With the end of the battle, Zhang Yi also disappeared inexplicably.

And no matter who sent a message in the past, there was no response!

Just when everyone didn't know where Zhang Yi went.

The ground suddenly trembled violently!

At the same time, a system prompt fell from the sky.

Map announcement: "Ding~ Attention to all players on the map of the Dark Empire: Due to the death of the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno and the loss of energy spar in the Dark Empire, the Dark Empire has entered a state of exhaustion and is about to collapse, please evacuate the darkness as soon as possible. Imperial City!"

Hear this tip.

Yiqi Juechen said to the immortal dragon clan and them: "You take the people outside to evacuate first, and I will go to Zhang Yi."

The immortal dragon clan said resolutely: "No, I want to stay and find the boss with you!"

"Come on!" Yiqi Juechen said, "Don't make a mistake at this time."

The dragon clan immortal gritted their teeth, and they followed Long Xingtian and they first withdrew from the dark imperial capital.

When I came to the outside of the Dark Imperial City, I discovered that it was not just the Dark Imperial City that was about to collapse.

But the entire domain belonging to the Dark Empire, that is, the entire Dark Dragon Domain!

Outside the dark imperial city, the ground was shaking violently.

And there were lightning and thunder in the air, and huge fireballs fell from the sky and began to fall on the ground in a messy manner.


A loud bang.

The city wall with a height of tens of meters, after losing the protection of the energy spar, instantly became fragile and was directly knocked down by a big fireball!

Outside the city, the remaining hundreds of thousands of players from the three major families were unfortunately hit by fireballs, and were instantly turned into white light by seconds on the spot!

Seeing that if you don't leave quickly, the loss will become more and more heavy.

The immortal dragon race and the dragon traveled the world, who had just rushed out of the imperial capital, hurriedly shouted: "Brothers, withdraw!"


People pass ten at a time, and ten pass at a hundred.

Soon, all the three major families received the order to retreat and ran towards the exit.

In the Dark Imperial City, Yiqi Juechen, Xingtian, and Yi Ye Guzhou were all searching for Zhang Yi in the huge city!

Because they had watched Zhang Yi and the ghost king Luo Jia chase the dark dragon emperor Iguno into the dark imperial capital with their own eyes.

However, as soon as the announcement that Iguno was killed came out, Zhang Yi and Luo Jia were not seen from the beginning to the end.

The entire Dark Empire map prohibits the use of teleportation scrolls. Obviously, Zhang Yi has not left here.

There is a possibility that Zhang Yi was bound by some kind of secret technique before he was killed by the Dark Dragon Emperor.

Or there is another possibility that he was attacked by the ghost king Luo Jia and killed by Luo Jia!

If this is the case, no matter what the possibility is, Zhang Yi's situation is very dangerous.

They must find Zhang Yi before the map completely collapses!

On the other side, the three major family players followed the light curtain one after another and left the Dragon Domain.

Returning to the barren city when he first entered the dark imperial capital.

The ground finally stopped shaking.

Everyone who successfully escaped the disaster could not help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It's so dangerous, I was almost buried!"

At this time, the immortal dragon clan and the dragon travel the world, they were stationed next to the magic circle that bloomed with a white light curtain, that is, the entrance of the dark imperial capital, and they were extremely anxious.

"The boss hasn't replied to my message yet, have you replied back?"

"No." Long Xingtian frowned as he looked at the immortality of the dragon clan, "Nothing really happened to the boss, right?"

I don't know if I want to comfort others, or I want to comfort myself.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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King Glory shouted: "Brother Cheng will not have an accident! Brother Cheng must come out well!"

Just finished speaking.


The white light curtain suddenly began to flicker as if it had no energy.

Seeing this, Fengyun frowned again, and said solemnly: "This entrance looks like it will be closed soon!"

"What to do, boss and they haven't come out yet!"

While talking.

Brush brush!

Three figures emerged from the light curtain.

Almost in the next second, the white light curtain in front of everyone completely disappeared!

Only Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen and Yiye Guzhou were the three people who saw it.

Immortal Dragon Clan asked in surprise, "Where's the boss? Didn't you find the boss?"

All three frowned.

Yiqi Juechen shook his head: "No."

"It's very possible that he has come out?" The voice of the original girl just fell.

On the side, the words of the scavenger made everyone on the field suddenly shocked:

"The captain's id has turned gray!"

Hearing that, people who have Zhang Yi's friends open their friends list one after another.

I really saw: Zhang Yi's id color has turned gray!

Even this, not even the Dragon Clan Immortal and Dragon Xingxia, who sent Zhang Yi a message before, didn't notice it!

Normally, player IDs are all white.

And if it is a permanently dead player, it will be a black id in the list of other players.

For the concept of gray id, in fact, everyone understands.

It's just that no one wants to believe it.

The inextinguishable dragon asked tremblingly, "What does the gray gray id mean?"

"The state of waiting to die." Xing Tian said: "People who are already dead, but not completely dead, will appear in this state."

I remember that everyone's first understanding of this state came from Zhang Yi.

That was the first time when facing the invasion of the ghost clan, someone was unfortunately killed by the ghost clan, and the state that appeared before the resurrection.

At that time, Zhang Yi explained to others: This state is called the state of waiting to die.

If this state is not changed within 24 hours, it will become a permanent state of death!

"In other words, the boss was really killed by that ghost king." Knowing the news, Long Xingtian suddenly took two steps back, only to feel that his head was blank, he couldn't believe it at all, it was true.

Ye Jintianming said suspiciously: "Isn't that guy the reinforcement our captain invited? Why did he suddenly kill the captain?"

"It's also possible that it just wanted to use Zhang Yi to deal with the Dark Dragon Emperor."

At this time, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "The energy spar of the Dark Imperial Capital, and the dragon crystal on the Dark Dragon Emperor's body are all gone. If there is no accident, it should be taken away by it."


King Glory suddenly rushed to the side of the formation, stamping the formation desperately with his feet: "Brother Cheng won't die, I'm going down to save Brother Cheng!"

Yiqi Juechen also said: "The top priority is to rescue him within 24 hours."

"Otherwise, once 24 hours have passed, the Life Orb will fail, and he will be helpless."

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell, everyone began to think of ways to open the magic circle and re-enter the dark imperial capital.

at the same time.

In an unknown field, Zhang Yi recovered from a dizzy state.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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