 million a day.

Calculated as a whole.

For the 20 servants hired by Zhang Yi, the total commission for one day requires 580 million gold coins!

Compared with the shop rent of 10 gold coins a day, this employee commission is not very expensive.

The only thing that Zhang Yi regrets is that there is no SSSS-level servant.

Although in the last life, when the Fengyun family completed this task, the highest reward was only the SS-level servant.

But according to Zhang Yi's knowledge: they did not achieve 100% completion of the task at that time.

And if the completion is 100%, there should be an ultimate reward!

So Zhang Yi asked Laurie, "Are there any more senior servants here?"

Laurie shook his head: "SS-level, it's already the highest."

"No matter how advanced the servants are, they are all cultivated, not born."

As soon as Zhang Yi heard it, he asked, "How do you say it?"

At this time, Laurie took out three tokens and handed them to Zhang Yi: "Warrior, this is an extra reward for your success in helping me bring everyone in the team back safely!"

The ultimate reward of the mission has finally appeared!

Zhang Yi took over the silver tokens and took a closer look—

Promotion Order (special rare item):

Description: Used on any NPC servant, it can trigger the NPC's corresponding promotion quest, and completing the quest will increase the corresponding NPC's rank by 1 and increase its favorability by 50 points.

good guy!

Seeing this token, Zhang Yi finally understood what Laurie said: No matter how high-level servants are cultivated, what does it mean!

Sss-level servants are not so easy to get.

Zhang Yi happily accepted the three tokens.

In my mind, I was already thinking about which three servants these three tokens should be used to upgrade!

At this time, Laurie said to Zhang Yi: "Warrior, these servants have followed me for many years, and their loyalty is very high. As long as you treat them kindly in the future, they will definitely not abandon you."

I clicked on the status panel of these servants, and I found out: their basic favorability points all have 50 points!

You must know that the servants hired in the talent market only have a basic favorability of 30 points!

Favorability is an exclusive label for servants.

Up to 100 favorability points.

When the favorability of the servant drops to 0, he will leave his master and no longer serve the master.

So Zhang Yi said to Laurie, "Don't worry, I will definitely treat them well."

After that, Zhang Yi took the servants away.

As for the commission, Laurie has already opened an account for Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi only needs to pay a commission of 580 million gold coins to this account every day.

When he came to the Dragon Clan Commercial Firm located on Shuguang Street, Zhang Yi let these workers take their places!

At the same time, the immortal dragon clan and the dragon travel the world are also doing errands in the store.

Seeing so many high-level servants, Long Clan Immortal asked in surprise: "Boss, where did you find so many S-level and ss-level servants?"

Zhang Yi smiled indifferently and said, "He's digging walls."

After a pause, Zhang Yi asked, "Is the goods on the shelves?"

The Dragon Clan Immortal made an ok gesture: "It's all done!"

"The auction house on the first floor has already put all the equipment that our dragons can't use on the shelves, occupying 15% of the space, and 85% of the space, which can be provided to other players to freely put on the shelves various equipment or props, and we charge 12% from it. The handling fee is 3 percentage points lower than the handling fee of the Dawning City system auction house.”

Without waiting for the Dragon Clan Immortal to continue, Zhang Yi immediately interrupted: "Adjust the first floor handling fee to 8%."

Hearing this, Long Xingtian on the side said tangled: "But boss, then our profit will be too low! We won't be able to make money."

"At present, it is still necessary to accumulate popularity and build a reputation. Don't think about making money in the early stage."

Zhang Yi said solemnly: "When the popularity of the store rises, it will be slightly increased."

Immortal Dragon nodded: "Okay, I'll adjust it right away."

After a pause, the Dragon Clan Immortal continued: "The medicine store on the second floor has put all the A-level B-level medicines and food smelted by our Dragon Clan during this period of time, at a low market price of about 10%."

"It's probably A-level food, medicine, and the unit price is 1 million gold coins. B-level 600,000."

"At present, the space on the second floor has been occupied. In addition, our dragon clan still has a lot of high-grade medicine and food in stock, and we will arrange to put them on the shelves when the second floor is sold out."

Immortal Dragon Clan asked Zhang Yi: "Boss, what do you think of this price, if it is not suitable, I will adjust it immediately."

"Yes." Zhang Yi said: "High-level medicinal food is always in demand, and it is enough to be 10% lower than the market price, and there is no need to adjust it."

"When the store's reputation rises in the later period, the price of the second floor can even be raised again."

Immortal Dragon nodded: "The level 210 dungeon Dawning Camp is about to open, and each high-level team will definitely buy a lot of high-level potions and food by then."

"During this time, I led the team to continue to brush the Monster Beast Mountains, collect materials, and smelt medicine and food."

Zhang Yi patted the inextinguishable shoulder of the dragon clan and said, "It's hard work."

The Dragon Clan Immortal said solemnly: "It's not hard work, everything is for the Dragon Clan!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Yi looked up at the store and sighed, "Then fight for the Dragon Clan!"

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