At this moment, I learned that Zhang Yi was the one who defeated the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno and brought help to the entire Bright Dragon Clan.

In Jon's eyes, there was a little more admiration for Zhang Yi!

He suddenly said excitedly: "I will enter the realm of the gods and rescue the heroes of our Bright Dragon Clan!"

As soon as the voice fell, Viyana on the side said: "Forget it, you can't enter God's Domain."

"Uh" Jon almost didn't correct his identity. After Weiana's reminder, he remembered that he is not even a member of the dragon camp, and is indeed not qualified to enter the realm of the gods.

After a pause, Viana continued: "Whether he can get out of the realm of the gods, he can only rely on himself. No one of us can help him with this."

"But this can't help, we can help him do something else." Viana said: "Zhang Yi entrusted me to help him kill the ghost king, Luo Jia."

"Okay!" Jon continued Weiana's words and said, "Then let's get rid of the ghost king before Zhang Yi leaves!"

In the voice of the speech, Yi Ye Guzhou looked at the corpses of the sky leopard all around, and said with some worry: "These corpses will be transformed into ghost servants within 24 hours, what should I do?"

"It's simple!" The situation on the side revived and said: "It's a fire. In the previous horror movies, in order to prevent the corpse from turning into a zombie, it was all necessary to burn the corpse in advance."

The voice just fell, but Jon vetoed: "Ordinary fire, useless."

"Then what kind of fire is useful?" Yi Ye Guzhou and Feng Yun Qi Qi said in unison.

Jon looked at the corpses around him and said, "Dragon Flame."

next moment.

Behind him, the sixth-order dawn dragon emperor: Yuan suddenly opened his bloody mouth.

With a fierce roar of "roar", a hot flame spewed out of his mouth, instantly engulfing all the corpses of the sky-high leopards around!

These monster corpses, which have been rendered by the dark power of the ghost race, melted immediately after being burned by the dragon flames!

In an instant, all the corpses turned to ashes.

At the end of the process, Viana said: "I just saw these corpses are very fresh, it should have just died, and the ghost king should have just left here."

"Let's go and search nearby, it shouldn't have run far."

So the crowd split into two.

Under the leadership of Dragon Warrior Jon and Dragon Soul Master Weiana, after leaving the Sky Forest, they left in two different directions.

With the current strength of Jon and Viana, no matter who encounters the ghost king Luo Jia, he can defeat Luo Jia.

After all, although Luo Jia is a 250-level six-star ghost king, he is very powerful.

But as Jon, who is a 255-level god-level dragon fighting Yuye, and a god-level dragon soul master, Viyana, their strength, plus the fact that they have a full-level sixth-order dragon emperor under each seat, is not inferior to a six-star Ghost King!

It's easy to get hold of Lorgar.

However, as everyone knows.

Just when their front feet just left the sky forest.

On the back foot, in the sky forest, a purple crack tore open, and the ghost king Luojia in black armor came out of the crack!

He looked up at the giant dragon receding in the sky, and then looked at the ashes on the ground around him.

The ghost king Luo Jia couldn't help but clenched his fists, and there was a trace of hatred in the sharp eyes that exuded ice-blue cold light: "You lie too much to ghosts, then don't blame the ghost king, his subordinates are ruthless!"

Saying that, Roja raised his hands.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law


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I saw two hands, one holding a spar that radiated blue light and overflowed with energy.

The other hand held a purple crystal that seemed to contain endless power.

Of these two crystals, one of them is the seventh-order dragon crystal in the body of the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno.

The other one is the energy spar of the Dark Empire!

Holding these two crystal stones with huge energy in their hands, the ghost king Luo Jia said in a deep voice: "It has been dusty for thousands of years, the ghost clan, it is time to revive!"

"When my ghost clan recovers, the entire Apocalypse Continent will become the land of ghost clan!"

"Darkness is coming, are you ready for death? Giggle"

After saying that, Luo Jia followed a crack that opened behind him and walked in.

Along with the crack, it disappeared.

the other side.

After searching for a long time in the vicinity of the sky forest, there was no result.

Wei Yana and the crowd of Jon, returned to the sky forest to meet again.

"This guy is too cunning!" Jon gritted his teeth and said, "It hides the ghost clan's aura, and I can't sense its aura."

Taking Jon's words, Viana frowned and said worriedly: "The ghost family has always been haunted, it knows we are looking for it, as long as it deliberately wants to hide, it is very difficult for us to find it."

Hearing this, Yi Ye Guzhou on the side said thoughtfully: "If we can't find it, unless we can find a way to lure it out?"

"However, what method can be used to lure the ghost king?" Everyone was confused again because of this question.

At this time, Jon suddenly remembered: "You said before that this ghost king stole the seventh-order dragon crystal of the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno, and the energy spar of the main city of the Dark Imperial Capital?"

"Yes." Yiqi Juechen replied, "I just don't know, what's the use of taking these two things away."

"The effect of these two things is too great!"

Jon seems to be a person who has come here and said very well: "The seventh-order dragon crystal contains extremely great energy and has a very wide range of effects."

"Used to forge weapons, you can get a heaven and earth magic weapon that can open up the world and kill gods and demons." Looking at the black epee in his hand, Jon continued: "Used to forge armor, it can make the wearer invulnerable to swords and fire, water and fire. ."

"Or directly use the human body to absorb all the energy of the entire dragon crystal, and you can get a huge energy and the strength will soar!"

"As for the energy spar of the main city, if it is the spar of the seventh-order dragon emperor's residence, the energy it contains is also very large, and it can support the operation of an ordinary main city for thousands of years! It can even compete with the power of the main god. !"

I heard Jon say that.

Yiqi Juechen was shocked: "So what it will do next is to absorb the power of the seventh-order dragon crystal, and then use that energy spar to destroy the Dawn City, the main city of the ghost clan. seal, release the ghost clan?"

As we all know: the ghosts were sealed by the main god a thousand years ago.

In the surrounding area of ​​every player's main city in the Apocalypse World, there is a sealed ghost clan main city buried there!

Under normal circumstances, every ghost festival, when the power of the seal is weakened, some ghost monsters will come out and attack the player's main city.

According to what Jon said, if the ghost king Luo Jia opens the seal of the ghost clan's main city in advance, all the ghost clan members will be released.

That's the end of it

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

The best free king

I'm not a genius

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding dots

Temple of Heaven

Northern King's Sword

mad dragon son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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