Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1484 Attack on the Kunlun Church!

When he woke up in the morning, the first thing Zhang Yi did was to count the profits of the Dragon Clan Firm yesterday.

Open the shop page, it is clearly displayed on it: from 0:00 yesterday morning to 24:00, the total income for the whole day is 41.74 billion gold coins!

According to the 30% tax of the store, the tax should have been 12.522 billion.

Two sss level managers, 40% tax reduction.

In addition, the 30% tax reduction effect of the buff bonus has not disappeared, and the total tax reduction is 70%.

It is equivalent to the final tax deduction of about 3.76 billion!

Then remove the rent and worker commissions.

In the end, the net profit of the store yesterday was 36 billion gold coins!

This number is increasing day by day.

It shows that the Dragon Clan Firm is developing in a better and better direction!

The store is open as usual today.

Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​riding Juechen, a lonely boat, and five fat men, marched into the Kunlun Mountains!

At the Kunlun Hall before, the four additional Kunlun Seals that were collected finally came in handy.

They each issued a Kunlun seal to Xingtian.

After arriving at the Kunlun Mountains, the five each held the Kunlun Seal and entered the mountains.

As a level 225 advanced map.

Ordinary players stepping into the Kunlun Mountains will inevitably have to die.

But for Xingtian and the others, who are among the top players at the top level of Dawn City, there is not much challenge here. .Κanδhu5.iá

If all of Yiqi Juechen's defensive skills are fully activated, a level 225 monster in the Kunlun Mountains can only inflict a maximum of seven or eight billion damage to him.

The talent is ten times the damage, and the damage caused by it is 50 to 60 billion (the impact of the Kunlun Tribulation, reduced by 30%), which can cause a lot of trauma to the explosive giant scorpion with a total blood volume of 800 billion.

As a warrior, Xing Tian's defense is not as high as that of Yiqi Juechen.

However, he comes with 90% injury-free, and the damage he receives is extremely compressed to more than one billion!

Fatty is relatively fragile and needs someone to protect him. Letting him be with Yiqi Juechen can ensure his safety very well.


Xing Tian and Yi Ye Guzhou form a team.

Yiqi Juechen and Fatty are a team.

Zhang Yi is on a team alone.

The five soldiers divided into three groups and began to look for the descendants of the Kunlun faction in the Kunlun Mountains.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful.

With Xingtian and the others joining in, the speed of finding the descendants of the Kunlun faction really sped up a lot.

At the end of the day, the three teams each found a descendant of the Kunlun School!

The next day, it took another day to find the remaining three descendants of the Kunlun faction.

In this way, we finally found ten descendants of the Kunlun School!

Today is the third day of the official opening of the Dawn Camp dungeon.

At five o'clock in the evening, the five people brought the descendants of the Kunlun School that they had found, and came to the hall where Zhang Yian settled these descendants at first.

Looking at the ten successors have been found.

Zhang Yi came to the original Kunlun Sect descendant [Mo Wu] and asked, "You said before that your Kunlun Sect leader is in the church hall, and ten disciples need to work together to open the door of the church hall. ."

"Can you take me to the temple?"

Mo Wu, who was rescued thanks to Zhang Yi these few days, nodded to Zhang Yi again and again: "No problem, I'll take you there."

So, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian escorted ten Kunlun disciples along the way. Under the leadership of Mo Wu, they marched in the Kunlun Mountains to a place called the Church.

At the beginning, I passed through some areas that Zhang Yi had excavated.

Since the monsters in these areas have already been killed by Zhang Yi, no monsters have come out to make trouble.

Until gradually entering into a realization that Zhang Yi has not yet discovered.

In the snow in all directions, monsters such as giant scorpions and millennium centipedes began to spew out, attacking Zhang Yi and the others!

In front of the line of sight, a large number of monsters appeared, approaching Zhang Yi and the others!

At this time, Zhang Yi held a scepter and stared at the group of monsters in front of him like a torch. He said to the people around him, "Be careful to protect these NPCs, and don't let them hang up."

It takes ten disciples to open the door of the temple.

In the process, if one is missing, in the end, it is necessary to find another one to fill it.

So in this case, there can be no loss.

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, Yiye Guzhou and Fatty, all picked up guys.

Be prepared to face the monsters approaching in front of you.

And just when a few people were about to start.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Suddenly, several silver-white streamers descended from the sky and landed on the few beasts in front of them, holding them in place, unable to move!

Seeing this scene, everyone's first reaction was that Fatty cast a spell to control them.

But I realized that all the special effects of the adjudicator's skills are golden radiance, and the color of these streamers is not right!

Zhang Yi, who seemed to realize something, looked back and found that the ten Kunlun disciples behind him were holding the sword vertically in front of his chest with his left hand, and the two fingers of his right hand were pressing between the blades of the sword.

At this time, the Dao swords in their hands are exuding bursts of silver light!

It turned out that it was them who trapped those monsters! .dfyxs.

And when Zhang Yizai

When I turned around once, I found that the magical beasts hit by the silver-white streamer were all burned to ashes!

Level 225 monster... Instant kill?

"So strong!" Yi Ye Guzhou couldn't help but sigh.

After killing those few monsters, Zhang Yi looked at the group of Kunlun disciples behind him with admiration: "I didn't expect you to be so strong."

As the leader, Mo Wu said: "Our Kunlun faction was created to deal with these monsters. Using the Taoism of our Kunlun faction, we can easily deal with these low-level monsters."

"Is this just a low-level monster?"

Hearing what Mo Wu said, Yiqi Juechen asked, "What is considered a high-level Warcraft?"

"The great general of the demons Xiangwu, and his three major guardians." Mo Wu said: "They are the first awakeners, and they are also the strongest, and only our head can compete with them at the beginning. ."

Hear this.

Xing Tian said thoughtfully: "It seems that after entering the church, there will be a fierce battle to be fought, so be prepared."

After all, a group of people continued to rush to the church.

Along the way, all kinds of magical beasts that appeared were killed by the descendants of the Kunlun faction, and there was no need for Zhang Yi and the others to do anything at all.

Their Taoism can easily kill 225-level monsters, but two thousand years ago, their entire Kunlun faction was still destroyed by the demons.

From this, it can be seen that the general Xiangwu mentioned by Mo Wu just now, as well as his three guardians, should not be generally strong!

Under the leadership of Mo Wu, soon, everyone came to the church.

It was a huge palace covered with ice and snow, like a mountain! Κánδんu5.ζá

Zhang Yi asked Mo Wu, "Are you sure this is the place?"

Mo Wu replied, "It's the right place."

"However, we have to find a way to melt the ice and snow."

Zhang Yi nodded: "I'll take care of this."

The voice just fell.


With the sound of a dragon roar, the fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu leaped above Zhang Yi's head, and a scorching dragon flame shot forward!

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