Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1541 Full-level monster, lv255 dark dragon!


With a violent roar, the level 255 dark battle dragon, which had reached the full level, was born!

In the rear, the players from the three major families, the Dragon Clan, the Reviver, the Fengyun, and the three major families quickly prepared for the battle!

A group of knight players raised the shields in their hands, lined up, and arranged defense lines.

A long beep.

The dark battle dragon with black energy all over his body leaped towards this side.

Seeing the dark dragon fly into the effective attack range.

The fat man in the back cast the spell quickly.

Holding the Book of Mantras in his left hand, the palm of his right palm is aimed at the dark battle dragon that leaps at a high speed.


After the spell was condensed, a bunch of golden aurora descended from the sky, hitting the dark battle dragon!

The dark dragon was immobilized, floating in the air and unable to move.

Seeing this scene, the vice captain of the Fengyun family in the front row, the 211-level mage Fengyun changed color and couldn't help but sigh: "The 255-level dragon can control so well!"

I didn't think about it, the voice just fell.

It was almost only controlled for less than half a second before and after, and the dark battle dragon broke out of control and continued to fly over!

The immortal dragon race turned pale in shock: "Brother Fatty's control combined with talent and accompanying skills, don't you have four or five seconds?!"

"Its level is too high." Zhang Yi glanced at the fat man who was only level 212 and said, "The level suppression is too high, and the control effect will be greatly reduced."

At this time, Fatty quickly took over other skills and tried to continue to control the dark dragon.

What I didn't expect was that the dark battle dragon was agile and responsive, and actually dodged Fatty's three control skills one after another!

"Good guy!" Everyone on the field was shocked: "A full-level dragon, is it so powerful?"


With a long cry, the dark dragon leaped over the crowd.

At this time, the resurgence of the situation immediately ordered: "The archer is ready, let go!"

swish swish

On land, countless high-level archer players of the Fengyun family have used purple to orange quality armor-piercing arrows to attack the dark battle dragon.

Countless sharp arrows fell on the dark battle dragon, and it only brought a large amount of damage of hundreds of millions on its head!

This damage is really too low, almost equivalent to mandatory damage without breaking defense!

"You can't even beat the armor-piercing arrows!" Fengyun Tianqi said in astonishment, "This guy has really thick skin!"

The next moment, the dark dragon launched a counterattack.


A black energy wave was ejected from the mouth, like a dead light, bombarding the crowd.

In the line of sight, the players who were swept by the energy wave died under the huge damage of up to 200-300 billion! !

Wherever the energy wave reached, at least hundreds of players of the Fengyun family were instantly blasted to ashes!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Hundreds of white lights shot up into the sky, and in a large area, no grass grew.

"This hurts!!!"

Everyone in the audience was shocked: "It's too exaggerated!"

"Damn! This is a normal monster? This is a hundred-star boss!!"

"This dragon is too fierce!"

At this stage, Rank 8 players around level 210, even well-equipped first-line knights, will only have 100-150 billion blood to die.

There are almost eight or nine billion soldiers.

A profession like a mage shooter only has an average of five or six billion blood.

With such a blood volume, how can it resist the damage of the Dark Battle Dragon as high as 200-300 billion?

As long as they are swept away by the attack of the dark war dragon, no matter who they are, there will only be a fatal end!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In the face of such a powerful enemy, the casualties of the three major clan players broke through four figures in an instant!

As a price, the blood bar of the Dark Battle Dragon only dropped by half under the long-range consumption of the three major land family mage shooters.

This scene shocked Zhang Yi.

Even though he knew that this battle was not easy to fight, he never thought that the lethality of a full-level dragon to players at this stage would be so great!

It's as if at this moment what everyone is facing is not an ordinary dragon, but the hundred-star super boss that someone just said!

Because the level of this dark battle dragon is too high!

Compared with the three major family players, it is more than 40 levels higher! !

At this time, Zhang Yi didn't have time to think too much.

Riding the minibus quickly, he chased the dark battle dragon that was pressing in behind the crowd.

I saw that the dark dragon's mouth was constantly rolling in the energy waves, and the white light came again and again wherever the energy waves went.

It's like a sharp knife cutting a piece of tofu!

Soon, Zhang Yi rode a minibus into the attack range.

In the hands of the asylum judgment, the golden flame is burning.

The gain skills are fully activated, the god-level guardian dragon soul, and the god-level Tyrannosaurus Dragon Soul directly blessing 500 layers.

God-level killing dragon soul 100% armor, combined with god-level second-order fire-bathing dragon soul 110% increased damage.


A golden fireball technique, transformed into a fire dragon, bombarded the dark battle dragon——

-179.8 billion!

Even in the face of a full-level dragon, Zhang Yi's damage is still very sharp.

Because Zhang Yi, who has 100% penetration/piercing armor of the god-level killing dragon soul, no matter what damage he hits on any target, it is equivalent to real damage.

The target's defense power has nothing to do with Zhang Yi.

However, this nearly 180 billion damage is only destroyed by 2% of the blood of the dark dragon!

Even Zhang Yi's damage is painless to the Dark Battle Dragon!

The dark battle dragon attacked by Zhang Yi pulled away and aimed at Zhang Yi and launched an attack!


A dead light blasted towards Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi hurriedly manipulated the minibus to dodge, but he did not expect that the dead light would have the effect of automatic pursuit.

After being evaded by Zhang Yi, Dead Light turned around and hit Zhang Yi from behind!

Under the 90% injury-free protection of the god-level guardian dragon soul, Zhang Yi resolutely jumped up to a damage of 52.4 billion on the top of his head!

A total of more than 110 billion blood bars were directly killed by half!

Because the level of this black dragon is too high, extremely high, etc.

The level suppression caused the damage of the black dragon, which had a bruising effect on Zhang Yi, which reduced the damage reduction effect of the guardian dragon soul a lot!

Zhang Yi hurriedly used the ice dragon soul combined with the freezing technique to freeze the black dragon.

Taking this opportunity, the mage shooters of the three major families on land caused a wave of focused fire at the frozen black dragon.

A wave of strong consumption, the blood volume of the black dragon was hit from 45% to 32%!

However, in just half a second, the Dark Battle Dragon recovered from the original 3-second frozen control state.

Boom boom boom!

One after another energy balls bombarded the ground frantically, and hundreds of players in several areas were killed one after another!

The heavy casualties made Zhang Yi's killing intent wild.

Gather the dragon group and the Warcraft group, lock the dark dragon, and launch a strong attack!

In cooperation with the attacks of the three major clan players on the land, this dark battle dragon was finally killed!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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