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Chapter 1512 The Darkness Unleashed

The place where Zhang Yi arrived is called Mushen Lake.

It is a level 235 map, which is 19 levels higher than Zhang Yi's level!

According to the description on the map.

A thousand years ago, the human mage You Lian, known as the "Goddess of Shepherd", once guarded the human beings in this village until he was invaded by the ghosts.

Mushen Youlian used mana to protect the village, but still couldn't resist the powerful six-star ghost king: Luo Jia.

At that time, the ghost race was at its most rampant, intending to dominate the world of Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse Lord God personally conquered and sealed the ghost clan.

To fight against the Protoss, the ghosts began to expand their forces by hunting all creatures and turning them into ghost servants.

The village guarded by You Lian, the shepherd, has also become the target of the ghost kings.

The powerful six-star ghost king: Luo Jia broke through the protection of the shepherd's pity, led the ghost soldiers to the village, and killed all the humans in it!

Just when Mushen Youlian was about to die at the hands of the ghost king Luojia, the Lord God arrived.

Using the powerful power of the Lord of the Gods, the Lord God wiped out the ghost king Luo Jia and his thousands of ghost soldiers.

After that, Mushen You Lian, with a heart of guilt, has been guarding this village, guarding the dead souls in the village, and never leaving.

Under the baptism of the years, the former village sank into the ground and was gradually covered by the lake.

And Mushen You Lian also sank into the ground along with the village.

People in later generations heard this story, and in order to pay homage to the pity of the shepherd, they built a statue of the shepherd in this lake!

The stone statue that Zhang Yi sees right now is the stone statue of Mushen You Lian!

The place where the Lord God has arrived, even after a thousand years, still has divine power!

Zhang Yi became more and more curious as to who this Lord God was.

Without further ado, Zhang Yi approached Mushen Lake and stretched out his right hand.

The dragon soul ring worn in the right hand began to flicker, and gradually absorbed the divine power in the Mushen Lake.

This is the way Weiana taught Zhang Yi.

The dragon soul ring is a sacred object of the dragon family. Although the power it possesses cannot be compared with divine power, it is more than enough to carry divine power.

Soon, Zhang Yi used the Dragon Soul Ring to absorb all the divine power in Mushen Lake.

Mushen Lake, which has lost its divine power, has not changed.

Then, Zhang Yi rode a minibus and left Mushen Lake.

As everyone knows, at the moment when the divine power in Mushen Lake was evacuated, without the suppression of the power of the Lord God, strands of blue-colored souls floated out from the bottom of the lake.

It merged into the air and condensed into a cloud of black mist.

A low voice came from the black fog.

"Stupid human, thank you for giving this king a new life!"

"This king will surely repay you, God's caller, giggling"

As soon as the voice fell, the black mist dissipated immediately.

everything is calm again

Zhang Yi is here.

After leaving Mushen Lake, he quickly came to Shenshan.

Located on the top of the mountain, under the tree of gods.

Only to see: the spiritual bead placed on the divine tree is exuding a very weak light.

If it weren't for the divine power inherent in the Divine Tree, I'm afraid the Spirit Orb would not be able to support it now.

Zhang Yi approached the divine tree and did not speak.

Instead, he stretched out his right hand and released the divine power absorbed in the Dragon Soul Ring.


A burst of silver-white light flew out from the Dragon Soul Ring and merged into the divine tree.

The next moment, the divine tree actually immediately grew a green branch!

After fully absorbing the divine power, the divine power on the divine tree gradually merged into the spirit bead.

Next, you can clearly see that the light emitted from the spirit bead is much stronger than before!

This scene made Zhang Yi feel gratified.

In this case, after a few more visits, the Spirit Orb should be able to return to normal!

So, Zhang Yi approached the divine tree, reached out and touched the spirit bead lightly, and said softly, "You never abandoned me, don't worry, I won't abandon you either."

Having said that, he turned and left.

The divine power in Mushen Lake has been extracted.

Tomorrow, you need to go to a new place to extract divine power to restore the spirit beads.

Before that, Zhang Yi can also start executing his own affairs.

That is: Go to the top of the sky at lv240 and find the last material needed for the alchemist's test mission: Tianshan Snow Lotus!

A level 240 map is no trivial matter.

However, Zhang Yi was not afraid at all.

Because last night, in the state of an ordinary shining suit, Zhang Yi was more than enough to deal with a level 237 moon watcher.

And now, the radiant suit on his body has evolved into a full set of semi-artifacts!

Moreover, the quasi-artifact-level scepter of ashes has also evolved into a super-artifact-level Asylum Judgment!

This kind of strength, plus 3 levels to fight against the 240-level monster at the top of the sky, should not be a big problem.

Most importantly: it's daytime.

The effect of the radiant suit can take effect on a sunny day!

This will also make Zhang Yi a little stronger than last night's fighting power.

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

After a while, he reached his destination.

Under the guidance of the minibus, they came to the top of the sky.

What caught my eye was a towering mountain.

It is even taller than the sacred mountain that Zhang Yi visited just now!

Zhang Yi, who was at the foot of the mountain, looked up and couldn't see the end at all!

Dude, is this moving Mount Everest to Apocalypse?

According to the description on the map, the sss grade rare material Tianshan snow lotus only grows in the highest place on the top of the sky.

That is, if you want to get the Tianshan Snow Lotus, you have to climb the top of the mountain.

The most terrible thing is: There is a setting on the top of the sky, that is, players cannot use mounts to travel in the process of climbing!

If you want to go up the mountain, you have to be down-to-earth and go up step by step!

Zhang Yi is very clear about the fact that sss grade medicinal materials are not so easy to pick.

So, Zhang Yi started from the foot of the mountain, ready to climb the mountain!

Fortunately, this mountain road is still possible, not so rough.

There is an endless ladder that leads to the top of the mountain.

Zhang Yi then climbed up the ladder.

Zhang Yi knew that if he wanted to reach the top of the mountain, it might not be so smooth.

as predicted.

Just before taking a few steps, Zhang Yi found out: he can't walk anymore!

An invisible transparent barrier appeared on the first floor of stairs in front of him, blocking Zhang Yi's way forward.

At the same time, in the dense forest on the right, there was a burst of restlessness, accompanied by a low beast roar.

When I turned around, I saw a four-legged beast with fiery red hair all over its body that looked like a lion but was not a lion. It was walking slowly towards Zhang Yi!

His sharp eyes stared straight at Zhang Yi, as if he wanted to tear Zhang Yi apart.

And on top of its head, a line of red id is marked——

lv240 fire unicorn (magic department, ordinary strange)!

The guardian beast of the top of the sky has appeared!

Zhang Yi reached out and touched the transparent barrier blocking the way in front of him, and sighed, "I seem to know what to do."

With that said, Zhang Yi turned to look at the fire unicorn.

The next moment, the super-artifact in his hand was judged by fire, and a golden flame ignited!

"You should be honored as a blood in the trial by fire."

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