night and day.

The morning sun shines on the ground.

Dawn City.

As soon as Zhang Yi woke up, he saw dozens of private messages from the immortal dragon clan and the dragon world:

"Boss, according to your instructions, all 850 billion funds have been invested in the 10,000 brothers in the first echelon."

"At present, they have all 65-star level 200 equipment, and the enhancement level of their whole body equipment is maintained between 15-20."

"The 850 billion gold coins have all been put in!"

"Guess what, boss? The 10,000 brothers in this echelon who received equipment enhancements, after wearing the equipment enhancements, all rushed to the top 100,000 in Dawn City!"

"Damn it! It's awesome, it's good to have money, boss!"

The above news was sent in the middle of the night last night, when Zhang Yi was already asleep and didn't see it.

But seeing these news, Zhang Yi didn't show much performance, as if this was what he expected.

Can you make it to the top 100,000 in the battle power list?

Putting it at the moment, 85 million gold coins can be used to cultivate any person, and he can be cultivated into a master player who ranks first in the main city!

Then, the following messages were sent in the morning:

"The boss is not good! Someone wants to dig our walls and dig people from our dragon family!"

"Boss, a brother in the team told me that some people tried to win them over from our Dragon Clan last night and go to other families to develop!"

"A lot of people have already received similar news of wooing! I don't know which clan is so bold and dare to dig people in our dragon clan!"

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi replied to the immortality of the dragon clan: "Is it the first echelon who is going to enter the book who received these news?"

The dragon is immortal: "How do you know, boss?"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "Call all the officials in the team and have a meeting."

So, according to Zhang Yi's request, more than a dozen dragon clan elites and vice-captains gathered in a conference room in the city.

The crowd sat around the round table.

At this time, King Glory, the elite of the team, slammed the table: "Damn, these bastards, dare to come to our Dragon Clan to dig people, what are you thinking?"

"Why are they digging our people at this time? And they are all members of the first echelon preparing to enter the Dawning Camp."

As the storm angel's voice just fell.

Yiqi Juechen, who was sitting on the deputy team seat, said, "All the resources of the Dragon Clan have been invested in them, and poaching them is equivalent to directly taking away our Dragon Clan's core economy."

Immortal Dragon looked at Zhang Yi and asked incredulously, "Boss, why do you still seem so calm?"

Zhang Yi said indifferently: "Do you know why since I called the first-level main city, until now, I have not developed teams, and have not continued to expand the power of our Dragon Clan to increase the number of people, and it has always been these 300,000 people? ?"

"Because they are loyal." Ye Jintianming said casually while strengthening a seemingly valuable staff in his hand.

Zhang Yi continued: "They are all from the third-level main city Mirage City, then to the second-level main city Liuguang City, and then to the first-level main city Dawn City, they have been following the people of the Dragon Clan."

Looking at Storm Angel, King of Glory, Xiaoqiang and Peak Emperor, Zhang Yi said, "There are elders from Storm Family, King Family, Brother League, and Peak Family."

"Sometimes it's not necessary to have many people in the team. Unity and loyalty can make you the strongest!"

"I believe in everyone in our dragon race."

Having said that, Zhang Yi asked the Dragon Clan Immortal: "How is the preparation of the first echelon?"

"It's ready, boss!" said the immortal dragon clan: "You can prepare to go out at any time!"

"it is good."

Zhang Yi immediately ordered: "Let the first echelon start attacking the Dawning Camp now. After the first echelon clears the customs, replace the equipment on the body and give it to the second echelon."

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away!"

At this time, Zhang Yi went on to ask the Dragon Clan Immortal: "By the way, who are the poachers, do you know?"

The Dragon Clan Immortal thought for a while and said, "The known is the prosperous family."

"Prosperity?" Zhang Yi opened the team list and found that they were actually second only to the Dragon Race and the Resurrection, and currently ranked third in the Dawn City team list!

It is a family that is stronger than Fengyun!

Seeing this, Yiqi Juechen asked, "Do you want to give them a long memory?"

"Of course." In Zhang Yi's eyes, there was a hint of cold light: "How can I tolerate poaching people in my dragon clan?"

As soon as the words fell, King Glory said: "Brother Cheng, I will investigate the whereabouts of the captain and deputy team of the Shengshi family, and I will tell you as soon as I find it!"

It was best to leave this matter to Arako.

It's just that Huangzi has other tasks now, and he is helping Zhang Yi to find someone who can unlock the password lock of Yaowang Valley in the whole city.

So this task can only be handed over to King Glory: "Okay."

When the meeting was over, everyone took orders and left.

Only one horse, Juechen, the original girl, Xingtian and Fatty were left behind.

Xing Tian asked, "So what task do we have today?"

"The Chosen One's mission, the third stage." Zhang Yi said, "I can do it myself. If you have something to do, I will go to your work."

"I'm fine." Xing Tian said, "I can

help you. "

Fatty also said, "I'm fine, I'll go too!"

"I" Yiqi Juechen just spoke, and when he was about to speak, he seemed to suddenly think of something.

Glancing at her side, she looked at her original girl with a pitiful look on her face, and suddenly her heart softened: "Zhang Yi, I can't accompany you today."

Zhang Yi glanced at Yiqi Juechen and the original girl, and said with a smile, "Okay, then you are busy with you."

Yiqi Juechen nodded.

The original girl suddenly smiled and said, "My family Chenchen is finally willing to accompany me!"

At this time, Xing Tian looked at Zhang Yi: "By the way, when do you plan to come back?"

"It's almost time." Zhang Yi looked at the Dragon Soul Ring in his hand, and said with a firm gaze, "I'll pick her up when I finish the mission of the Chosen One and kill the Dark Dragon Emperor."

After all, Zhang Yi opened the task list.

Since opening the Purgatory Temple and ending the second phase of the Chosen quest, a lot of time has been put on hold.

Now is the time for the third phase.

The third and final stage: hunting the sky.

The dragon strongman who is the chosen one must have more powerful power in order to gain the recognition of the dragon and become the chosen son of the dragon.

Two thousand years ago, the strong god-level Dragon Yin Master of the Bright Dragon Clan: Moni lost a Dragon Feather in the ancient battle against the Dark Dragon Clan.

According to legend: One thousand years after the loss of Long Yu, someone saw the trace of Long Yu in Tianmen, but then Tianmen was closed by the seventh-order Hell Dragon Emperor of the Dark Dragon Race: Gula used the power of the Dark Dragon Race to forcibly close, except for the Hell Stone, there is no Any method can restart Tianmen.

Later, because of the violation of the heavenly rule, the Hell Dragon Emperor Gula was punished by the God Realm. Before being sealed by the Lord God, he hid the Hell Stone at the gate of hell.

Please enter the gate of hell, find the stone of hell, and use the stone of hell to open the gate of heaven, enter the gate of heaven and find the Dragon Yin Master: Dragon Feather, the sacred dragon of the light dragon that Moni once lost, thus, you will be recognized by the light dragon. Become a real Dragon Chosen!

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