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Chapter 1583 Loga's Conspiracy

inside the tower.

Jon and Viana, as well as the dragon race, came in after the ghost king and the hell ghost snake.

What caught my eye was a huge dark altar!

And the hell ghost snake, Higliel, was bound in the center of this altar by four huge chains!

The ghost king Luo Jia is standing beside it.

The powerful power of the 255-level seven-star ghost pet has been completely imprisoned by the four chains that run through its body, and it cannot be exerted at all.

So obviously: the original purpose of the ghost king Loga should be to use the corpses of those humans to restore the power to Siglier.

After its power is completely restored, it can break through the shackles here, leave the ghost underworld, go with it to the main city of the ghost clan, lift the seal, and release the ghost clan!

I just didn't expect that its plan had been seen through by Jon and the others!

At this time, Jon raised his long sword, pointed at Siglier, the hell ghost snake, and the ghost king Loga, and said, "You two, who will die first?"

After hesitating, Jon's sword pointed at the ghost snake: "You are ugly, you should die first."

After that, Jon rode the Dawning Dragon Emperor and rushed to the hell ghost snake!

On the other hand, Viana joined Xingtian, riding Juechen and the others, targeting the ghost king Luojia.


The Hell Ghost Snake and the Dawning Dragon Emperor spit out aurora and dragon flames from their mouths at the same time. The two forces merged together and burst into a strong light, which was comparable.

At this time, Jon, who was riding on the back of the dragon, also started.


The long sword was swung, and a sword light was released from a long distance, accurately hitting the hell ghost snake that was spraying against the Dawn Dragon Emperor.

With a roar of "roar", the hell ghost snake fell to the ground and wailed.

Sealed by the Lord God for thousands of years, and still bound by four chains containing divine power, Siglier, the hell ghost snake, even if it is a seven-star ghost pet, can't exert its true power at all.

Now it is completely vulnerable!

At the same time, the battle on the other side was unexpectedly easy.

Wei Yana and Xingtian, riding Juechen and them, defeated the Ghost King Luojia in three or two strokes!

With a sword from Xing Tian's hand, it pierced Luo Jia's chest.

Immediately, Luo Jia's body turned into a little starlight and disappeared!

It was only at this point that Weiana suddenly realized: "Is this a clone?!"

"No, we've been tricked!"

"Get out of here!"

Saying that, Viana ran to the exit of the tower, but watched the exit closed and couldn't be opened!

Behind him, the hundreds of dragon players who followed along were all surprised.

"What's the matter? Can't get out?"

At this time, Jon also suddenly understood, looked around, and sighed: "So, this is the ghost world created by that guy!"

"From the beginning, it used a clone to deliberately lure us into this place. The purpose was to trap us here?"

Ghost clan, every high-star ghost king can create ghost world.

In the ghost world, the power of the ghost king will increase greatly.

Or, you can also use the ghost world to confuse the enemy.

With that said, Jon looked at Siglier, the hell ghost snake struggling on the ground, and said thoughtfully, "So, even you are just a bait?"

"Forget it, since your master is so willing to sacrifice your life, then you can replace him and go down to explore the way first!"

With that said, Jon jumped off the dragon's back.

With a loud shout, the long sword held high in both hands suddenly glowed with a fiery red light.

The moment he jumped straight to the hell ghost snake, the giant sword in Jon's hand, "puchi", suddenly stabbed into the giant snake.

A hysterical roar came from the mouth of the giant snake.

At the same time, the Dawn Dragon Emperor: Yuan, who was above his head, also sprayed hot dragon flames from his mouth, engulfing the hell ghost snake and Jon.

Of course, Jon, the master, was not hurt by the dragon flames.

For a moment, the dragon flame stopped.

On the ground, only the motionless corpse of the hell ghost snake remained.

Jon pulled the blade out of the Hell Snake.

He pulled away and walked to Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others, and joined with Viyana who was returning from the exit on the other side.

At this time, Viyana shook her head and said sadly: "This tower has been sealed by the ghost world of the ghost king, and the power of this ghost world is very strong, the ghost king should spend a lot of thought on this ghost world. , I'm afraid we won't be able to get out for a while."

Jon said angrily: "Hey, blame me! I was careless, I thought that even if it was a trap, it just wanted to lure us into this tower so that it would be easier to deal with us. I didn't expect that its purpose was just to use this tower to trap us. Stay with us!"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen said thoughtfully: "So, from the very beginning, the ghost king has been planning to lure us here?"

This sentence is terrifying.

The indestructible dragon clan said inconceivably: "It has long expected that we will come to the ghost underworld to find it and the hell ghost snake, so the ghost world was set up here in advance, and just now, it used the clone to lure us into the ghost world. We're stuck here!"

"But what is it for?"

The dragon clan is immortal and puzzled: "The only one who can lift the seal of the ghost clan's main city

The seven-star ghost pet is dead, what is it for trapping us here? "

Everyone fell into silence, and no one knew what the ghost king Luo Jia was going to do next.

"Damn it!" At this moment, Viana seemed to wake up suddenly, and said stunned: "It's hitting the east and the west!"

"Deliberately created the illusion of rescuing Siglier, let us think that its purpose is to rescue Siglier, using the power of the seven-star ghost pet to activate the energy spar of the dark imperial capital to release the ghost clan."

"And its real purpose is just to trap us here, so that we have no chance to stop it from devouring the seventh-order dragon crystal and evolving into a seven-star ghost king!"

The crowd was astonished.

At this moment, a ring worn on Jon's left middle finger suddenly flashed with bursts of red light.

See this scenario.

Jon was shocked: "It's true, you really guessed it right!"

"That guy is sucking dragon crystals!"

Because Jon can control the position of the dragon crystal at any time, he never worries that the ghost king will use the dragon crystal, because he can stop the ghost king at any time according to the position of the dragon crystal after it is activated.

But now, they are trapped in the ghost underworld.

There is no one who can stop the ghost king Luo Jia from swallowing the dragon crystal and evolve into a seven-star ghost king!

Realizing this, Jon hurriedly ordered the Dawning Dragon Emperor under his seat to spray dragon flames and burn the exit covered by the ghost world to reduce the power of the ghost world.

"We must get out quickly, we must not let it evolve successfully!"

at the same time.

The world outside the ghost underworld.

Human race, within Dawn City.

It was seven in the morning.

In the originally clear sky, without warning, suddenly the situation changed suddenly, thunder and lightning!

It seems that something big is about to happen.

Inside and outside the city, countless players fell into inexplicable panic!

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