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Chapter 1494 Knights of the Moon Temple, Moon Watchers!

I have to say, these snow monsters are really strong.

Dragon Soul Master, Ghost Swordsman, Thunder Knight. The three top celestial gods who occupy the first place in the Dawn City Human Race, Alien Race and Demon Race Heaven Ranking, together with the control assistance of an adjudicator, also spent most of the day to barely kill this group of snow monsters!

Facing such a high-level monster, the adjudicator's control ability has been weakened to a certain extent.

Fatty has been unable to cause seamless control of more than a dozen targets at the same time.

Therefore, at the end of the battle, almost all of the people on the field were half-blooded! Κánδんu5.ζá

After the battle, Xing Tian, ​​who had always been silent about killing monsters, couldn't help but sigh, "It's too difficult!"

Next, Zhang Yi said something that made Xingtian and the others doubt their lives: "This is just the first stage of entering the Yaowang Valley mission. Among the three stages, the easiest one."

Zhang Yi's words undoubtedly made the other three present doubt life.

"Is it so difficult to enter a Medicine King Valley? After entering the Medicine King Valley, the strategy is not even more difficult.".dfyxs.

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell.

Xing Tian said: "Hidden sub-professionals are more rare than regular hidden ones."

"Let's finish the first stage first."

With that said, Zhang Yi came to Frozen Flower, squatted down, and used the gathering technique.

"Ding~ Congratulations on collecting [Frozen Flowers] (sss level) x1! Gathering proficiency x1000!"

sss grade material, extraordinary.

Because it is used to smelt out the medicine, or food.

After using it, you can not only get a large number of attribute bonuses for a certain period of time, but also restore the effect.

You can also get permanent attribute boosts!

Therefore, if the player successfully collects sss-level medicinal materials, the collection proficiency obtained is far higher than normal.

Under normal circumstances, using the Gathering technique must only gain 1 proficiency.

And this flower of ice and snow directly increased Zhang Yi's proficiency by a thousand times!

I saw that Zhang Yi actually collected sss-level medicinal materials in his hands.

A few people from Yiqi Juechen who followed behind said in surprise, "How did you do it?"

"Temporary buff for quest bonus." Zhang Yi's answer relieved the doubts in the hearts of several people.

At this time, Zhang Yi saw that there seemed to be one person missing, so he asked, "Where's One Leaf Lone Boat?"

"The person who took their team went to the dungeon." Yiqi Juechen said: "We didn't call him after that. After all, he is the general leader of the three resurrected teams, and we can't always focus on us. "

After a pause, Yiqi Juechen continued: "But this guy can handle it, as long as we have something to do with the Dragon Clan, he is the real deal."

Zhang Yi nodded: "The quality of One Leaf Lone Boat is still pretty good."

Putting the collected ice and snow flowers into the backpack, Zhang Yi said, "I just got one, and there are nine more."

"Hopefully this stage can be resolved within today."

With that said, the four of them continued their journey.

Sss grade medicinal materials are really too precious.

This task requires Zhang Yi to collect ten ice and snow flowers, but it is estimated that there are only ten ice and snow flowers in the entire ice and snow map.

It took a group of four people a day to travel all over the ice and snow before finally collecting ten ice and snow flowers!

It's already six o'clock in the evening.

Yiqi Juechen asked: "Go directly to the second stage mission location?"

Zhang Yi looked at the time and said, "It's still early, you can go over and take a look first."

With that said, Zhang Yi opened the map and searched for [Moon Temple].

Afterwards, following the guide of the map, together with Xing Tian and the others, they rode the minibus towards the Moon God Temple.

Time is running out, so the sooner you enter Medicine King Valley, the better.

If you can win the hidden deputy occupation medicine emperor before officially entering the dawn camp, and make some sss-level medicine food with the medicine emperor's ability, it will also be of great help for the dungeon clearance rating!

When thinking so.

Soon, several people arrived at their destination.

lv237 Moon Temple.

This is an ancient temple that looks like a ruin.

In the city, gunpowder smoke filled the air, as if a war had just been experienced not long ago!

"The level 237 picture is extraordinary." Before settling down towards the Moon God Temple, Zhang Yi said to Xing Tian and the others, "Be careful."

The next moment, the four of them were sitting in the city.

In this huge city, except for the smoke of gunpowder, there is no other special place.

Even after walking around the city, I didn't even see the shadow of a monster!

Xing Tian was a little surprised: "This is an empty city."

"Have we come to the wrong place?"

Zhang Yi opened the task list, checked the map again, checked it, and said, "That's right, it's here."

"Ten Divine Moon Grasses need to be collected here."

"But don't talk about Divine Moon Grass here." Yiqi Juechen looked around and said, "There is not even an ordinary medicinal plant here, and there is no monster. It is indeed a dead city."

"And it looks like it doesn't look like a place where sss-grade medicinal materials can be grown."

Just when Zhang Yi felt puzzled.

Night falls.

The dark clouds spread out in the air, revealing a full moon.

The moonlight fell directly on the earth, including the Moon Temple, which was also covered by the bright moonlight.

Under the moonlight, the Moon God Temple seems to have undergone some subtle changes!

Looking around, I could see that the gunpowder smoke that was filling the air had all dissipated.

And the surrounding collapsed buildings and houses have also begun to automatically rebuild and repair!

In the blink of an eye, a ruin turned into a prosperous capital!

A high-rise building stands in the city.

The streets are also very spacious and clean, exuding vitality!

Zhang Yi suddenly realized: "The Temple of the Moon needs the impression of moonlight to activate its true side."

"Looks like we're here, just in time!"

While talking.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Four light yellow streamers fell from the sky and shot on the street in front of Zhang Yi and the others, turning into four alien knights wearing metal armor, holding lightsabers, and riding jet aircraft under their seats! kΑnshu Wu.ξà

According to the map:

The Moon Temple is actually a foreign capital.

Just because he offended the dragons, he was destroyed by the high-level dragon emperor of the dark dragons a few years ago.

But under the Moon God Temple, there is something called "God Moon Grass".

Divine Moon Grass has a powerful recovery ability, accumulated over time, and then absorbs the power of moonlight, so that the Moon God Temple will be reborn every moonlit night!

And these alien knights at the moment, they are the alien guards of the Moon Temple——

lv237 Moon Keeper (Physics/Ordinary Monster)!

The refreshed location is too close to Zhang Yi and the others.

As soon as the alien knights [Moon Watchers] appeared, they found Zhang Yi and a few people here.

"Those who trespass on the Moon Temple, kill!"

With a light drink.

The four moon watchers were holding lightsabers, driving jets, and approaching Zhang Yi and the others!

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