Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1554 This damn sense of security

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless flying arrows fell from the sky and landed on the dark dragons around the light curtain.

The super high damage from the 250-level six-star ghost king forced these 255-level dark battle dragons, who were affected by Fulongyin's tenfold injury, to be completely unstoppable!

Several rounds of arrows rained down.

A large area around the light curtain was emptied for sleep!

Hundreds of dark war dragons were all killed by Luo Jia in an instant!

The next moment, players from the three major families followed the light curtain and swarmed out!

see this scene.

The audience in Zhang Yi's live broadcast room were all stunned.

"Why does the ghost king help the player?"

"Could this be a ghost king who has a grudge against the dark dragon clan?"

"But even so, it shouldn't join forces with the players to deal with the dark dragons, right?"

"No matter how many he is, it is right that this ghost king is an ally! Wori, its damage is really high, and it is worthy of being a six-star ghost king!!"

"Good guy, even the ghost clan reinforcements are invited to move, this battle is not guaranteed to win?"

"Yinuo Qingcheng's identity is really becoming more and more a mystery."

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room was talking about it.

On the field, after the resurrection, the Fengyun family, and even many people from the dragon family came out of the dark imperial capital, the first reaction to seeing the ghost family was stunned.

Because Zhang Yi did not inform them in advance, this time the battle will be aided by ghosts.

Zhang Yi knew that not only would no one believe this kind of thing, but it would cause panic and was meaningless.

And the ghost king Luojia also directly proved to the three major families with his actions: he is an ally!

I saw that the ghost king Lorgar and his demon army of monsters were attacking the knights and dragons of the dark dragon family.

The players from the three major families who had just escaped from the dark imperial capital couldn't take care of that much for a while.

Directly unite with the ghost clan and jointly fight against the dark dragon clan!

It didn't take long for the people of the three major families to withdraw from the dark imperial capital, but not all of them were withdrawn.

It is estimated that two-thirds of the people came out, and one-third of them were petrified by the source of darkness before they had time.

The people who came out, with the assistance of the ghost clan, launched a comprehensive counterattack.

Soon, the power of the dark dragons outside the dark imperial capital will be eradicated!

until the surroundings return to calm.

Zhang Yi rode a minibus from the sky, jumped off the dragon's back, and walked to the ghost king Luo Jia.

Said to Lorgar: "Thank you for your assistance."

A pair of sharp eyes glowing with ice blue cold light, stared straight at the light curtain in front of him.

The ghost king Luo Jia, who rode on the skeleton warhorse, asked Zhang Yi in a very low voice: "The person who threatened you to join the dark dragon clan is here?"

Zhang Yi nodded and said, "Here is the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno, who was sent by the Hell Dragon Emperor Gula to kill me."

Hearing this, Luo Jia raised the bow and arrow in his hand and said, "Don't worry, this king is here to keep you from dying."

Saying that, Luo Jia pointed to the light curtain.

The next moment, in all directions, countless ghost beasts approached the light curtain one after another!

This powerful six-star ghost king aura made the audience in Zhang Yi's live broadcast room simply love it and hate it!

"I'm going, what's going on? I actually have a crush on a ghost king!"

"This damn sense of security!"

"It turns out that when the ghost king helps our players fight against the dark dragons together, he can be so handsome! This ghost king is so handsome, he is the ghost of my dreams!!"

"You upstairs are really serious! Don't forget how the ghosts invaded us during the Ghost Festival!"

"But at least this moment, this ghost king is an ally of our human race!"

This time, with the participation of the ghost clan, Zhang Yi's popularity in the live broadcast room is even higher than before!

Because throughout the audience, only Zhang Yi dared to speak to the ghost king Luo Jia.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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Moreover, the ghost king Luo Jia actually promised to protect Zhang Yi!

The mount is the Dragon King, the identity is the hidden professional of the dragon family, the bloodline is the bloodline of the dragon family, and the monster is a god-level ghost monster. Now even the dignified six-star ghost king of the ghost family has come to escort Zhang Yi in person!

No one would think about "Zhang Yi joined the ghost clan".

In their opinion: Zhang Yi's identity and courage have reached the point where both the bright dragon clan and the ghost clan surrender to him!

Keep looking at the field.

The battle continued and began to deepen.

Several assassins from the Fengyun family entered the light curtain and came out immediately after bringing the news that the "source of darkness" had retreated.

The three major families and the ghost clan have begun to march into the dark imperial capital once again!

After passing through the light curtain and entering the Dragon Domain.

What comes into view are stone statues.

These stone statues, in various poses and expressions, all have a common feature, that is, facing the light curtain, maintaining a running posture.

Some were only one step away from the exit, and they were caught up with petrification by the source of darkness. It is conceivable how desperate they were at that time.

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of thousands of stone statues nearby!

All are players of the three major families.

If it wasn't for the support of the ghost king Luo Jia just now, I'm afraid that all the three major families will be petrified inside, and none of them can escape!

The remaining players of the three major families who survived the disaster walked through the stone statues with a heavy heart.

At this time, Yiqi Juechen asked Zhang Yi, "Is there no other way to get rid of the petrified state other than waiting for 12 hours?"

"There is another kind." Zhang Yi said: "Kill Iguno, destroy the source of the source of darkness, and the petrification will be automatically released."

But by this means, it is meaningless.

Because if Iguno is already dead, they can't help the petrification.

Therefore, the next battle can only be solved by the remaining people of the three major families, as well as the ghost king Luo Jia.

The three major families quickly passed through the seven city walls that had been breached before.

Soon, millions of soldiers will come under the dark imperial city!

in sight.

A huge and magnificent dragon city stands in the darkness.

In all directions, the dark aura lingers, and lightning flashes and thunders in the air, adding a touch of majesty to this city!

Many players in the live broadcast room saw the main city of the Dragon Clan for the first time, and they were excited to get out of the screen and reach out to touch the Dark Empire.

"The last battle, brothers!" Fengyun Rerise turned around and shouted to the players of the Fengyun family: "In this battle, you will never die!"

Look at the dark capital.


The deafening dragon roar resounded through the sky.

Obviously, the Dragon Sovereigns stationed in the dark imperial capital also sensed the arrival of the enemy.

A deep and low voice came from within the capital—

"Humans, you are finally here!"

"Welcome to the baptism of darkness!"

This opening remark is exactly the same as what Zhang Yi heard when he faced the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno for the first time in the previous life!

Boom boom.

In the dim sky, the situation changed suddenly, and the thunder and lightning alternated.

In a continuous sound of dragon chirping.

I saw that over the dark imperial city, several super dragon emperors with lightning, leading the army of dark dragons, swept over the sky and covered the earth!

Outside the city, on the land, the three major clan players picked up guys one after another.

hoo hoo hoo!

The top giant beasts, the Emperor Tiger, the Storm Demon Ape, and the Void Firebird kept roaring provocatively.


Following the orders of the leaders of the three major families.

The army of one million rushed to the dark imperial capital with a magnificent momentum

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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