Zhang Yi, who withdrew from Medicine King Valley, came to Xunxian Lake and shouted "Qingqing".

This is what Qingqing said to Zhang Yi last time. If there is any need, she will call her name by the lake. If she hears it, she will come out.

After a while, Qingqing really appeared in front of Zhang Yi through a light curtain.

Qingqing came to Zhang Yi and said happily, "Have you entered the Valley of the King of Medicine?"

"Going in is going in." Zhang Yi said: "It's just that there is a secret realm inside. The door above is closed, and a password is required to open it."

"Do you know the code for that door, what is it?"

When Zhang Yi mentioned the matter of the secret realm and the door, Qingqing did not show surprise.

It seems that she already knew the layout of Medicine King Valley!

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Qingqing was silent for a while, and then said, "That door, according to my grandfather, was set up by the king of Yingguo who defeated the Qianguo three thousand years ago. The password should also be set by him at that time. Future generations will never know.”

Zhang Yi didn't give up because Qingqing said so: "What about your grandfather? Does he know?"

Qingqing shook her head: "My grandfather doesn't even know."

Depend on!

Zhang Yi suddenly felt as if I had been deceived.

This Lukal is a big liar!

First, he tricked Zhang Yi to help him collect high-grade medicinal materials, and when the medicinal materials were brought, he told Zhang Yi how to enter the Medicine King Valley.

Then he took out another token and asked Zhang Yi to lure it out and kill a boss that was so strong before he could enter.

After you come in, you will encounter this password door again!

Since the old man knew that there was a password door in Yaowang Valley, why didn't he tell Zhang Yi earlier?

This bad old man is really bad!

So, saying goodbye to Qingqing, Zhang Yi returned to Medicine King Valley.

As he walked towards the secret realm, he began to think in his mind.

Since there is nothing even Lukar can do, there is really no way.

Can only blind cat touch the mouse, guess luck.

If the numbers 0-9 are arranged according to six digits, there are 136080 ways in total!

If there are only three chances per day, 136080 divided by three, it will take 45360 days to check all the combinations!

The probability of finding the correct password every day is only 1 in 45360

That's it!

Unless luck hits the table, you will hit it in one try.

But Zhang Yi never believed in such a thing.

To believe in such probabilistic problems, it is better to believe that you have won five million in the lottery in reality.

But it shouldn't!

According to the nature of Apocalypse, it should not be designed to let players guess the password, such a nonsense plot.

Any test and question in the apocalypse should have an accurate answer.

But Zhang Yi really couldn't think of this password, what shortcut could be found.

Logically, the player who opened the secret realm in the last life must not have guessed it.

He must know a certain trick to this door, so he calculated the password!

If you look at it this way, you have to find the person who opened the door in the previous life and open this door!

In my impression, Zhang Yi had seen him many times as the Medicine Emperor who was famous in the entire Dawn City in his last life.

Fortunately, I still remember what he looked like!

It's a pity that Zhang Yi only remembers his appearance. It is said that the id was changed after he became the Emperor of Medicine.

Zhang Yi only knew that his id after the change was called Headwind, but he didn't know what it was called before that.

Open the friend list, search for Lifeng, and sure enough, the system prompts that there is no such person!

Because according to the progress of history, he has not changed his name to Adverse Wind!

So, Zhang Yi opened the friend list, and the contact sent the scavenger nicknamed "Little Smart".

"Huangzi, do me a favor."

After a while, the scavenger responded, and he seemed to be more or less excited.

"It's a job, brother!!"

"What do you want me to do? You say!"

"Help me find someone." Zhang Yi recalled in his mind the appearance of a professional medicine emperor in the previous life, and said to the scavenger: "A demonic beastmaster, he stutters a bit."


The scavenger replied to the message: "Are there any other characteristics?"

"Well" Zhang Yi thought for a moment and said, "He is very similar to you."

"Oh?" The scavenger couldn't help but sent a voice message: "Is he as handsome as me?"

"No." Zhang Yi said, "It's as wretched as you are."

The scavengers fell silent.

"As thin as you are."

After a pause, the scavenger replied confidently: "Okay, leave it to my brother. Is it within the range of Dawn City? I'll look for it right away!"

"Are there enough clues? If not, I can draw a portrait."

"Enough is enough!" said the scavenger: "The demon beastmaster in the main city of the human race is still a stammer, and this is easy to find."

"There are not many surviving Beastmaster professions now!"

"Give it to my brother, as long as he is in Dawn City, I will definitely force you to find it out!"

Zhang Yi felt relieved when he heard the words of scavengers.

this moment

, what I am going through makes Zhang Yi feel a little familiar

I remember that Zhang Yi knew Ye Jintianming that way back then!

Well, that's up to the scavengers.

Zhang Yi is too lazy to think about the password. When Huangzi finds the one who opens the door, let him open it!

So, before leaving Medicine King Valley, Zhang Yi also used up his third chance to open the door today.

I tried six 1s, and sure enough, the password was wrong!

The gate was blocked, and Zhang Yi left Medicine King Valley.

It is really not easy to get the profession of Medicine Emperor.

But that's what makes this profession so valuable!

The matter of Medicine King Valley can only be continued after the scavengers find someone.

Before that, Zhang Yi can start other things first.

Before creating the main city, there are two more important things that must be done:

Complete the third stage quest of the Chosen One.

Complete the third stage of the dragon camp assessment!

Zhang Yi checked the time through the system.

It was found that there is still a month before the opening of the dragon faction assessment.

And precisely, the first-level main city teleportation formation is opened, and the time for the implementation of the intercommunication between the major main cities is also in a month!

It means that Zhang Yi can complete the task within a month, then complete the assessment and officially join the dragon camp.

Then, you can go to the Demon Clan's Hell City, and at the same time to obtain the materials for building the main city, you will meet the lord of the underworld who claims to be the No.

When we returned to Dawn City, it was already night.

Start the Chosen mission tomorrow.

With such a plan, Zhang Yi and Xing Tianyiqi Juechen who had just returned to the city went to rest after preparing to eat dinner.

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