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Chapter 1487 Complete Kunlun Mirror!

After being killed, the Kunlun mirror on the Dark Protector's body fell off naturally.

Zhang Yi came to the temple of the dark guardian and picked up the Kunlun mirror that had fallen next to his body. .xiumb.

Then, take out the Kunlun seal from the bag and place the Kunlun mirror on the hexagonal groove in the middle of the Kunlun seal.

The Kunlun mirror really blended perfectly, and then, it emitted a faint white light!

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting the complete semi-artifact [Kunlun Mirror] (treasure)!"

Zhang Yi looked at the Kunlun mirror in his hand.

[Kunlun Mirror] (semi-artifact/treasure):

Ability: The wielder will effectively resist damage such as burning, freezing, light bite, and poisoning.

Description: The magic weapon of the Kunlun School, with the ability to resist natural disasters. Two thousand years ago, the head of the Kunlun faction used the power of the Kunlun Mirror to cast a spell to seal the Kunlun Mountains...

This is the Kunlun mirror!

Able to resist the light bite in the Dawning Camp dungeon, so far, Zhang Yike has finally found one!

Of course, one is far from enough.

Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, and the others all had to have one person in order to ensure the pass rate of the dungeon.

In other words, at least you have to find four Kunlun mirrors!

But it can be imagined.

Since this dark guardian has a Kunlun mirror. .Κanδhu5.iá

And according to Mo Wu: Demon General Xiang Wu has three guardians under his seat.

Then the other two guardians must also have Kunlun mirrors!

As long as you find the other two guardians, you can get two more Kunlun mirrors!

After simply cleaning up the battlefield, everyone moved on.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, used the memory retrieval function of [Memory Heart] to retrieve the dual-sword flow talent that was originally covered.

Recovered the [Shadow Clone] talent from the Dark Guardian.

This talent is legendary.

Although powerful, the only disadvantage is that the cooling time is too long!

In the dark protector of this law, this talent has no cooling.

But after Zhang Yi copied it with the Heart of Memory, the cooldown of this talent was as long as three days!

And each time you use it, it can only last for 10 seconds.

Under this restriction, this talent seems to be of little use.

On the way to find the next Dharma protector.

Among the nine disciples of the Kunlun faction who followed closely, Mo Wu, headed by him, said to the other disciples behind him: "When the head sect destroyed the Kunlun Dafa, he sealed the demon general Xiangwu and his three guardians in the After entering the church hall, the headmaster himself was sealed in the church hall."

"In order to protect the common people and surround our Kunlun faction, the sect leader has sacrificed too much!" Mo Wu said: "This time it's us who will protect the sect leader. In any case, everyone must find the sect leader!"


So, people from two different gangs, each with a clear purpose.

This group of Kunlun Sect disciples is looking for their head.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi and the others were looking for the general and his guardian.

Of course, the head of the Kunlun faction is also Zhang Yi's goal.

Because all the Kunlun mirrors at the time were on the head.

If you find the head, it might be easier to get the Kunlun Mirror!

While thinking about it.

Zhang Yi and the others walked in the church for a long time, but they did not find their target.

Moreover, some fog appeared around at some unknown time!

Under the obstruction of the fog, this church is bottomless, as if there is no end!

"We should have entered the illusion set up by General Xiangwu."

Mo Wu said: "Otherwise, the temple would not be so big."

Several other disciples nodded one after another: "Xiangwu's illusion is very powerful, and he almost died from its illusion at the beginning!"

"It must be the dark protector we just killed, who informed their general Xiangwu, so Xiangwu used illusion to deal with us."

And then, Zhang Yi and the others were like walking into a maze.

No matter how you go, you are always wandering in the center of the church, surrounded by darkness, you can't see the edge at all!

"It's not the way to go on like this." Xing Tian finally couldn't help it: "There is a goal, but there is no direction, and it will only go further and further."

The voice just fell.

Mo Wu suddenly said: "If you can light up the lights in the church, you can dispel the illusion."

"How to light the lights?" Zhang Yi asked.

Mo Wuhuan looked at the darkness around him and said, "Except for the Sect Master, if we want to light up the lights, we can only do it from outside the church hall."

"There's no way to go on like this, let's go out first."

Say it.

The nine disciples cast spells together, using the Dao Sword to gather a beam of white light.

Zhang Yi and the others stepped into the white light.

In a blink of an eye, he appeared outside the church! wAp.

After a while, nine disciples also came out.

At this point, everyone understood the importance of this group of Kunlun disciples.

When he was in the church just now, Zhang Yi had already tried it and found that after the fog appeared, the City Return Scroll could no longer be used normally.

Therefore, without these disciples, Zhang Yi and the others would be trapped in the temple.

Apart from the resurrection of death in the city, there may be no other way to come out


Come outside the church.

Mo Wu walked to one of the stone lions sitting on both sides of the door.


The Dao Sword swung and launched flames to melt the ice and snow on the stone lion.

It seems that this stone lion should be related to driving the lights in the church.

Sure enough, after the stone lion was present, Mo Wu reached out to touch the stone lion.

I never thought that before touching the stone lion, the stone lion shattered and collapsed!

On the other hand, the same is true for the other stone lion on the right.

Just as another disciple used flames to melt the ice and snow, it shattered into a pile of stones!

Seeing this, Mo Wu frowned deeply: "It should have been too long, and it has been rendered by the breath of the demons for too long..."

"We need to restore these two statues before we can use them to turn on the lights in the church."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi asked, "How long will it take to repair them?"

Mo Wu shook his head, showing a bitter expression: "I'm afraid it will take several days."

"a few days……"

Yiqi Juechen frowned slightly and said, "We can't wait that long. Is there any other way for us to find that Demon General as soon as possible, or do you head the sect?"

Mo Wu shook his head again: "The general's illusion is very powerful. If we can't break the illusion, even if we find the general, we will never be able to defeat him in the illusion."

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "Then wait a few more days."

"We have four days left."

Mo Wu said: "The fastest, we can repair the stone statue in two or three days, no problem."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Without further ado.

The nine disciples were divided into two waves, each sitting cross-legged around a pile of stone statues, and then used the Dao sword to cast spells at the same time.

wow wow wow...

From the sword, bursts of silver light merged into the broken stone statue.

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