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Chapter 1527 Hell Dragon Emperor: Gula

outside the gate of heaven.

hooah hooah!

Accompanied by a burst of dragon cries, countless 228-level anti-sky dragon knights who rode the purple sky-defying demon dragon madly rushed to the gate of heaven.

They are all directed at Long Yu.

In order to ensure that Zhang Yi had enough time to find Long Yu in the Tianmen, Xing Tian and Fatty stood firmly outside the Tianmen, preventing those dragon knights from entering the Tianmen.

The anti-sky dragon knight up to level 228 has outstanding combat power.

However, the ghost swordsman and the adjudicator, the two hidden professionals, joined forces, and it was not easy to mess with.

In addition, there is a fifth-order Dragon Emperor left by Zhang Yi.

Babu was at the forefront, constantly spewing dragon flames from his mouth to burn the anti-sky dragon knight who was trying to approach.

With the super-strong attributes of the 216-level fifth-order signature Dragon Emperor, even a 228-level dragon knight could not resist the dragon flame of the minibus.

A large area of ​​damage as high as 100 billion or so madly swallowed up the anti-sky dragon knights in a large area.

Only this kind of attack can only crippling them, but cannot directly cause fatal damage to them.

After being maimed by the minibus, the dragon knight's goal is still Tianmen.

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​who was stationed outside Tianmen, cooperated with Fatty's group control to kill them one by one outside Tianmen!

It will hold up for a while.

But after a long time, Xingtian and the others could no longer support it.

Even though the minibus had thick blood, under the beating of hundreds of thousands of anti-sky dragon knights, the blood bar also dropped very quickly.

In a short time, the health bar of the minibus gradually dropped to 70%!

On Xingtian's side, in the process of beheading the Heaven-Defying Dragon Knight, he gradually exhausted his physical strength.

Facing such a huge and high-level group target, Fatty's control began to seem powerless.

In all directions, there are still more and more dragon knights approaching!

Seeing two people and one dragon, they were almost unable to hold on.

A sword qi slashed down Xing Tian, ​​who was in front of the three heaven-defying dragons, and contacted Zhang Yi: "How long will it take you there? It's almost impossible to hold it here!"

The voice just fell.

hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by a burst of dragon chirping.

The three-headed first-order Fire Dragon Emperor leaped out of the Tianmen behind Xingtian.

Zhang Yiqi sat on the back of one of the dragons and shouted softly, "Come on!"

The moment he flew out of the gate of heaven, the super divine weapon that Zhang Yi had already prepared in his hands, the trial by fire, burst into flames.

Boom boom boom!

A series of skills evaporated, and various group skills combined with the strengthening of the fire-bathing dragon soul transformed into fire dragons, covering the audience.

A huge amount of damage as high as 160-180 billion devoured the blood bars of the group of sky-defying dragon knights crazily.

At the same time, he sat down and sprayed dragon flames at the same time with the three-headed first-order Fire Dragon King around him, covering the position where Zhang Yi was attacking.

Accompanied by a burst of dragon cries, dozens of anti-sky dragon knights were all killed and fell toward the sea below!

Then, Zhang Yi adjusted his position and jumped onto the back of the minibus.

Summoning a group of beasts, the three little ones each rode a Fire Dragon King.

Zhang Yi and the group of beasts turned into four dragon knights and entered the dragon group.

With super damage.

Everywhere they went, one by one, the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon and Dragon Knight were beheaded!

the sea below.

puff puff~

The corpses of dragon knights and dragons continued to fall and sink into the sea.

Taking this opportunity, Xing Tian and Fatty were relieved.

With Zhang Yi's strength, it was simply too easy to deal with these level 228 monsters.

But the number of enemies is simply too large.

After Zhang Yi killed one batch and another, there was no end.

Moreover, they can obviously sense that Long Yu is on Zhang Yi, so they are all directed at Zhang Yi.

After a while, the skills were empty, and all the skill icons in Zhang Yi's skill list turned into a gray cooldown state.

On the other hand, there were more anti-sky dragon knights chasing after him.

This scene made Zhang Yi frown: "So difficult?"

at this time.

From the Tianmen in the rear, a deep voice suddenly came: "Bring them in."

Zhang Yi, who heard this voice, just hesitated for a moment.

The next moment, riding a minibus, pulled away and entered the Tianmen directly!

As Zhang Yi re-entered the Tianmen, those anti-sky dragon knights also chased in.

And this time, Xing Tian and Fatty didn't stop him, and let them enter the Heaven's Gate.

Zhang Yi, who returned to Tianmen, brought in a large group of Heaven-Defying Demon Dragons and Heaven-Defying Dragon Knights behind him.

Just as hundreds of Heaven-defying Dragon Knights followed Zhang Yi into the Tianmen, the rear Tianmen suddenly closed!

Immediately afterwards, a low voice came from the air: "The future powerhouse of my dark dragon clan, you dare to move and seek death!"

The group of dragon knights seemed to have heard this voice, but it originated from the Hell Dragon King: Gula.

One of the elite-level anti-sky dragon knight captains hurriedly shouted: "Lord Gula, we don't mean to offend, we just came here to find Long Yu! I also hope that Lord Gula will take care of us as members of the dark dragon camp, Forgive our recklessness!"

low voice, mixed

With anger, resounding throughout the valley:

"A group of rubbish with less success than failure, what's the use of you rubbish staying in my dark dragon clan? Let me die for this emperor!"

The voice just fell.

Boom boom boom!

Countless red aurora descended from the sky and fell on the group of sky-defying dragon knights.

With the screams one after another, those anti-sky dragon knights who were hit by the aurora were instantly killed and disappeared into ashes!

In just a blink of an eye, two or three hundred level 228 anti-sky dragon knights were all destroyed, not a single one remained!

This scene shocked Zhang Yi, who was safe and sound at the side.

This hell dragon emperor actually killed people from his own faction!

It turned out that in this field, the Hell Dragon Emperor can not only communicate through the spirit of the Tianmai Bone Dragon, but can even manipulate the field to attack!

At this time, Zhang Yi couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, he pretended to agree to help the Hell Dragon King at the time. Otherwise, he would not only not be able to get the dragon feathers, but he would also be the same as this group of anti-sky dragon knights!

After all, this is in the territory of the Hell Dragon King, and the Hell Dragon King has absolute dominance.

While shocked, Zhang Yi asked Fu Kong, "They are all from the Dark Dragon Clan."

In the air, the low voice of the Hell Dragon Emperor came: "Only you can save this emperor, but they want to kill you."

"They kill you, which is equivalent to killing the emperor, so they deserve to die!"

Zhang Yi did not sympathize with those Dragon Knights.

Instead, he said thoughtfully: "Long Yu's breath is too heavy, and then there may be forces from all sides to snatch it."

The voice of the Hell Dragon Emperor descended from the sky: "Don't worry, this problem will be solved by the Emperor."

After all, bursts of streamer light descended from the sky and fell on the dragon feather that Zhang Yi had just held in his hand.

"Long Yu's breath has been covered up, and they will no longer detect Long Yu's breath."

I have to say, this Hell Dragon Emperor is pretty good to Zhang Yi!

So, Zhang Yi also said politely, "Thank you, Lord Gula."

"You're welcome." Hell Dragon Emperor said: "Go, this Emperor looks forward to your next return as a member of the Dark Dragon camp!"

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