Gradually, Zhang Yi knew the rules of the map of the top of the sky.

Every ten layers of stairs, there is a barrier, to break through the barrier, you need to kill a fire unicorn.

And Zhang Yi turned on the group brush every time, and brushed more than a dozen at a time!

All at once, one hundred layers of stairs can be unlocked.

Just when he had finished walking the hundred multi-level stairs, Zhang Yi's group skills had finished cooling down.

Then it was another round of group skills, and then a large group of fire unicorns, once again unlocking a hundred layers of stairs

Repeating this, these steps on the top of the sky seemed to be non-existent in front of Zhang Yi!

As Zhang Yi followed the stairs unimpeded, he climbed higher and higher.

It is getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain.

During this period, his experience bar has improved by leaps and bounds!

From two in the afternoon until six in the evening.

I can't count how many fire unicorns have been killed, but Zhang Yi's experience bar is already full!

Zhang Yi blessed all the experience to Soul Reaper.

The level of the Soul Reaper has risen by 3 levels in a row, from level 205 to level 208!

Because the experience required to upgrade Warcraft is only half of the player.

In addition, the level of 205 is not high, and the experience required to upgrade is also less.

This efficiency is still very good.

After completing the upgrade for Soul Reaper, Zhang Yi finally got his wish to climb to the top of the mountain!

Here, towering into the clouds, Zhang Yi's feet are full of white clouds, like a fairyland.

In all directions, the breeze swept in, which was very pleasant.

And this is the top of the sky!

Zhang Yi has not forgotten his purpose, which is to come to the top of the sky to find the SSSS-grade material Tianshan Snow Lotus.

So, after reaching the top, Zhang Yi began to look around for materials.

After a while, I found a purple, mushroom-like thing in the crack of a stone!

With the blessing buff brought by the mission: the collection technique in the mission map was temporarily upgraded to sss level, and Zhang Yi reached out and picked it up.

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting the sss-grade medicinal herb Tianshan Snow Lotus x1!"

The moment Zhang Yi picked the Tianshan Snow Lotus, there was a roar.

In all directions, a large group of fire unicorns came out from the surrounding white clouds like clouds and mists!

Good guy, is this a trigger?

There are so many fire unicorns stationed in a single Tianshan snow lotus, which is a bit excessive.

If it was placed before, Zhang Yi would not be able to deal with so many 240-level fire unicorns at the same time.

But now.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, Zhang Yi was brushed over by such a dozen fire unicorns. Naturally, there was a slight fear of the seven or eight fire unicorns in this area.

Get into battle quickly.

The judgment of ashes in his hands burns with golden flames.

hoo hoo hoo!

In a roar, eight fire unicorns rushed towards Zhang Yifei at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

Various group single skills cover the entire field, engulfing the fire unicorn.

Cooperate with the attack of the monster group and the dragon group.

After half a minute, it was calm.

Around Zhang Yi, there were only eight corpses of fire unicorns left.

The battle ended easily, and Zhang Yi continued to look for the next target.

Next, almost everything is done in the same way.

Every time Zhang Yi found a Tianshan snow lotus and collected it, he would be besieged by seven or eight fire unicorns.

Solve them, and then go to find the next Tianshan Snow Lotus.

in this way.

In less than half an hour, Zhang Yi collected ten Tianshan snow lotus trees!

The task required only ten plants to be collected at most, and after the collection was completed, Zhang Yi's collection skill level returned from sss level to a level.

Even if Tianshan Snow Lotus was found again, with Zhang Yi's A-level gathering technique, he would not be able to gather such a noble medicinal material.

Zhang Yi has only discovered now that the biggest difficulty in finding Tianshan snow lotus is not Tianshan snow lotus.

But the journey to the top of the sky!

When we got to the top of the sky, there was no difficulty at all.

Now, the three materials of Frozen Flower, Shenyue Grass, and Tianshan Snow Lotus have all been collected.

Zhang Yi can finally go back to find the fairy lake, and find the old pharmacist Lukal to submit the task and get the way to enter the Medicine King Valley!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't wait to leave the top of the sky.

before seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi rode a minibus and quickly returned to Xunxian Lake.

Just sitting by the lake, Zhang Yi saw the woman who was bathing in the lake again.

That's right, it's the troll fish that Zhang Yi met last time that can transform into an NPC: Lian'er!

Last time, Zhang Yi was bewitched by the virus-carrying water in Xunxian Lake, and he almost planted Zhang Yi in the hands of this demon fish.

This time, Zhang Yi remembered the troll fish, but she didn't seem to remember Zhang Yi yet.

Pretending to be an NPC, Lian Er was rippling in the water, and smiled at Zhang Yi on the shore: "Brother, it's not good to peek at people taking a bath!"

"It's not very good." Zhang Yi said, "I don't want to watch it either, so don't wash it."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yi directly raised the Asylum Judgment and launched an attack.

Boom boom boom!

The fire dragons, strengthened by the fire-bathing dragon soul, fell into the lake, and all of a sudden, the woman Lian'er who was bathing in the lake was blown out!

This is the legendary "fried fish".

Then, before the man-shaped troll fish fell into the water, Zhang Yi continued to attack.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the single burst skills exploded a huge amount of damage of 170-190 billion on the head of the troll fish.

You must know that even the 240-level fire unicorn at the top of the sky can only be killed in seconds in Zhang Yi's hands.

This level 231, a troll fish with a total health of only 1.3 trillion, how can it resist such damage.

He was blasted into the air, and before he could land, he was emptied by Zhang Yi's combo.

With a "pop", when she fell into the water, Lian'er had already turned into a dead fish.

At the end of the battle, Zhang Yi spit out: "Sample, still want to lie to me?"

I was careless last time.

Can you fall in the same place twice?

As long as you don't touch the lake, you won't be bewitched.

Zhang Yi remembered this principle and stepped back a few steps away from Xunxian Lake.

The last time, Qingqing, the granddaughter of Yao Lao, brought Zhang Yi into that paradise.

Without her, Zhang Yi really doesn't know how to enter that Taoyuan again.

Fortunately, at this time, it seemed that he was aware of Zhang Yi's arrival. Qing Qing, who was wearing a long cyan dress, stepped over a light curtain and appeared in front of Zhang Yi again!

"You're here." Qingqing said to Zhang Yi with a smile.

Zhang Yi nodded: "I have found the herbs you asked me to find."

"Well, grandpa has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Come in with me."

With that said, under the leadership of Qingqing, Zhang Yi crossed the light curtain and came to the previous paradise: Medicine Forest!

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