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Chapter 1453 The southern border, garrison the Great Wall!

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​riding Juechen and three, riding Fire Dragon Babu, rushed to the southern border of Dawn City.

On the way, Yiqi Juechen suddenly said: "Listen to the scavengers, the anonymous person who slandered the reputation of our dragon clan in the chat area last night was probably a person called the blazing flame family."

The voice just fell.

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to speak.

Xing Tian took a step forward and said, "Isn't that the enemy that Lao Zhang met in Heshen Tomb last time?"

Zhang Yi looked back at Xingtian and frowned slightly: "The old Zhang you got for me??"

Xing Tian pointed at Yiqi Juechen and said, "He took it."

Thinking of Xingtian's disposition, he wouldn't give Zhang Yi such a nickname.

There's no one else except Yiqi Juechen

After a pause, Zhang Yi continued: "It's an old friend. When I was on a mission yesterday, I encountered it again and almost broke my mission."

Hearing that, under Xing Tian's heavy metal helmet, his eyes immediately exuded killing intent: "I will take people to destroy them."

"Don't move yet." Zhang Yi said, "Wait."

Xing Tian said incredulously, "If you don't kill this kind of person, keep it for the Dragon Boat Festival?"

"The flames are not a small family, and it is not an overnight thing to destroy them."

Zhang Yi said: "Now is an important stage for the development of our dragon economy, and we don't need to waste time and energy on this for the time being."

Knowing that Zhang Yi was trying to take care of the overall situation, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen didn't say anything more.

Soon, the three of them arrived at their destination—

lv221 southern border.

This is a place of constant war and strife.

Alien armored forces tried to invade some human towns and territories near Dawn City.

Dawn City has continuously sent troops to guard the border to resist these alien invaders!

On this southern border, there is a huge city wall with a height of seven or eight meters, which is like the Great Wall, isolating the alien invaders on the other side of the city wall.

On the top of the city wall, there are countless human soldiers standing there. They stand firm day and night to protect the safety of Dawn City.

As the saying goes: How can the years be quiet, but someone is carrying the burden for you!

According to the mission instructions: After Zhang Rui's younger brother Zhang Yi joined the army, he was dispatched to the southern border to guard here.

So Zhang Yi rode a giant dragon and sat on the side of the city wall with Xing Tian and the others.

Just landed.

From the post above the city wall, several NPC soldiers wearing gray armor and level 220 ran down.

One of the soldiers, a man named Gore, saw the fifth-order dragon emperor Babu from the Guangming Dragon Clan beside Zhang Yi and the others, and immediately said with great excitement:

"Master of the Bright Dragon Clan! Are you sent by the headquarters of Dawn City to support us?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi didn't say much, and asked, "Excuse me, is there a person named Zhang Yi here?"

Unexpectedly, this Gore is also a soldier captain!

I saw that he took out a blueprint from his pocket, looked it up, and said, "Yes, but a week ago, he was captured by that damn alien invader!"

"I don't know whether it is alive or dead now, and we don't know where the bases of these alien races are, so there has been no way to rescue them."

Having said this, Gore looked remorseful and guilty: "It's all because of those damn mechanics!"

"Mechanic?" Zhang Yi asked, "What is that?"

"That's our fighters on the southern border, the enemy we've always fought against!"

As Gore's voice just fell.

When Zhang Yizheng was about to continue his inquiry.


The alarm above the city wall suddenly screamed!

At the same time, several soldiers in the sentry shouted—

"Captain! They're here again!"

Hear this cry.

Gore immediately pulled away and rushed to the city wall, looking into the distance.

There was a hint of fear and panic in his eyes.

Then he pulled out the long sword at his waist and shouted, "Brothers, guard the Great Wall! Defend Dawn City!"

"Don't let these guys in!"

next moment.

Above the city wall, countless NPC archers in leather armor raised their bows and arrows and aimed them ahead.

Follow their gaze.

I can only see the other end of the towering city wall, about a mile away, I don’t know what is pressing down on a large area, and it is attacking this way!

Only as they get closer and closer, we can see clearly:

The things that form a black domain are all mechanical creatures such as spiders, scorpions, and tyrannosaurs!

These monsters are all mechanical, not natural life forms.

Their level, all of them reached level 221, one level higher than that of the Great Wall Guards.

As if being manipulated by some kind of force.

Those mechanical creatures galloped towards the city wall at an extremely fast speed!

Soon, they entered the attack range.

Above the city wall, hundreds of archers fired arrows at the same time.

And the mechanical bow and crossbow inserted on the wall also began to operate.

swish swish

Thousands of arrows were fired, and those mechanical creatures were instantly engulfed by the rain of arrows!

Level 220 Great Wall

The guards are not vegetarian.

Under the erosion of the arrow rain, several mechanical creatures near the front row were killed on the spot!

However, they seem to have immortal bodies.

Not long after falling down, they all stood up again!

And the blood bar on the top of the head also instantly recovered to full value!

The mechanical creatures who were full of blood and resurrected in place continued to rush over.

At this time, the city gates opened, and dozens of soldiers, holding swords and shields, launched close-range attacks.

However, those mechanical creatures attacked fiercely, and after a while, several soldiers were killed by them.

And dead soldiers will not be able to be resurrected like those mechanical creatures.

"Damn! This time, the attack of these mechanics is more ferocious than ever!"

Above the city wall, Gore, who was looking at the battle ahead, gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Just when the soldiers were helpless in the face of the onslaught of mechanical creatures.


A huge fire dragon leaped over the city wall.

A huge dragon shadow covered the soldiers below the city wall.

When the soldiers looked up.

I saw the 211-level fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu, opened his bloody mouth, and sprayed a hot dragon flame from his mouth.


The fierce flames engulfed the army of mechanical creatures on the land with the momentum of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth.

Zhang Yi, who was sitting on the back of the minibus, combined several large-scale group attack skills with streamer extinction, icy sky and snow, and swarms of demons, smashing all the mechanical creatures below that were being scorched by dragon flames!

next moment.

The breath of darkness and the power of thunder erupted on the field.

Ghost Swordsman Xing Tian, ​​along with the Thunder Knight Juechen, rushed out along the city gate, and rushed straight into the monster group.

In conjunction with the rain of arrows flying down from the city wall, the hundreds of mechanical creatures were instantly wiped out!

Just as Zhang Yi sighed, fortunately, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen were brought out.

Ahead, all the mechanical creatures that had just been destroyed by the regiment were resurrected from the dead!

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